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SeaWorld San Diego (SWSD) Discussion Thread

p. 61: Jewels of the Sea Jellyfish Experience coming in 2024!

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Yeah! SeaWorld Orlando is getting a new dark Ride! Cause Antarctica was a great attraction


They basically fired all the people responsible for that in their creative department, so it'll be someone else from who knows where doing it.

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I personally I don't mind the actual decision to remove the Orca shows and replace it with the new Orca Exhibit. The new exhibit looks just as cool, if not better than the shows that were before it.


The only thing I take issue with is the publicity that Sea World has gotten for this decision and how this is a "win" for all the bullshit and propaganda spread by Blackfish. I'm aware that zoos and aquariums are starting to fall out of style. If you want to have a debate on whether we should have them in the future, fine. But if you're going to start demonizing and slenderizing Sea World, ignoring all the ways that they help animals, then I'm not going to waste my time debating you if you can't even get the facts right.


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Ah yes, the Sea World in Australia has a tire-launched Intamin with a similar name. I do find it odd the two seem to have such a resemblance, I welcome any new coaster to any park and this one looks like it will be the right size for families, certainly ideal for Sea World.


I'm envisioning something like San Diego's Manta, only with "jet ski" trains. Could be really good. I'm always in favor or new dark rides, too.


If the new coaster at SWSA is anything like Manta at SD, then I would consider that a win for the park. Manta is a really fun little coaster, the multiple launches are fairly powerful and the ride is always butter smooth. Manta turned out much better than I expected considering the stupid height restriction that they have to deal with. I was at the park two weeks ago and got about 10 rides in throughout the day. I really liked that they were running two trains even though the park was fairly dead.

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I know that this would probably never happen, but it would be cool if the dark ride would actually take you through a real orca & shark tank so that people could really get a close up view of the creatures.


The shark tunnel exhibit at SWO is cool to go through, but it would be better if you were in enclosed capsules or a submarine instead.

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Ethically (IMO) it was the right thing to do, and I think even if you don't necessarily agree with me, it is clear that for the California market it is most certainly an appropriate business measure. Now the obvious question: When do they start moving orcas to Texas? Given Texas' stance on exotic animals, I have to imagine they're looking at it.


I disagree. The activists are still not going to support SeaWorld as long as there are any ocean animals in tanks at the park. So all SeaWorld is doing is turning away some of their loyal pass members and visitors and the ones who do remain as pass members will undoubtedly visit fewer times than they usually would because this will not measure up to the entertainment they have grown to love. The fewer times their pass members and fans visit the park the less $$$$ they will make. SeaWorld is making huge mistakes all around. They need to start listening to their fans and pass members, HINT, HINT, as I already know some who have dropped over the park getting rid of the mimes. Now they are removing their signature Shamu show? Wow, that's even more stupid. I'm currently still a pass member, unlike some who I know that stopped renewing their passes, but if Seaworld Orlando stops their Shamu show I'm gone and so will be the rest of my family and many friends too. It's time SeaWorld cares about their fans and those who buy season passes rather than the activists who will never become pass members!

*** I know this as I can tell you since SeaWorld Orlando got rid of the mimes my family, friends, and I visit far fewer times. I would honestly say we have gone less than half the number of days in the year the mimes have been gone than other years.

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Ethically (IMO) it was the right thing to do, and I think even if you don't necessarily agree with me, it is clear that for the California market it is most certainly an appropriate business measure. Now the obvious question: When do they start moving orcas to Texas? Given Texas' stance on exotic animals, I have to imagine they're looking at it.


