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Rumored new Attraction for Disneyland Resort Paris

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Hi all


Wouldn’t you like to know what will happen in Disneyland Resort Paris after Buzz, Tower of Terror and the Toon Studios has opened. We have a nice rumor of the next ride. It comes from a reliable source, but remember, still a rumor until official. Check it out http://www.dlp.info/Guide/News-And-Rumours/Current-News-and-Rumours.asp?newsnr=295#295




And then come back to this forum to talk about. What do you think about it? Would you be happy with the next installment?


Have fun

DLP.Info team


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Well, on the surface it seems like a no brainer. Put this new and very entertaining film show in the incredibly bland and lackluster park across the way and squeeze -maybe- 20 more minutes out of the guests until they jump ship over to the good park.


Meh, it still won't save this park, although it would do quite a bit for DCA. (The former Millionaire building comes to mind.)


Unless they find a way to tie a Mysterious Island themed area into the studios, this alone probably won't do much for the park. It is a good show though, so it'll give those unable to visit either of the other two a chance to see it.



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Sounds like a possible entry in the "New for 2009" Department for sure.


But - I would still like to hope, that maybe they are still thinking about about some kind of new attraction that would be in Frontierland, i.e. like Splash Mountain, but more to the water coaster idea I had heard earlier rumors about...?


Well, at least it sounds like they are going to keep really busy for the next few years, hmmm?


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No more 4D movies please!!!!!


Amen to that.


I know Disney are really fond of their all sensory, all mind, all time consuming shows- But the majority of the public aren't.


I thought that had already been proven to them when the park flopped upon opening and they had to drop everything to get a Space Mountain ride in there quickly.


Even if they had to slip right past the 2009/2010/2011 mark without any further installations, I'd rather wait for one of their awesome unique attractions than settle for a few copy-paste shows


People nowadays want to be moved physically, not emotionally



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I can't believe they opened DLP w/o a Splash Mountain! Never knew that.


The story of "Song of The South," which is basically what the whole storyline of Splash Mtn. is based on, is not as well known in Europe, as in North America, or at least thru the Disney movie.


The Imagineers had "apparently" been trying to figure out how to get such an attraction into DLP, but with another theme, etc. At one time, I have heard, they even considered re-incorporating part of what was an original concept for a Frontierland "Pirates-like" boat ride, only thru the Wild Wild West.


That part has been shelved for years. Until lately, when I kept hearing it 'rumored' from time to time. Who knows? Maybe they can combine a water coaster/flume ride with a Western theme, that can fit into the already-exisiting theme there of the pre and post-Goldrush era?


Stay tuned....

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Oops, forgot to post my reasoning, sorry it's been insane here...


Two major complaints:


- I thought that the 3D animation made the traditional 2D characters look terrible!!! Seriously, they just looked so wrong!


- Donald ruined the movie! Would it have been so horrible to just have these awesome Disney movie scenes redone, enhanced, etc. Donald just didn't seem to mix in right. And it's called MICKEY's Philharmagic, not Donald!!!!


Sorry, I know I'm being petty, but the 3D just looked bad to me, call me old fashioned I guess!

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^Thanks for the explanation. I've heard other people make the same criticisms (but I know two friends who thought it was great). I haven't seen Mickey's Philharmagic myself, but I share your preference for "traditional" over computer animation.


I also have problems with the terms "2D" and "3D" animation. All animation is, whether by pencil or computer, two dimensional--the idea is to give the illusion of three dimensions on screen (which you can do in a traditional animated movie, as well). "4D" also bugs me--we exist in three dimensions, right? Does a "4D" movie involve time travel or some sort of alternate universe? (I guess you could argue for the last one.)


But, for lack of a better term, I agree--no more 4D movies! Ever!

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I'm not really sure I like the idea of Philharmagic. I know there is a lot of music, which is universal, but I can't remember if there is much regular dialogue from the 1 time I've seen it at WDW. If there is, a park like Disneyland Paris would almost have to do headphones, much like they had to for TimeKeeper, one in English, one in German, one in Spanish, and then French. It would kinda take away from the whole "opera house" feel the show is supposed to have. And still, 4-D rides aren't the future, they're a cheap last minute resort for a new ride.


As far as Splash Mt/Song of the South, I don't think the whole "storyline" makes much sense in America either, as about 95% of us have never seen Song of the South, at least not here in the US. I kinda wish they'd renew an interest in that Geyser Mountain thing they were thinking of several years ago, that'd be cool, thrilling, AND cutting edge, just like the Disney we used to know!

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Yeah, something that is not a sit-down theatre 'experience,' and more with a moving vehicle of some kind/type.


Geyser Mountain would be perfect over there between Frontierland and Adventureland, as they are now at DLP. Somehow, they'd figure a storyline linkup to the two 'lands,' heh heh.


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If you have been to DLP and been on the Disneyland Railroad, you would have noticed when going through the back of Adventure land that betweent Idiana Jones and Pirates OTC, there is a large empty space, it is rumoured that Splash Mountain will be appearing in this space, but thats seems silly building another water ride next to POTC!

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well, im going to be honest here and say that I liked Philharmagic. I thought it was a great show, and I will make the effort to see it when I'm at DWMK. It's a lot better than most of the other 4d shows i have seen thus far, but then again I haven't seen Shrek 4D yet. Anyways, if DLP does get this, it'll be great. It's better than nothing.

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