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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc land replacing Animation Courtyard! Muppets replacing Aerosmith!

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Anxiously awaiting all of the psychos to freak out about this like Maelstrom's closing. It'll be fun to watch!


I can't lie, though, I'm sad and happy about this. I was a tour guide back in 2009 and love that ride to death. I got blown up or shot at (cowboys or gangsters scene) so many times and each time was awesome. I've got a ton of excellent memories from that ride! I'm super excited that it's getting the upgrades! I'm just sad that, most likely, all of the really cool, old-fashioned stuff will be changed. Like the Alien section that scared the everloving crap out of me every morning or night when I had to do a walkthrough. Yeah, those animatronics don't shut down. Neither do the CO2 bursts. We had to walk through, alone, every morning and night, and I always thought I was going to be eaten in that room.


Can't wait to see what they bring!

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I can't lie, though, I'm sad and happy about this. I was a tour guide back in 2009 and love that ride to death. I got blown up or shot at (cowboys or gangsters scene) so many times and each time was awesome. I've got a ton of excellent memories from that ride! I'm super excited that it's getting the upgrades! I'm just sad that, most likely, all of the really cool, old-fashioned stuff will be changed. Like the Alien section that scared the everloving crap out of me every morning or night when I had to do a walkthrough. Yeah, those animatronics don't shut down. Neither do the CO2 bursts. We had to walk through, alone, every morning and night, and I always thought I was going to be eaten in that room.


Thats awesome! I love the ride as well seeing all those classic scenes from some really great movies, maybe with this TCM sponsor they can finally put in the original ending which called for animatronics of all the GMR characters to be present during the final film scene.

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Great news to hear that a classic attraction is getting a new injection of life rather than being torn down.


Lots of dummies were hinting that the Chinese Theatre would be torn down once the hat was gone as part of the Hollywood Studios revamp. Removing the hat puts much more focus on this 'new' attraction as guests walk down Hollywood Boulevard.


“Treasures From the Disney Vault” sounds very interesting, although I'm not sure if that will get an airing on TCM in the UK?

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I've always thought it would be great to see this ride updated with new modern movie scenes and interactions but updating it to feature more classic movies is a brilliant idea and I love the idea of TCM featuring classic Disney programming. Seems like the sponsorship really makes sense for both parties involved here.


Since it seems like the Shawshank Redemption is on every night maybe we'll get an Andy Dufrene prison escape scene .

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Anxiously awaiting all of the psychos to freak out about this like Maelstrom's closing. It'll be fun to watch!


I can't lie, though, I'm sad and happy about this. I was a tour guide back in 2009 and love that ride to death. I got blown up or shot at (cowboys or gangsters scene) so many times and each time was awesome. I've got a ton of excellent memories from that ride! I'm super excited that it's getting the upgrades! I'm just sad that, most likely, all of the really cool, old-fashioned stuff will be changed. Like the Alien section that scared the everloving crap out of me every morning or night when I had to do a walkthrough. Yeah, those animatronics don't shut down. Neither do the CO2 bursts. We had to walk through, alone, every morning and night, and I always thought I was going to be eaten in that room.


Can't wait to see what they bring!


Couldn't agree more (even though I was never a tour guide). I loved this ride more than anyone, my favorite Disney dark ride of all time. It's extremely nostalgic. BUT, even I recognize that it needs an update (even though its old quirkiness was part of the charm). Im happy to see it get the attention it needs, and I could not be happier with the TCM pairing...when I first heard of this I thought it would be updated with current Disney movies and kill the original spirit of the ride. But TCM is a perfect fit.

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So, it sounds like updates to the ride will be done in the winter and at least for 2015 will be open the whole summer season? Sounds like it'll be upgraded piece by piece for the next few years and this year coming up is basically changing the video at the end and making a pre-show holding area?

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What's funny is the thing that needs the biggest upgrade is actually one of the most modern things in the ride. The Wicked Witch. I can't remember exactly when that animatronic was put in but it's the newest animatronic in the attraction and it breaks (read - explodes) ALL THE TIME! I couldn't tell you how many times she came out of the ground spewing green hydraulic fluid all over the set, my tram, and the guests. Pretty traumatic for the kids seeing this green witch spurting green liquid that looks like her blood all over the place.


On second thought, let's leave it alone. That was so awesome when it happened.

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This is terrific news. TCM does great work keeping the old time greats alive. This new partnership will bring much needed new life into this attraction and park.


It's also about the closest thing to the return of Vault Disney I think we're ever going to see. I'll for sure have the DVR set for the Treasure from the Disney Vault days!

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The iconic "Sorcerer Mickey" hat will be removed from Disney's Hollywood Studios starting on January 7th. The popular icon has now been at the park longer than it hasn't. While many people prefer the "classic" look of the Chinese Theater, some of us will miss having a cool icon to take a photo in front of. Makes you wonder what other changes are coming next for the park!


Photo by Jack Crouse.


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I have always thought the hat looked kinda cool in pictures, but I have to be honest and say that during my visit in September I didn't really notice the hat due to the stage being located right in front of it. I do think a relocation could be a good decision, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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I've never been a big fan of the hat, but I can understand why some folks might like it (it does make for a "look I'm wearing Mickey's hat" photo op). But, at least to me, it clashes too much with the rest of the street and always looked "tacked on."

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Two of my favorite things in the world - Disney Parks and Turner Classic Movies (I'm a huge fan of movies from all eras) - are joining forces. What's not to love?


I always liked the Great Movie Ride, although I would prefer it be a traditional dark ride without a "tour guide". But its still a cool experience.


I like that they're updating the pre-show, and hope more changes are on the way. That's one ride that could really go through entire show scene changes every decade or so, although I would never touch Oz or the Alien scene. Those are too great...

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Really grateful I just took my first trip out there recently. Granted, it was only a short 2 days for my first time in WDW, but now my only picture I have in-front of the hat will be even more special. Very excited to see the changes in the park.

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I personally love the Hat, it was something that I thought was cool (Also where I bought probably about 20% worth of my Disney Pins). Yet at the same time, I always saw Disney's Hollywood Studios, MGM for the junkies, of having too many icons. Right when you enter you are greeted with about 2 icons, the Crossroads Pin Trading, and the Hat. If you go behind and more to the back, The Great Movie Ride and the water tower. The water tower seems to be one of those big iffy icons yet it is used occasionally as the Hat is used often. Do I think the removal is needed? Yeah I think it is time to see it go. It would make The Great Movie Ride plaza more and more spacious, more capable of hosting parades and meet n' greet areas for the characters as well. But hey, as long as they keep the Brown Derby, Star Tours and Twilight Zone Tower of Terror I will be happy to return to Hollywood Studios any day.

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People really love an icon to take a selfie in front of.


Its kind of sad that people seem to care more about proving to other people they were at a particular place with an obvious photo than actually enjoying the beauty of the place they are currently at


The hat was an eyesore. Good riddance...

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