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Where do you like to shop?


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Liquor stores, or as we call them "Off-Licenses" are always good.


What are the best electronics stores in the US? Should I just go to factory outlets or are there some decent chain stores in which to buy stuff?


I'm taking advantage of the awesome exchange rate.

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^Be careful, especially in Orlando, with the touristy 'outlet' electronics stores. Most of them are open box, not new, something wrong with, under the table type places!


Yeah, the whole place is one big tourist trap! Glad I've got you for a guide on the first few days.

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The only shopping I really do is for CDs and the occasional DVD, and no store beats Amoeba Records for bargains. As far as clothes go, I seem to have inherited a personal buyer in my mom. She's always buying me something new, and I just pay her for whatever it is she gets me. It works out great, because I HATE shopping and she LOVES buying clothes for other people.

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I like cheap clothes that dont want to show off the label. I guess im like George Carlin in that aspect. Old Navy seems to fit that most of the time as their labels are usually just little tags on pants and what not. Plain colored shirts for the win!

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  • 10 months later...

I shop around a lot for some things, not so much for others.


Probably 3/4 of my clothes come from American Eagle. I dunno they seem to last and aren't all that expensive to me, and the jeans are real comofrtable, an easy win for me. I buy a lot for sports clothes from random vendors, and really like Finish Line and Hibbet Sports (local chain) for shoes.


For housewares stuff (things like dishes, towels, etc) I go to Target. For brand-name stuff like detergent and Coke, I tend to shop Wal Mart. For fresh food like meats and stuff, Publix all the way! However my town's Target is getting super-sized soon so they could easily replace Publix or maybe even Wal Mart too if it's kickass.


For electronics I buy a lot online (:lover: Crutchfield) or through Best Buy (for reference I've earned more than $500 in their rewards certificates, lol) I used to shop car stereo at Circuit City since they carried Alpine but now that Best Buy has the brand I really don't go there much.


oh, and I get my underwear at Victoria's Secret

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I am a true CHEAP-AS%...


Grocery - Kroger. With a Kroger-Plus card and coupons life is GREAT!


Clothing - Marshalls and TJ MAXX. Great clothes at a great price.


Cosmetics - ULTA. I get coupns and it's cheap and fun.


Cars - NEVER BUY NEW!!!!!


Tickets to Theme Parks - AAA, or sometimes Meijers.


Gifts for your hubby - E-Bay.

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I generally shop at Target, Vons, JCPenney, the Levi's outlet store, etc. Basically simple stuff. But maybe because I can't stand shopping, but it's one of those necessary evils if you want to eat or wear clothes.


And there's a cute checker at Vons!



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