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Why do you support President Bush?

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I personally hate him because Iraq had NOTHING to do with us, and we should've focused our efforts on a certain osama, who actually caused 9/11. Besides, the only reasn we went into Iraq was oil. That's it. Otherwise we would be in about 100 other countries right now, with the way they're thinking.

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-The war on Iraq is a major issue We alienated our allies, lost many innocent lives, and stretched our military so thin that it is close to collapsing.


Nah, I dont think so. I think he is trying to start the thing that James Adams did. Its the spread of democracy(?) to our allies in other countries. Iraq/Afganistan was our allie for years.

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Nah, I dont think so. I think he is trying to start the thing that James Adams did. Its the spread of democracy(?) to our allies in other countries. Iraq/Afganistan was our allie for years.


Who the hell is James Adams? Do you mean John Adams or James Madison?


If you're going to try to debate something, at least try to have your historical facts straight.

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Babies aren't alive until they exit the body.

So, where along the birth canal do they become "alive"? What about C-sections? Premature births? - they aren't fully developed but they often seem to survive!


- Joe, who's not bashing anyone, just asking questions


This is a very touchy subject, but I have a lot of views about it. I don't really feel it should be completely outlawed. One good point Kerry made during his campaign is that he doesn't think rape victims should be forced to carry the resulting baby. They never wanted it, it never meant to happen, and I personally wouldn't want to be reminded of such an event every day of my life.


Teen abortions can really go either way. I don't think it's right for horny, idiotic teens to get their oops erased. They screwed up and they should deal with the consequences. However, I think it's unfair to bring a child into a situation like that. My neighbor had a kid when she was 15 and I watched how he was brought up and I wouldn't wish anything like that on upon any child. Granted, these children don't always have that sort of up bringing, but it seems to occur all too often. However, I still don't know if I could support teen abortion in those instances.


For rape cases, I think it should be allowed, especially seeing how the victim generally knows that they are pregnant fairly early. The other cases though, I definately lean toward no.


Anyway, I know that's a bit off the subject. Just wanted to say my bit.

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As for Iraq, well all the senators were privy to exactly the same intelligence from europe that the president recieved, and they voted to go after Saddam, so really our entire goverment started the war in Iraq, not just Bush, so lets share the blame, ok



Is that the same intelligence that made almost all European countries vote against taking action with exception of my own stupid government and a few others.


Surely your not making a the Europeans said the U.S should go to war so they did. I think you will find that W.Bush doesn't need help from Europeans to make all his cock-ups he's very capable of that himself

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Because he's gotten our country into 200 BILLION dollars worth of debt!


I am not an American, but I totally agree with that! Here in our country we do think about money. Debt, well the gouverment is doing something about that here. And the debt is not very much anyway.


Busch totally f*ck*d up the relation with Europe. Well, he thinks he doesn't need Europe because in his opinion he can do everything he likes. Playing wargames is the only thing into his mind. I totally do not supports him!


That was my opinion

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Was Bush supposed to just sit back and do nothing after 9/11? Is it really one of Bush's "War Games" when over 2,700 americans lost their lives by simply going to work? Bush did a great job saving our economy after that horrible time in our history. Look at the stock market today and it dosn't even look remotely the same as it did for the rest of 2001, and well into 2002. We have men and women suporting this country and belive in the cause. I've personaly seen the polls that during election time members of the military supported Bush over Kerry 4-1. And if you have lived in the military most of your life you would know it still is very conservative.(Not the way Sheehan and the Media likes to show it) Our Military is not going to die, even I am still planing to go into ROTC as soon as I get into college, as are many other kids I know doing the same with a military school or ROTC.

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-The war on Iraq is a major issue We alienated our allies, lost many innocent lives, and stretched our military so thin that it is close to collapsing.


Nah, I dont think so. I think he is trying to start the thing that James Adams did. Its the spread of democracy(?) to our allies in other countries. Iraq/Afganistan was our allie for years.


How many families have had relatives and loved ones killed in Iraq? 1000's have. I'd say that's a major issue. There's also the fact this war has cost hundreds of millions of dollars, of the tax-payers money. You've paid for the bombs that were dropped on Bagdhad which killed hundreds of innocent civilians.


