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SFoG Death

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Six Flags Accident Kills Contractor


A man has died after an accident at Six Flags Over Georgia. Park officials say the contract worker was on a pontoon boat painting the underside of the "Ninja" roller coaster when a boat rail came loose. He fell into the water below. Emergency personnel were called, but officials say the man was under water for 25 minutes before he was brought out. He was unresponsive when he was taken to Grady Hospital. Monday night, Cobb County police confirmed the man did not survive. Authorities say another worker also fell into the water, but was not injured. (Updated 10:26p 2/13/06)



Damn. Sorrry to the workers family. That is not how I would wan't to go.

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I'm really trying to figure this out...


Two guys fell in the water, one guy was fine, the other they couldn't find for 25 minutes? Is the water that disgusting? Did the other guy not even notice? I'm confused and want more details!


But yes, I too blame Vekoma!

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Maybe the guy who died couldn't swim. The water was also near freezing, so his muscles could have locked up. The person who survived probably swam to shore or climbed on something, while the guy who died may not have been able to get help from the guy who made it.

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Well if the water was near freezing, he may have had an instant heart attack. No warning, no chance.


Why blame Vekoma? Simple.

1.Everyone knows that the concrete supports Vekoma submerges into water have the tendancy to lower the water temp by 15-20 degrees.

2.Vekoma steel is more dense, making cold water colder.

3.Vekoma just puts out bad vibes and probibly 'willed' the pontoon to shift.

4.Why not blame them???



Whenever I hear a story like, I feel sad for their families. Something like this can't be easy on their kids.

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This seems like a very tragic case given all the circumstances.


This isn't the kind of publicity the park needs in new ride year. It'll be interesting to see how the new management deals with this sort of thing.


I really dont think this is going to hurt the park at all...Its not like the coaster was running and hit him or something like that.

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I have a very good sense of humor. I just don't feel drowning in freezing water is subject for comedy


It is here at TPR! I know it's horrible and tragic but here we try to lighten up the subject with humor.

I said this in another thread some time ago and I will say it again. Robb put this at the bottom of the title page:


Disclaimer! You need a sense of humor to view our site,

if you don't have a sense of humor, or are easily offended, please turn back now!


I do believe this goes for everything! Including this thread!

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Something like this can't be easy on their kids.


Yeah, "Um kids, Daddy just died because he fell off a coaster that doesn't even deserve to be on this planet."


Anyways, I think it was SF's fault for not requiring some kind of harness that would hold him onto the trolley thingie.

Brent "we can't entirely blame it on Vekoma. Arrow built half of the coaster" Shenton

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That was an EXTREMLY SAD accedent. I still cry as I write this even though I don't know the person. I don't blame the ride at all. Vekoma is my favorite company. Most of my coasters were Vekoma coasters. I think it was a design failure on the boat. R.I.P No ONE should blame the ride. The painter wasen't even on the ride. Remember when a worker fell off the Mind Bender? Are we going to blame Schwarzkopf because of that? Any way, my prayers are with the families of those men.R.I.P

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Maybe he drowned while trying to locate EC Zenith's ability to distinguish sarcasm and humor.


What an awful way to die, trying to make a Vekoma ride look beautiful!


In all seriousness though, its a sad death and my condolences go out to his family and friends.

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Is the water that disgusting?


Yea, the water is pretty bad. It's pretty much the same water that's found in the 'hooch (the river that runs along the easter edge of the park's property)... a river which is full of crap. However, I wonder if they really had a hard time finding him... or was it just hard for painters to get a full-grown and possibly incapacitated man out of the water, a trick which is pretty darn hard.

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