I disagree. The activists are still not going to support SeaWorld as long as there are any ocean animals in tanks at the park. So all SeaWorld is doing is turning away some of their loyal pass members and visitors and the ones who do remain as pass members will undoubtedly visit fewer times than they usually would because this will not measure up to the entertainment they have grown to love. The fewer times their pass members and fans visit the park the less $$$$ they will make. SeaWorld is making huge mistakes all around. They need to start listening to their fans and pass members, HINT, HINT, as I already know some who have dropped over the park getting rid of the mimes. Now they are removing their signature Shamu show? Wow, that's even more stupid. I'm currently still a pass member, unlike some who I know that stopped renewing their passes, but if Seaworld Orlando stops their Shamu show I'm gone and so will be the rest of my family and many friends too. It's time SeaWorld cares about their fans and those who buy season passes rather than the activists who will never become pass members!

*** I know this as I can tell you since SeaWorld Orlando got rid of the mimes my family, friends, and I visit far fewer times. I would honestly say we have gone less than half the number of days in the year the mimes have been gone than other years.


My family is basically split in half when it comes to going to SeaWorld. My sister, who has watched Blackfish, absolutely hates Sea World, her stance is basically to never go to Sea World again. I on the other hand, love SeaWorld and I love what they do for animals. You make some good points but SeaWorld is looking in to the future. It's what makes sense to them and future generations to come. The world is changing, and so are its opinions on things. SeaWorld, Zoos, and Aquariums need to evolve and that's what they are doing.

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Depending on what the new educational focused exhibit turns out to be, it might turn out better. Trying so hard to add a story to the show made it almost unbearable. People just want to see the orca's up close and watch them do a few cool things---that can still be accomplished with the educational focus.

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This past Friday, TPR was invited to check out the pass holder preview of Sea World's X-mas celebration. Long story short, all of the shows get X-mas overlays and a fun Christmas village was added with some great new food offerings.


Welcome to Sea World San Diego!


Recently the entire entrance plaza was enhanced...


...Complete with touch pools and much more open space. Very well done!


It also happens to be the 50th anniversary season for Sea World. The old brewery restaurant is now full of historical displays...


...these line the entire building. Very cool!


The restaurant also has concept art posted for the future of the Shamu exhibit...


...looks awesome!


Throughout the park they also have these signs posted sharing information on the history of the park


...now onto X-mas: in previous years they had a snow play area in the park, but cut that out in the name of the drought...luckily they offer plenty more to make up for it!


The penguin enclosure got some decorations


Can't have a TPR update without a coaster photo, right? Manta is a fun little ride!


Pets Rule is one of the many shows that gets an X-mas overlay


New for 2015 is the Sesame Street X-mas: it was so packed during the preview night, I couldn't even see it! This resides in the 4D theater that previously housed the Polar Express show


...As did the shark reef exhibit


Shame gets his own X-mas show as well with the underlying theme of "miracles"


Which concludes with a great number from a gospel singer!


Clyde & Seymour also get an X-mas overlay and are up to their usual hijinx. This show is always tons of fun!


Over in the Christmas Village there was the obligatory Reindeer display


The area was PACKED all night. It has a tree lighting ceremony and other fun entertainment throughout the night


It is also where all of the signature food items are sold (we'll get to those in a second)...


But first, some of the 1.5 million lights that are found throughout the park!


These sausage rolls were yummy!


Mash Potato Pizza I think will be the hit of the event. Pizza crust+mash potatos+bacon=amazing!


Can't go wrong with cinnamon rolls and apple pie!

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I love SeaWorld San Diego's main entrance, that's one of the aspects of the Orlando park I've never been a fan of. The entrance there always seems so packed and crowded, not to mention there's a beautiful pond and lighthouse then when you get inside the park you just kind of walk past a few building walls and then you're into the park. I wish SWO would remodel to entrance to be more like San Diego at some point in the future.

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What's always struck me as odd about all Sea World parks is how they really have no shared vision for their designs. It's like they all started the same up until the 70's and then started heading in completely different directions. So each park has pockets of amazing new themeing mixed in with leftover 1970's remnants. Sea World San Diego has a great entrance and the shipwreck area with the rest still being the 1970's design.