George Bush is as bad as any of dictator for forcing democracy on countries. You can't tell an entire nation how they should be run. A push in the right direction is ok but The USA government has over-stepped that line completely.

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But Bush did give us a new term for an old favorite: Freedom Fries.

Now how can another president top that? (oozing sarcasm)


My daughter told me her high school still has that listed instead of French Fries, and the aides hate it. Same goes for Freedom Toast.


I'm glad that mess didn't go any further. I'd hate to see the Statue of Liberty be made off-limits or dismantled.

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Seeing the Usa from outside of the enormous patriotism it's clear to me not only is your president a murderer he is also killing the planet. Trying to save your economy by polluting the planet with CO2? Nice.


Lets be fair, he is only doing what he thinks is best for his Country, if he leaves the Government in three years and the Country has a strong economy, people may just think he did a good job at home, even if his foriegn policy work seems a bit dry.


Also, his belief on the climate issue is that it is a natural occourance, now, I laughed like a good 'un when I first heard that, however, put simply - think about it, the planet went through an ice age before, how many cavemen were burning oil and chopping down the rainforests then?




You can't tell an entire nation how they should be run. A push in the right direction is ok but The USA government has over-stepped that line completely.


Agreed, I feel it is VERY undemocratic (which, in essence, is choice) to force a way of life upon a nation, invading a Country to make them see it from "our" point of view isnt just wrong, its illegal, and no matter how much I hate the folk who dig at Bush needlessly (OMFG, HE SAID SOMETHING WRONG, LOLZ!!!!11), he should go up for war crimes.

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I absolutely agree that we should not be so heavily involved in another countries affairs, but to be fair to Bush (wow, never thought I'd defend him), numerous US presidents have severely meddled in the affairs of other countries. Bush is not alone in doing this.


Mark "Learn about US intervention in Latin America. You would be shocked" Luskus

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I personally hate him because Iraq had NOTHING to do with us, and we should've focused our efforts on a certain osama, who actually caused 9/11.


I agree. What happened to going after and killing Osama. 4 1/2 years later and he's still running around. You don't even hear Bin Laden even being talked about anymore unless one of those tapes like the recent one shows up.

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I sure americans would hate for another non-american to post but I just needed to get this of my chest!


I am 100% behind bush and Howard(aus pm) I get realy heated up when people say he invaded afghanistan/Iraq for oil. I have got into heated arguments with my RE teacher about this subject.... So he just 'happened' to free afghanistan from the taliban and he just 'happened' to free Iraqis from the raping, murdering ect ect dictator.

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^ I am glad to see that there are people outside this nation that understand ths situation and side with the US


I agree. What happened to going after and killing Osama. 4 1/2 years later and he's still running around.


Since he's probably bundled up within caves and constantly looking behind his back as he has to live in total exlusion in the middle of some of the sh**iest places on earth, I'd say we've achieved out goal... killing or capturing him would only be a good morale boost and propoganda item at this point.

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Wow, I am really impressed at how civil this discussion has stayed so far (but not too surprised... this is TPR, after all ). I personally don't have an opinion about the man. I was involved with student government in college, and that just left a horrible impression on me. I decided to stay away from politics on all levels for a while. I'm glad to know where so many people on the boards stand. It's very refreshing to read so many posts, pro- and anti-Bush, with so many valid points. Thanks for posting, everyone.

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I sure americans would hate for another non-american to post but I just needed to get this of my chest!


I am 100% behind bush and Howard(aus pm) I get realy heated up when people say he invaded afghanistan/Iraq for oil. I have got into heated arguments with my RE teacher about this subject.... So he just 'happened' to free afghanistan from the taliban and he just 'happened' to free Iraqis from the raping, murdering ect ect dictator.



Now, I will not say that what was happening in Iraq wasn't horrible, but was it really any of our busness? I mean, why aren't we invading countless other countries if this really is about them. Iraq conveniently had oil, and so we just happened to be there to help...



Also, Bush has LIED to us, and on more than one occasion. I mean, the WMD's he almost swore were in Iraq just happened to vanish right before the Americans went in, even though we gave them little to no time to hide the numerous weapons that Bush said existed. Didn't he also say that he would let the UN do their thing in Iraq first???? I'm pretty sure that he blew the UN off, and went in anyway.



