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Theme Park Review Needs YOU!!!!

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Hey everyone,


In case you haven't noticed, over the past 4 months we have been converting our Park Photo Index pages over to a new more organized format. We've got quite a bit done, but we've still got a ways to go.


We'd really like to get this project done ASAP, but at the moment Elissa and I have been totally swamped due to our "real" jobs and other commitments.


If you are skilled in Front Page (our top secret high-tech awesome web editing tool) and have some free time please PM me and let me know.


And if you would like to know what we are working on, click this link:



And check out some of the newer "Photo Gallery" pages. We have everything through letter "F" pretty much done, and quite a few others scattered throughout the index, but it gives you a good idea of what we're doing.


Again, thanks to everyone for their help!



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I think it's probably best if you've used Front Page before. There's a lot of "little" things you need to know in order to do this. While it's not terribly complicated there are certain things that are more difficult to "train" and just come with experience.


BTW, if you've had experience using other HTML editors that will be helpful too.



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I'm new to TPR, but I have three years of Graphic Design classes under my belt, and with that came a lot of experience in Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive.


If you need any help, I love this web site to death, and would love to do what I can for it. If that entails any Graphic work, or HTML work, I'd love to help out.


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I would love to be able to use a different program, but unfortunatley, that would require me to learn a different program, and result IMO in taking up more of my time.


Those who have PMed me saying they can help, I have responded already and I really do appreciate the volunteer!


I wish I could use something else, and I agree that FP isn't really the best program, but aside from the forums, when the site is basically just text and photos, I don't see the need to use anything else.


Keep in mind that between editing videos, shipping DVDs, working in Photoshop, organizing group trips, working on the server, keeping the forums thriving, and not to mention my REAL job, which is a 60+ hour a week task, there's not much time for me to learn a new web design tool.


What you guys seen on your screen is only a small percentage of what goes on "behind the scenes" keeping the site going!


Heck, I'm still using Adobe Premiere 6.5 and having upgraded to PRO for the same reasons!



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I would love to be able to use a different program, but unfortunatley, that would require me to learn a different program, and result IMO in taking up more of my time.


Whatever works for you. No problem using FP if it's what you're used to.


Personally I use Dreamweaver, though it's really just a glorified text editor. I rarely use the visual features.


It would seem to me that this task could probably be done in just about any text editor. Assuming the person knows HTML they shouldn't have any problems.

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^ Quite honestly, I don't believe it making it "super" to satisfy the ages. We seem to do quite well sticking with "simplicity." Take a look at the world's most popular website: www.google.com


You're not presented with any "flashy" pictures, frames upon frames, or a mess of tables.


The goal of this site is to get where you want to go within three clicks.


For example.....


"I want to see photos of Bon Bon Land's Dog Fart Coaster"


Click one - "Park Photos"

Click two - "Bon Bon Land"

Click three - "Dog Fart Coaster"


I just don't see what the benefit of building a huge database brings to Theme Park Review.


Our site is NOT RCDB.com, nor do we ever plan to have it be. That's the place you go to get a database of roller coaster information. TPR is about commentary, photos, videos, discussion, and a sense of community.


I just want to have all the information better organized, but I'm not yet convinced a database is the way to go or a graphically intense site.


In the future, if a database driven site ends up being the way to go, we'll make that change. But as of right now, the site is the most popular it's ever been, and I believe it's largely due to the simple design.


--Robb "I'm all about things being simple and easy to use and understand." Alvey

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Remember that Dreamweaver is also fairly expensive (something like $400), and for Robb who I'm pretty sure doesn't do anything else web-design wise, it really doesn't offer much that justify's dropping Front Page, buying Dreamweaver and learning a new program. Front Page executes just fine for this site.

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Wow I wasn't expecting a whole train of responses from that comment.


Anyways, If you want some nice logos and that, I can help you out.

Dreamweaver is very expensive, as it's more professional.

I believe in simplicity, yet productivity.

The web site is fine as it is IMO.

Very user-friendly!


*Stuart 'I Just got b*tch slapped by Robb' Halley*

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But as of right now, the site is the most popular it's ever been, and I believe it's largely due to the simple design.


--Robb "I'm all about things being simple and easy to use and understand." Alvey


Robb could not agree anymore with you. I like just seeing on the homepage you have a new update and then looking at them funny photos of you and Elissa and the gang and seeing you take the mickey and have fun in the parks. Occasionally if i'm bored I might search through some old trips to pass the time. I like it the way it is. Simple, Easy and fun.


Oh and P.S- Most of us realise what you two go through with this site and there is no way people can thank you enough. Well other than buy all your merchandise...... I would offer to help with the frontpage thing but I'm crap at it and with my first baby due in a few months don't have time to fart let alone help......

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...If you guys want I'll help design some new Merchandise etc. I know a lot of places in the US that do good screen printing for cheaper than what you can find on the streets, as I used to do the merch and web site for my old band.


speaking of which, check it out here.http://www.purevolume.com/seventhgradeunderdog

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Wow I wasn't expecting a whole train of responses from that comment.


Anyways, If you want some nice logos and that, I can help you out.

Now that I could always take you up on!


Hmm...we do kind of need a "10th Anniversary" version of our logo.....


Anyone have any ideas they want to submit?

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