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^Yeah, the Orlando park is in the same boat. Manta, Journey, Kraken, Antarctica, and the Waterfront all look fantastic where as Happy Harbor/Shamu/Wild Arctic, Pacific Point/Sea Lion Stadium, Key West, the old brewery, and the entry plaza all leave a lot to be desired. I will say they have done a terrific job of updating sections of the park over the years and I'm sure whatever is in store with Mako and the Shark Encounter will add a lot of character to that end of the park as well. They've already removed the games section an opened the new pretzel shop which looks great so can't say they're not at least making making an effort.

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I think the Key West area in Orlando is themed pretty nicely, I wouldn't mind to see the stingray tank renovated though. But after Mako, in my opinion basically everything past from Nautilus Theater to Wild Arctic could use some work. As for San Diego, this park totally suffers from that 70s/80s vibe. They never really update things like Sharks, Penguins or Wild Arctic. Wild Arctic at both parks is seriously in need of a refurbishment, seems like it's been put on hold though in favor of other projects though which is sad. A Wild Arctic refurbishment has been rumored for quite some time now.

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I know many would disagree with this but I'd be curious to see an inversion on Millennium Force. After there first drop where it makes the really huge banked curve I wonder what it would be like if the ride with the lap bars only went completely upside down.

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I know many would disagree with this but I'd be curious to see an inversion on Millennium Force. After there first drop where it makes the really huge banked curve I wonder what it would be like if the ride with the lap bars only went completely upside down.


I assume he means Manta, too. And, if so, I respectfully disagree (same answer if he meant Millennium Force).

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Special presentations will take place at Dolphin Point until stadium re-opens in April


SAN DIEGO (Jan. 8, 2016) – On Monday (Jan. 11, 2016), a three-month major rehabilitation project will begin at SeaWorld’s Dolphin Stadium. In the interim, special dolphin presentations will be offered at the park’s interaction pools at Dolphin Point. Dolphin Point Playtime presentation times will be listed on the park map and will be free for guests to enjoy daily.


Dolphin Stadium, which seats more than 3,500 guests, was originally built in 1975. Over the last four decades, the stadium has been home to the park’s killer whales and eventually, dolphins and pilot whales. It has been the venue for many shows, most recently Dolphin Days. The rehabilitation project is a significant infrastructure maintenance investment and will include draining all the pools and re-coating them. The Dolphin Days show can be seen through Sunday (Jan. 10) and will resume when the stadium re-opens in April. The dolphins and pilot whales that currently call Dolphin Stadium home will live in other pools at the park during the project.


During the Dolphin Point Playtime presentations at Dolphin Point, guests will learn about SeaWorld’s dolphins, watch a training session and be inspired to act on what they can do to help protect animals in the wild. In addition, during each presentation, one lucky child will be chosen to participate in a hands-on, one-on-one session with a dolphin, guided by a SeaWorld trainer.


SeaWorld is open year-round including holidays. Admission is $89 for ages 10 and older; $83 for ages 3-9; free for under 3. Parking is $16; $11 for motorcycles; $21 for RVs and Up-Close. SeaWorld’s 2016 Fun Card is a great way to enjoy all the park has to offer this year, all for less than the price of a single-day admission. SeaWorld’s special ticket offers are currently available online. For park hours and more information, visit www.SeaWorldSanDiego.com or call (800) 257-4268.


About SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc.

SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: SEAS) is a leading theme park and entertainment company providing experiences that matter and inspiring guests to protect animals and the wild wonders of our world.


SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. is one of the world’s foremost zoological organizations and a global leader in animal welfare, training, husbandry and veterinary care. The company collectively cares for what it believes is one of the largest zoological collections in the world and has helped lead advances in the care of animals. The company also rescues and rehabilitates marine and terrestrial animals that are ill, injured, orphaned or abandoned, with the goal of returning them to the wild. The SeaWorld rescue team has helped more than 27,000 animals in need over the last 50 years.


