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Maelstrom™ Ride @ EPCOT™

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It's a good ride. It's air-conditioned. Best seates are the front row or back row. In the back row, the part where you might go over the edge is sort of thrilling. In the front row, the drop backwards can be a suprise if you are not expecting it. Overall, it's a god ride especialy on hot days.

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Cool, Well it looks kind of fun, from the preview on DW.com.

Is it like a story ride or a rollercoaster?


Its like a story ride through Norwegian folklore than involves several water drops. Its definitely not a coaster though. Its a lot like Pirates of the Carribean in that sense. You're in a big boat and ride around on water.

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I'd say it's a great ride. I mean, it's not anything too thrilling if that's what you're looking for.. It's not a major thrill ride, more like a heavily themed boat tour with a little backwards motion and a tiny tiny tiny drop..but I can guarantee that almost anything at Disney World, whether it's exciting or not, will be a really fun overall experience..

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The Historical Triv on this attraction is basically - its's the first log flume ride to go backwards, back when it was built.


That's what it's about, to me, about Maelstrom. That and a nice quick fun ride thru somewhat ambiguous history of Norway. The five minute film is nice too, for a first-time. But, once you've seen it, that's that.


Do they allow at all any bypassing nowadays thru the movie theatre? I had heard that they didn't allow it at one time, then did, and then...?


***By the way - if you want a good film experience in World Showcase, France is hard to beat with extra-comfy seats, a great soundtrack and sound system, and almost-Soarin' filmwork thru the French countryside.


Still, one of WS better attraction pavillions. IMhO


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Yeah, Maelstrom is one weird acid trip. Nordic gods, random vikings, attacking trolls, a polar bear, some puffins, another bunch of trolls, oil derrick, village. Looking back at Robb and Elissa's trip to Norway last year, I didn't recall seeing any of those things, but maybe they just missed them. Hopefully we'll get to see them on our next visit! One thing Maelstrom does have in its favor, its a ride, something the World Showcase portion of Epcot is lacking. Plus its always fun to try to run thru the theater before the show starts


And yes, the French movie is actually pretty good, with nice seats, AC, nice music, and a pretty picture. China has a nice picture too, but you have to stand

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I rode Maelstrom in July 2002 and was actually disappointed. Many times I heard about the "backwards drop" and looked forward to it. That drop was not any more exciting than rolling backwards down a long driveway---and not a very steep one at that.


But it is a nicely themed ride and was fun otherwise.



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Its a very short, non-thrilling ride, but there is something about Maelstrom that I love. Its a huge guilty pleasure for me. Of course, I skip the movie though!


Speaking of movies, never seen China or France, but I enjoy the Canada movie along with that super cheesy song at the end of it!

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I like the ride but I think it's too short of a ride and you go through the ride so fast it's hard to see much (like at the beginning when you pass by the viking boats).


I also don't like how they have that film at the end of the ride. You have to wait until the film is over to get into the room and while you are waiting, the waiting area for the film gets very crowded and cramped. They should provide an alternate exit since when the doors open to the theater, 90%+ of the people just walk through to the exit and don't watch the film anyway,

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^^ oh dear....Isn't that cheesy song you refer to Canada'a national anthem?, O, Canada?



I think its called "You're a lifetime Journey."


Its the song where the guy sings in english and the lady in french. I think its hilariosuly bad.


Disney Guilty Pleasure - I have the (gasp) 33-1/3 LP record album of The EPCOT Soundtrack (at the time - circa.1987) with that cheesy little number on it - national anthem indeed, Erik! (::P) The whole album is pretty bizarre, with songs for The Land Pavillion, Imagination, Energy, and a few of the countries w/'theme songs' to them, like (gulp) Ca-na-da, hee hee hee.


But - there is the original song to the Land's infamous animatronic Food Show there, back then - "Veggie Fruit Fruit"!!! - before "Food Rocks," LOLOL.


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I love this ride!!!!


I can receit the whole narration and everything!!! The ride seemed a lot bigger when I was crying down the drop opening year, but now that it's smaller it's still awesome.


Plus lately it seems like they just let you run through the movie without having to wait for the doors to open which is a big plus!

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I always ride this at Epcot, it's one of the rides that I look forward too. I remember when I was younger I used to be terrified of it...especially the backwards drop. (which isn't amazing by todays standards). Now I embrace it, and after a long day of walking and waiting in lines in hot weather, it's a good ride to just sit back and relax on.


Can you say Air-Conditioning??

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