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Knott's Loop Trainer; Tijuana Taxi, XK-1; HeadAche; ETC...

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I'm compiling some research for a paper I'm writing about the history of Knott's and its attractions...can some of you who were up and about and visiting the park way back in the 80's fill me in on some of these questions? Thanks! Your help is appreciated!


EDIT: Does anybody know any information/answers to the questions below regarding these EIGHT defunct Knott's rides?


When did Loop Trainer open? When did it close?


Was HeadAche (was also formerly called Greased Lightning) a Chance Alpine Bobs or Herschell Flying Bobs?


What year did Tijuana Taxi open? And who was the manufacturer? Where was it located?


What year did Mexican Whip open? And who was the manufacturer and what was the production model? Where was it located?


What year did Propeller Spin open? And who was the manufacturer and what was the production model? Where was it located?


Was Fiesta Wheel a different ride, or was this the name of High Sierra Ferris Wheel before the name change?


What was Gasoline Alley? Was it a ride? What year did it open? When did it close? Where was it located? Who was the manufacturer?


What was Black Bart's Trail? Was it a ride? What year did it open? When did it close? Where was it located? Who was the manufacturer?

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here's a suggestion, go to knotts. Go to one of thier sit down style restraunts in ghost town, like that one that sells the pizza, or the place that has the ham (which is pretty good) and it has a whole table matt full of history from its humble begginnings all the way to silver bullet.

THere's a possibility I'm giong friday, so maybe I could bring one back for you assuming your report isn't due this week. I think the knotts website also might have a history section in it, so you might want to check that out.

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I'm not sure how much help some of these answers will be:


When did Loop Trainer open? When did it close?

It was at least open in 1980, that I know. It closed shortly before XK-1 was put in, which I want to say was around 1990?


Was HeadAche (was also formerly called Greased Lightning) a Chance Alpine Bobs or Herschell Flying Bobs?

I *believe* it was a Chance. Someone here (I think DubaiDave) had a photo of where it ended up.


What year did Tijuana Taxi open? And who was the manufacturer? Where was it located?

It was in Fiesta Village right around where Revolution is currently located (I believe) It is now located at Castle Park.


What year did Mexican Whip open? And who was the manufacturer and what was the production model? Where was it located?
Also near TJ Taxi. I believe that these two rides were removed to make room for the Falling Star, Chairswing, and Tumbler.


What year did Propeller Spin open? And who was the manufacturer and what was the production model? Where was it located?
It was a Round-Up, just like the one at SFMM and it was located next to where Headache was (where Perilous Plunge is today)


What was Gasoline Alley? Was it a ride? What year did it open? When did it close? Where was it located? Who was the manufacturer?
This was a Vintage Cars ride and it was intertwined with Wacky Soap Box Racers. They were both removed at the same time.


What was Black Bart's Trail? Was it a ride? What year did it open? When did it close? Where was it located? Who was the manufacturer?
No freaking clue!!!


Hope that helps!



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^ It was not a Crazy Bus. It was a vintage car ride. I've been on it!!!! Here I will even located it on the map for you....where is is LABELED "Tijuana Taxi." Damn this really brings back some memories of when Knott's was a good park. *sigh*


Kraxle, hopefully this will help you out a bit:


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The Roaring '20s Corkscrew was removed in 1989, so that map is older than that. Camp Snoopy opened in 1983, so the map is newer than that.


I rode the old Tijuana Taxi many times. One day I'll get out to Castle Park (I've never been there) to ride it again. And it was in fact where Robb labeled it on the map.



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Thanks to all of you for your help and feedback!


I have a few more questions at the top of my head right now...


Was the Fiesta Wheel a Chance Trabant or a Mack Hully Gully?


So if XK-1 opened in 1990, that means it opened the same year along with Boomerang, correct? Does anybody remember Boomerang being the only new ride in 1990? If it was, then XK-1 opened in a different year...anybody have any idea?

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Holy Cow!


Those were good times! Back when the Knotts cared about Knott's!


When just my dad and I went. I thought the whole place was awesome! I went on Monte's like 10 times in a row, because it was the best ride in the park! My stomach can't do that anymore...oh well. I remember getting head banged on corkscrew, but it wasn't near as bad as Windjammer...or headjammer...earjammer...


My dad still thinks the log ride at Knott's is the best ever, and maybe he's right...what do you think?


By the way, when I went in 1981, Camp Snoopy was a parking lot, so it must be after that...but it looks like you got that squared away.

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Im pretty sure XK-1 opened with Boomerang because I remember going the year it opened. Boomerang was my first looping coaster.


That map did bring back memories somewhat. My first trip was after they added Gran Slammer, and Tampico Tumbler. I remember standing in line with my uncle to ride Loop Trainer but I was too short, same for Tampico Tumbler.


I only got to ride XK-1 once, that was my 8th grade trip in 1997. One ride on that was enough! But for some random reason we all fell in love with Windjammer...LMAO. They only had the red side open, but we rode that ride at least 5 or 6 times that day.

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OMG!! Knott's Berry Tales!! That was so much better then Kingdom of the Dinosaurs!! Wow everything on that map that was takin out is all way better then what they have now!!! I agree whole heartedly that Knott's used to be a great park at one point and that map pretty much showed the time when it was!! Sniff!!!!


Most missed ride is Wacky Soap Box Racers!!!!


This is as sad as missing the old Tomorrowland at Disneyland!!!

Circa 1980's


I better stop before I get depressed!!!

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  • 3 years later...

Let's bring this hidden gem out again... That park map brought back a lot of good memories! What baffles me is that Knott's didn't have that many so called "thrill rides" but it was just in a league of it's own. I remember selling chocolates for my elementary back in the 90's just so I can earn a free trip to Knott's... Gosh I miss those days!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ah yes, the Knotts of my childhood I miss!


Anyone remember what they called the Scrambler they used to have inside the building next to Greezed' Lightning? That thing got around - it was there, then under Windjammer and then over in Wild Water Wilderness. I wonder why they got rid of it completely.

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You ought to look at this update I did on Knott's back in the 70's & 80's (click that link) I did a week long look at the park as it was back in those days and there are early maps that show the locations of each of those rides, there is also video that shows some of the rides as well as historical facts and information on the park


Here are a few of the answers off the top of my head.


The Loop Trainer and propeller Spin opened in 1977 as part of the Airfield expansion


Both the Tiajuana Taxi and Gasoline Alley were Arrow creations


The Fiesta Wheel as a Chance Trabant


Mexican Whip was a sellner Tilt-A-Whirl.


That ought to get you started, but really check out that link. There is tons of great stuff that should really help your report

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