My last little tidbit for today: Bush called Kerry a flip-flopper. Now, I'm not denying this, but after giving a few (false) reasons for going to war, each of which appearing right after the other fails, don't you think that Bush is a little bit hypocritical?

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This topic about the President of the United States can be controversial, but lets not forget that the Presidents aim is to secure global peace.


Their are many people out their who assume that if they ignore the problem that it will go away. (It Won't) That is not the case with the terriosts suitation we face today! The Terriosts goal is to defeat the their enemies (The United States)


Whatever weak minded individules they can draw towards their cause, will join them. (Liberals ETC...)


We must show a united front against these terriosts! Any weakness will only be used against us! The United States is the strongest power in the world! We will not give in to the terriosts, we will defeat them!

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Also, Bush has LIED to us, and on more than one occasion.

What President hasn't? I'd also like for you to present specific evidence where he did lie to us and get caught. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything confirmed, unlike a certain "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" president.


I mean, the WMD's he almost swore were in Iraq just happened to vanish right before the Americans went in, even though we gave them little to no time to hide the numerous weapons that Bush said existed.

I don't consider it to have been "little to no time" to get rid of or hide or sell (most likely, IMO) the weapons. War build-up started in August of the summer before, the first ultimatum was given in the end of November. Even for the following 4 months that the UN inspectors were in the nation, it provided an ample window to keep moving weapons or getting rid of them etc. Did that happen? I don't know, and we may never know for sure, but I think we need to look at the facts first


Why did no one bitch at Lincoln when he suspended many civil rights during the Civil War?


Whatever weak minded individules they can draw towards their cause, will join them. (Liberals ETC...)

Though I agree with you 100%, we should probably keep it civil and that kind of thing may just ignite the flames and close the thread

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I sure americans would hate for another non-american to post but I just needed to get this of my chest!


I am 100% behind bush and Howard(aus pm) I get realy heated up when people say he invaded afghanistan/Iraq for oil. I have got into heated arguments with my RE teacher about this subject.... So he just 'happened' to free afghanistan from the taliban and he just 'happened' to free Iraqis from the raping, murdering ect ect dictator.


Listen, I know you're too young to remember this, but...


Back during the Iran/Iraq War, when Hussein was on the ropes (and when his murderous oppression of the Kurds was at its height), who went over there to provide U.S. support? Why, Donald Rumsfeld, that's who. And when the Soviet Union was in Afghanistan, who went in and armed the Islamic fundamentalists who later became the Taliban? Gee whillikers, the good ol' U.S.A. under freedom-loving Ronald Reagan, that's who! So don't get all moralistic if you don't know your history. The fact is that, without the support of the same faction that runs the Bush administration, both the Mujahadeen and Hussein might have been crushed.


Of course, that might have meant that Iran would be the reigning power in the Middle East. But since democracy has flourished in Iraq, the government is now tilting toward...IRAN!


Oh, yippee.

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Also, Bush has LIED to us, and on more than one occasion.

What President hasn't? I'd also like for you to present specific evidence where he did lie to us and get caught. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything confirmed, unlike a certain "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" president.


Well, gee, here's a simple, real simple, one for the top of your head:


"For those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them." George W. Bush, June 1, 2003


Now, granted, lying about a war in which tens of thousands of people have been killed and the U.S. has been bankrupted is nowhere near as important as lying about [oral sex], but...

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^ Now, Wally...play nice.


The fact is, that if the Presidential election were held today, the above map would be almost all blue. (At last glance, only 12 states - with a fairly weensy proportion of electoral votes, BTW, except of course for Texas - now support Bush.)


So let's not say "complete morons." Let's just say..."easily misled."

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Whatever weak minded individules they can draw towards their cause, will join them. (Liberals ETC...)


And so the personal attacks have begun. Well, I am a liberal, but I'm really not very weak minded, and I don't see myself joining Al Qaeda anytime soon. In fact, I am still waiting for someone to show me what Iraq had to do with September 11, and how invading them has helped the 'war on terror'.

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