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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc land replacing Animation Courtyard! Muppets replacing Aerosmith!

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^DHS already has Toy Story Midway Mania, if that's what you meant.


And I don't know about a Toy Story Land. DCA has Cars Land and WDS has the Toy Story Land. What about Monsters Inc? Or just a mixed bag of different Pixar themed rides and shops, since that area is called Pixar Place.


They could even re-theme Honey I Shrunk the Kids play area to A Bugs Life.

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I could never see a Toy Story Land in the US parks... or at least not the same version that have recently gone in overseas.


What parks have Toy Story Land? Hong Kong and Disney Studios... the two smallest Disney parks out there. Toy Story Land is VERY low capacity, and I just don't think it would work considering the US park's attendance figures.


Think about it... could you imagine the line for an Intamin Half Pipe in one of the Florida parks? It'd be terrible!!

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Ugh, I heard Walt Disney Studios was awful.


And "Toy Story Land" would definitely be awful. And I'm not even sure about the "Monsters Inc. door coaster" rumor that's been floating around forever. It just doesn't sound appealing.

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I would like to gain an honest opinion about you all, or Y'all's experience in the Parking Lot at DHS... Today is actually my last Day in the DHS Parking Lot crew (Transfered to Tower Of Terror), and I'm curious to hear what you all have to say...


What do you mean?

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Like, Is it enjoyable? Are we Courteous? Are the Speilers good? Anything we can improve on? Just curious... so I can help out my other CM's.


Oh of course. I was just there Tuesday! I don't think I've ever seen a rude or mean castmember. And you're going to work at Tower of Terror? I'm jealous.

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My Entry-



Adam is demonstrating how grown men that bring unicorn toys aimed at the female toddler set should be held (eternally).



(and I can't believe I haven't read this epic thread until now)



Seriously? Seriously?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hollywood Studios I feel has been lacking. Their attendance has dropped into the last place for attendance at WDW. Also, it really only has 6 rides there: Rock N roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, Great Movie Ride, Star Tours 2, Toy Story Mania, and the Backlot Tram thing. I honestly think this park needs a big renovation like California Adventure has gotten.


-I'm hoping that an Avengers ride will be put here.

-The long rumored Monsters Inc Coaster/Ride?

-Perhaps bring in Cars Land!!!


What are your ideas for new attractions or plans for the park?

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I really wished this park kept up the whole actual studio thing. I'm not sure why that failed, I guess location has something to do with it, and the demise of classic animation as well. In this day and age it really doesn't matter where something is filmed, because if the editors or whatever are in CA it's just beamed across the internet in seconds anyways. I guess most actors are already in the LA area, but I would think a Florida retreat for filming would be attractive. Maybe people just didn't find it all that entertaining, but it still seems to be working for Universal in Hollywood.


With the additions Disney is adding at the Golden Oak Ranch in CA, it makes we wonder why they got rid of all that they did, just to build more somewhere else.



In the satellite image you can see they have a suburban street, as well as a city facade set. They are also supposed to be building a number of sound stages.


But I think this park is in need of a revival as much as DCA was. And I don't mean plopping down cars land.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the chance to visit Disney's Hollywood Studios last Thursday, and there was plenty of new things to see while there, including new FastPass+ readers and more work on the new Captain Jack attraction in the old Prince Caspian space.


It's a little hard to see (I didn't realize they were here until I looked at the photo later on), but FastPass+ readers have been installed at the entrance of Rock n' Rollercoaster.


I think this is a good idea!


Never gets old!


Readers have been installed in front of Tower of Terror as well.


Over in The Magic of Disney Animation, Wreck-It Ralph has moved in to the Production Gallery.


John Lasseter in Wreck-It Ralph form!


Detailed displays about the film's characters and their development fill the gallery.



Here's a display for the protagonist of the film, King Candy.


And here is Jane Lynch's character.


Sarah Silverman's character.


"Will do a barrel roll"


This film is going to be fantastic!


Over at the developing attraction "The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow" the studio building is receiving a new paint scheme.


Tape shows evidence of new signage or paint designs to be added to the front of the new attraction's entrance.


Just a normal day, right?


Scratch that!


Over to the left of the American Idol Experience, a new entrance canopy has been added along with FastPass+ readers for the upcoming test.


Between these posts is the future of the FastPass experience...

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Those new Fastpass+ systems will probably work great and all. I mean who doesn't want more fastpass. However, now that there at the entrances, it kind of like takes away from the theming. I mean there small but there also in the way. When the other fast pass machines are normally away from the rides entrance. I guess I will have to wait to see what they look like when its all done.

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While I do believe DHS needs a major renovation/expansion, I'm a little concerned about how they will go about it. I know how popular Pixar movies and the Marvel universe are, but Pixar is already saturating many of the Disney parks. I'm sure the same will happen once Disney goes ahead with building Marvel themed attractions as well. Cars Land was a great addition for DCA, but I personally would rather not see it go to DHS as well. Disney has a long list of popular movie franchises under its belt it could use to expand DHS without them dipping into Pixar or Marvel properties. Just a short list of some: National Treasure (3rd film aiming for a 2014 release) Tron, The Witch Mountain series (while the newest was hardly a huge money maker, the series has a long history at Disney), or even Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland world. There is also the upcoming Lone Ranger movie. All of these could lend themselves to great additions. I personally could see a National Treasure attraction opening near the Indiana Jones stunt show. I think they would complement each other nicely. I would even welcome an original story ride, like ToT.


But then on the flip side, I know Disney will more often then not defer to Pixar properties, and probably in the future, Marvel. Pixar films are HUGELY popular with families, so much so that any new Pixar themed attraction is pretty much a sure fire hit for Disney.


