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Coaster Marathons

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I will start off. About 2 years ago,the local Fox channel did a series of reports entitled "The Need For Speed". Each day,the report included some of the best coasters in the area. One of the reports was about SRoS at SFA. So,about 30 people got up and went to SFA at 6:00 A.M.,on a Wednesday morning,and we were riding SRoS from 6:30-9:00 a.m. That was at least 2 hours and 31 laps. At least,they let us change seats. I even got interviewed by the reporter. When I got home,my mom said to me"You need to find a better hobby!" Like,I'M GOING TO DO THAT!! HA!HA!. Tell me your story, Take care SES

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I'm not known for doing a lot of "marathon" riding, but I did once ride the Waterville Cannonball something like 50 times.


Other than that, if I take 10 laps on a coaster in a day, that's a lot for me!


--Robb "Usually 2 or 3 rides on even my favorite coasters will give me my fill" Alvey

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12 straight rides on Millennium Force in torrential rain, why - there was no line and not much else was running.


10 straight rides on SROS at SFNE, could have kept going all week but I had to leave.


10 straight on top thrill dragster, xcellerator, and ghostrider because there was no line.


They are probably my best marathons, I get a bit bored after 10.

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well, its a long story...but i will tell you! Anyways... my dad is a sound engineer and does concerts and sets up speakers and all that stuff so he had a job a Playland Park in Rye, NY... well he had to go there to set up for and afternoon show...so of course i go. well anyways i got to go on the test runs of every attraction and they tested each ride seperetley so i went on about 100 rides within 2 hrs.....and i got to choose from any seat i wanted to go in and found the backseat is the best seat for the Dragon and that facing the water on Double Shot is best!

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40 on Viper at Six flags Great Adventure when it was running.

37 On Hydra The Revenge.

34 on Talon: The Grip of fear.

28+ (lost count) Nitro employee ride night and BBQ! in station, we also had a furry little critter , a racoon come up and say hi! he ended up chewing a hole in Seat 4 Row 9 B train. The ride night lasted from after we cleaned up the que and stopped at 10:45 then it lasted till 2:00AM! I think I got about 50+ rides on it I just don't know cause I lost count. Oh and my prided big coaster count marathon riding was Wicked Twister CP, at a whopping! *drum roll* 60 times! I rode each seat LMAO!.

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well anyways i got to go on the test runs of every attraction and they tested each ride seperetley so i went on about 100 rides within 2 hrs


umm how the hell did you get 100 rides in within 2 hours. That would be about 1 min per ride. It takes about 3-4 mins to dispatch in the first place plus the actaull ride. I could see maybe 25-30, but not 100.

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I was one of eight people that survived GASM at SFoG for 367 laps over 30 hours in June of 2003. We did a grand total of 248 miles during the 30 hours that we were on it. I stayed in the same front row seat the whole time except for the five minute breaks we had at the top of each hour and the 30 minutes for lunch and dinner. We even got to ride for a few hours in the rain early Saturday morning. It was one of the wildest things I have ever done. Painful and fun all at the same time.

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My greatest accomplishment was rideing Acrophobia at SFoG 78 times in one day during regular park operation. During the last Ace event at Visionland I rode rampage 60 times nonstop! I did the same with V2 in Chicago during Coaster Con XXVIII only 30 times. I could have ridden either all night! It doesn't sound impressive but I rode Thunderhead 10 times in an hour. You have to walk around the que line every cycle.

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