The company owns or licenses a portfolio of globally recognized brands including SeaWorld®, Shamu® and Busch Gardens®. Over its more than 50-year history, the company has built a diversified portfolio of 11 destination and regional theme parks that are grouped in key markets across the United States, many of which showcase its one-of-a-kind zoological collection of over 800 species of animals. The company’s theme parks feature a diverse array of rides, shows and other attractions with broad demographic appeal which deliver memorable experiences and a strong value proposition for its guests.


Copies of this and other news releases as well as additional information about SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. can be obtained online at SeaWorldEntertainment.com.




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It is nice to see the park continuing to refurbish the other marine life venues while it works to determine the best route to move forward with the killer whale habitat expansion. Everything I have heard indicates that Dolphin Days has been a more well received show at SeaWorld San Diego than Blue Horizons was--I'm glad to hear it is slated to return when this refurbishment is completed.

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There is still the Sea Rescue-themed dark ride coming to the park which has already been confirmed, along with the development of a possible resort hotel onsite. SeaWorld San Diego definitely has plenty in the pipeline (announced and not) to look forward to.

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New attraction will create a realm for ocean discovery and exploration!


SAN DIEGO (Feb. 16, 2016) – SeaWorld® San Diego will unveil an extraordinary, new attraction in 2017 that will create an expedition of wonder across the seven seas. Ocean Explorer will combine multiple aquariums, exciting rides and digital technologies to engage park guests in an experience centered on exploration and adventure inspiring them to protect the wonders of our oceans.


“I’m extremely excited about Ocean Explorer and I know our guests, of all ages, are going to love this fun, interactive and educational new area of the park,” said John Reilly, SeaWorld San Diego’s park president. “The opportunity to see and learn about some of the ocean’s most fascinating creatures, coupled with a mix of distinctive rides and activities, will give our visitors a meaningful experience only SeaWorld can create.”


As adventurers on a global expedition of scientific exploration, guests will travel to Ocean Explorer’s remarkable undersea animals aboard submarines, the signature ride of the attraction. Embarking on these mini subs, visitors will become researchers on a mission to collect data and learn how they can help animals. This three-minute experience will include an onboard digital navigation dashboard, as well as a few other surprises along their journey, enhancing the riders’ understanding of the ocean ecosystem.


“This newest, fully immersive attraction at SeaWorld San Diego is the next chapter in creating experiences that can create both wonder and curiosity for the oceans,” said Brian Morrow, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment’s vice president of theme park experience design. “Park guests will trek through sea-base stations, make special connections with incredible animals and discover how they too can take action to protect the oceans.”

The heart and destination of Ocean Explorer will be a series of undersea research bases housing specially-designed aquariums and interactive activities displaying unique as well as elusive ocean animals.


“I can’t be more thrilled about Ocean Explorer,” said Mike Price, SeaWorld San Diego’s assistant curator of fishes. “We will give our visitors the chance to come eye-to-eye with amazing animals like giant octopuses, huge spider crabs and hundreds of colorful jellies – some of which have never been seen at the park before. We will also give everyone a variety of different vantage points to view the animals by taking them around and inside these underwater habitats.”


Guests will discover these newly created aquariums, known as research pods, throughout Ocean Explorer. Enriching educational displays, technologies and graphics will be key components of each pod.


Ocean Explorer will also feature an exhilarating wave swinger ride where guests will literally fly through thousands of real bubbles in chairs suspended from the tentacles of a giant jelly. Three family-friendly rides will round out the fun of this immersive, new attraction.


“Our guests’ response to new attractions has always been tremendously positive,” said Reilly. “The scope of Ocean Explorer demonstrates our ongoing commitment to creating new and fresh attractions, exhibits and events that provide the exciting, educational and entertaining experiences SeaWorld is known for.”

Construction on Ocean Explorer will begin in summer 2016 on a 3-acre site where the Animal Connections exhibit and the Circle of Flags are currently located on the southeast side of the park. This multi-million dollar attraction is scheduled to open in late spring of 2017.





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