Either way, as long as they keep Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater, I'll try to stay optimistic. It's one of my favorite Disney restaurants. I just love the atmosphere and whole concept behind it.

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I think if Disney were to drop another $1 billion on a park overhaul for DHS like they did for DCA, they would change out Cars Land for a whole lot of Marvel. Cars Land fits much better at DCA than it does at any other Disney park in the States - Route 66 was the big route from Santa Monica east, after all.


With DHS, I think there's really two options for a big expansion - Marvel or Toy Story/Pixar. There's a lot of room to the south and southeast of the park where (assuming that the land is good to build on) just some relocation of the parking lot entrance booths and road would allow for what could be a huge Marvel area. That's one.


Two: I don't know if there's ever been any talk of the Great Movie Ride being retired, but between that building and the Honey I Shrunk the Kids play area, an expansion to Pixar Place could happen (that Monsters Inc. ride in the Movie Ride building, maybe). I'd suggest letting Pixar Place encroach on the Animation Courtyard, but the Walt museum is the first thing outside the Pixar gates, so unless that's getting moved (or incorporated) than that's a no-go - unless they build around the back in those backstage areas.


Just some ideas...probably a mix of feasible and infeasible. Consider me in 'blue sky' mode!

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Universal still has a Marvel Superhero contract east of the Mississippi for a few more years, so don't expect a Marvel-themed area anytime soon.


That being said, I really don't wanna see Carsland come to MGM. Carsland fit with the Route 66 motif at DCA because Route 66 and deserts fit with the California theme. Something like that just doesn't fit the studio theme that Hollywood Studios has.


I'll admit, there is way too much Pixar coming to the Disney parks, but I wouldn't mind seeing another Pixar E-ticket attraction coming to DHS. Maybe that long-rumored Monsters Inc suspended coaster could really come to life.

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Two: I don't know if there's ever been any talk of the Great Movie Ride being retired, but between that building and the Honey I Shrunk the Kids play area, an expansion to Pixar Place could happen (that Monsters Inc. ride in the Movie Ride building, maybe). I'd suggest letting Pixar Place encroach on the Animation Courtyard, but the Walt museum is the first thing outside the Pixar gates, so unless that's getting moved (or incorporated) than that's a no-go - unless they build around the back in those backstage areas.


I would rather see the Great Movie Ride get a massive make over then be retired all together. I still love the concept of that ride, and it has to be a capacity monster. I'd love to see them remove some existing show scenes and add in some new ones from more modern movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, Avengers, Alice in Wonderland, Avatar, whatever. The idea of Captain Jack Sparrow taking over your ride vehicle and traveling through the "movies" with you instead of Mugsy could be a lot of fun.......

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Two: I don't know if there's ever been any talk of the Great Movie Ride being retired, but between that building and the Honey I Shrunk the Kids play area, an expansion to Pixar Place could happen (that Monsters Inc. ride in the Movie Ride building, maybe). I'd suggest letting Pixar Place encroach on the Animation Courtyard, but the Walt museum is the first thing outside the Pixar gates, so unless that's getting moved (or incorporated) than that's a no-go - unless they build around the back in those backstage areas.


I've never heard of any talk of retiring the Great Movie Ride. IMO it is a staple of the park, and I would hate to see it replaced. That said, I do think it is need of a total overhaul. While its admirable that they want to honor films from the past, I think it would only help to incorporate more modern films in the ride. I would love to see them go the Spaceship Earth route (in a sense that it shows the evolution of communication) and explore the history and evolution of film threw today and the future. It would be a great way to update the ride and offer more modern fair while honor films of the golden era.

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I wouldn't mind if the tram tour went away, other than Catastrophe Canyon it's pretty dumb. The pre show area alone would clear up a lot of space.


I remember when the Tram actually drove though the production area, through the suburbia street, and then around the New York area which is now a footpath. Really if it weren't for Disaster at Universal this attraction would seem pointless. Now you just drive around and pass some vehicles n things that anyone under 20 has no clue what they are, through the costume warehouse that I have never actually seen anyone doing anything inside for a long time, and Catastrophe Canyon. I also remember the walking tour that went though the production buildings, but I think they got rid of that just before or after Millionaire was built. The last time I remember going though there was when you could see them building the set for Millionaire. I remember seeing the sets from Dalmatians, and then they had a little interactive Home Improvement set of the backyard fence in a warehouse full of tons of props including Johnny 5!!

Edited by SLUSHIE
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While I do believe DHS needs a major renovation/expansion, I'm a little concerned about how they will go about it. I know how popular Pixar movies and the Marvel universe are, but Pixar is already saturating many of the Disney parks.


Not quite sure what you're getting at here. The park has entire Pixar land with one attraction. It seems almost inevitable that they would add more to this area. If there is a park that could use some more Pixar, it would be DHS.


As far as the complete overhaul of the park, I would be more than happy without Carsland.


My best case scenario for a major refurb of the park:


~Lucasland with some sort of Indy dark ride, whether it's an E or D ticket, an exhibit all about Lucasfilm and ILM, and the Mos Eisley Cantina.

~The Monsters, Inc. Coaster

~A redone Great Movie Ride

~A C or D ticket based on either Up, Ratatouille, or Wall-E

~Redone Magic of Disney Animation exhibit that focuses on Pixar. This could be a really cool set-up with John Lasseter and the characters on screens interacting with a real Cast Member, ala Disaster. Allow guests to sketch a Pixar character, ask questions, and interact with someone that has 3D animation experience.

~Retheme of the HISTK Playset to A Bugs Life.


This park really doesn't need as much help as DCA did, I would think a budget of even half would be more than adequate.


EDIT: The Backlot Tour would have to be replaced with one of these, I just don't have my bearings around DHS quite yet.

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