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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc land replacing Animation Courtyard! Muppets replacing Aerosmith!

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I find it absolutely hilarious that I've received hate mail from Bronys over this update!


Hate mail? That's disappointing to hear...


I do feel slightly offended by the way you and your wife have seemed to stereotype us bronies. We just love a certain TV show; and yes, we do often obsess over it. That doesn't mean we're so obsessed that we can't do anything else with our lives! I have a full-time job, help in a couple volunteer ministries, and I'm working toward a business degree in college. Being a part of the My Little Pony fandom is great fun, but it doesn't take away from my life. It's just another thing to fill my free-time with.



I don't have a basement anyway!

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I find it absolutely hilarious that I've received hate mail from Bronys over this update!


Maybe i've been working in Asia for too long but when and why did My Little Pony become popular especially with middle aged men, I remember there being some plastic toys that young girls used to have when I was about 6 but that was about it and I thought they had died out since I never really saw younger children with them as I grew up, when did it make such a huge comeback? Youtube & Google tells me that it's a TV show now but I still can't see why it is this show in particular out of all kids show that men would latch onto so passionately???

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I do feel slightly offended by the way you and your wife have seemed to stereotype us bronies.

Well - there are stereotypes for a reason...


--Robb "This is how most normal people view bronys, sorry..." Alvey

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Who looks better in the "furry hat?" Adam or Renee? (Or should we get this for Gregg?)


I'll only wear the hat that Renee tried on.


The Bronies Strike Back!!!


TPR ... Educating the world on the threat of Bronies since 2011. (That should be the new tagline of the site)

Edited by Sir Clinksalot
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You ever see those commercials for people who have so many drug and alcohol addictions they need tons of therapy to relieve it. Then afterward you thank god for not having one of those addictions in the first place. That's how I feel right now, but with Star Wars. You know I think the warning at the beginning was misleading. I was expecting something vulgar and offensive, but this was just nerdy and sad. Haha...

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This is one of the site's best updates...ever.


Seriously, I can't even freaking breathe right now. Every nerd stereotype...ever...and you managed to run into them all. I mean, I guess that goes with the territory at a StarWars convention, but still...


Also, Drew Carey being frozen into carbonite is something I'd love to see Disney turn into a regular event.

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I was at Star Wars Weekends on Friday (opening day) and it was a total madhouse. They were just waving traffic into the parking lot and not charging for parking. I wonder how many thousands of dollars Disney lost on that?


I'm more of a fan of the original trilogy, but Episode 3 of the prequels was the best (only way I can stomach Episodes 1 and 2 are because of Ewan McGregor).


By around 1pm I was just done with it and went to Epcot. Though I found out later about the Star Tours name badges and I WANT ONE! So looks like I'll be planning another trip up that way before the event ends so I can get one.


On a Nerdfest scale of 1-10, I give Star Wars Weekends an 11.

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As for your Brony problem, check out this video from College Humor lol



I wish somebody would make something like that for some of the patch-jacket-self-appointed-engineer-park-management-booing-stereotypical ACE'rs. They're essentially the equivalent for Coaster Enthusiasts that some bronies (like the ones being pretty accurately satirized here) are for people who just enjoy the show: both irritating/scary as hell.


Quick Edit: Not implying that any ACER, even at maximum pathetic level, could top some from the far fringes of the brony fandom...because I'd be outright lying if I even remotely implied that.

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Quick tip for anyone attending Star Wars Weekends...


Go in through the main auto plaza and do arrive early.


Do NOT use the satellite entrance off of Buena Vista drive. It is worth the extra 3 mins on I-4, to take exit 64 for Hollywood Studios. In fact, there wont be an entrance off of Buena Vista Drive for very much longer. There will be a new off ramp off of Osceola Parkway that will feed into the Main Entrance plaza.


Nick "Parking CM at Hollywood Studios" Wells

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Original trilogy is light years better than the prequels.


Also, Spades hit it right on the head. Bronydom has its spectrum like any other fanbase; some people just go off the deep end (Twilight Kenobi isn't that bad compared to what you can find elsewhere on the web. It gets REALLY disturbing).

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Alrighty then...is Adam (or you) a die-hard "Star Wars" fan? Take this short quiz to find out!


1.) What is the name of Chewbacca's home planet?

2.) What was Luke's callsign in Episode IV?

3.) What was the name of Luke's co-pilot in Episode V?

4.) Where is a woman's G-spot?



1. Kashyyk

2. Red 5

3. Dak

4. No man really knows. Not even the non-geeks.


By the way, I and my sister (she's 20) enjoy watching mlp, but people who take their love of it to extremes the way that guy did are why I'm ashamed to admit it. I don't even know why I'm admitting it now.

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