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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Since they are less than 15 minutes apart, I wonder if Knoebels is going to work with GCI on their next coaster? A custom terrain woodie on the side of the scenic overlook chair lift hill would be pretty awesome.

Edited by raptor6
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^On the other hand, the entire purpose of the Millennium Flyer's aesthetics is to envoke a sense of nostalgia. The park has a great relationship with GCI - they do maintenance work on the coasters, and Mike Boodley (designer of the Flyers) is really the only reasons the Turns is finally open now - so I wouldn't be surprised to see them get a coaster of theirs.


Maybe instead of a terrain GCI, we'd see them go for something like a Rye Aeroplane recreation??

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Bison burgers are not too hard to find. The other food items that Larry listed, though, I've not seen anywhere except for Knoebels.


Just curious what other amusement park you have seen them at, so I can be on the lookout on future visits.


Yes, I don't recall seeing Bison Burgers being offered anywhere else.


Good point. I wasn't considering 'only at amusement parks' as part of my comment. I have seen bison burgers numerous places but not at any amusement park I can think of. Outside of an amusement park, I've seen them numerous places.

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^GCI did a great job at Knight Valley with their mountain-based woodie--why not?


I would have complaints with a GCI at Knoebels, especially if it is similar to Knight Valley.


Does anyone anyone know if Knoebels actually owns all that land where the chairlift runs.

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I think they should build a terrain steel coaster on the side of the hill where the chairlift is located. Think about it, if they got with intamin or another similar manufacturer, they could build a terrain steel coaster ala Boulderdash, but with extreme steel drops and turns through the woods. Sorta a Skyrush on the side of a mountain. By using terrain and never going above the ground too much except for maybe 100 ft to add to a big drop, they could probably do it fairly cheaply. Probably 1/2 the price, it not a greater discount the the current price for a hyper coaster. Problem is a lot of expense would be spent on engineering/footer/placement on the side of a big hill. I can dream?



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Does anyone anyone know if Knoebels actually owns all that land where the chairlift runs.


This is what I think every time this gets mentioned (which is pretty often). Didn't someone here say they don't even own the land their parking lot sits on?


Since they are less than 15 minutes apart, I wonder if Knoebels is going to work with GCI on their next coaster? A custom terrain woodie on the side of the scenic overlook chair lift hill would be pretty awesome.

I think a GCI would be too "normal" for Knoebles who is looking for special rides.


What makes you say that? They already have two wooden coasters that are as traditional as it gets. How would a GCI be too "normal"?


I doubt it'll be a GCI, mind you, since why work with them when they could just do it in-house like Twister, but still. I don't think another wooden coaster would be too "normal".

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What makes you say that? They already have two wooden coasters that are as traditional as it gets. How would a GCI be too "normal"?


I doubt it'll be a GCI, mind you, since why work with them when they could just do it in-house like Twister, but still. I don't think another wooden coaster would be too "normal".

By GCI, I mean those GCI woodies. They are everywhere nowadays just like B&M's. Knoebels has Phoenix which is from Playland Park, Twister whose layout is based on Twister II, Flying Turns which brought back the wooden bobsled category. Even if they build something impressive like Knight Valley's Wooden Coaster or those new concept coasters from GCI, it couldn't be that special.


But I wouldn't mind if they build a completely normal Intamin woodie


By the way, just heard from someone back from Knight Valley, Wooden Coaster became very rough already.

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By the way, just heard from someone back from Knight Valley, Wooden Coaster became very rough already.

Wow that was very quick. I have heard it is/was a great ride so it really is a shame it has become rough.

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If it does end up being a GCI creation, I'd love for it to be as good in its entirety as the little portion of track is that they worked on when modifying Boulder Dash... Or they could just build their own Boulder Dash.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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If it does end up being a GCI creation, I'd love for it to be as good in its entirety as the little portion of track is that they worked on when modifying Boulder Dash... Or they could just build their own Boulder Dash.


Yeah, this park would do great with another high intensity woodie, and I think both GCI and RMC are both capable of making a kick-butt ride.


Uh... Also, I guess I'm the 2000th post. SUCKERS!!

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From Knoebels Facebook. When is Eastcoaster?

We’re gradually learning more about what the fourth generation is up to. We know they traveled to at least 3 states in search of the right project. And what are all of these long distance calls about? Will they say anything at Eastcoaster?
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