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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Actually, after some poking, I found some footage of the second-longest-surviving Flying Turns, the one in Coney Island. This one started life in Flushing in 1939 before being relocated to Coney Island, and lasted until 1974.



The video itself is kind of off-the-wall, but the footage starts at 59 seconds in and ends at 1 minute 15 seconds.

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  • 2 months later...

Knoebels has a serious winner on their hands. These towers are great. Morey's has the 148ft. version also and they really pack a punch-much better than any S&S tower. One of the best things about the Larson ARM towers is the unexpected drop considering you can't see the top of the tower from the carriage.

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Lake Winnie, Waldameer and Morey's as well. It looks like this tower will have the circular-arrangement seating like the ones at Lake Winnie and Waldameer.

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The views will be spectacular from the top. Good shots of that SBNO coaster that will never open.


They should use this in their promotional literature.

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Just checked Knoebels website for ticket prices and it looks like I'll be visiting on a day when the pay-one-price tickets aren't available. Is anyone able to offer advice on how much we should budget for ride tickets? Planning to spend the whole day at the park (open 11-7), is $40 each likely to be enough?

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Just checked Knoebels website for ticket prices and it looks like I'll be visiting on a day when the pay-one-price tickets aren't available. Is anyone able to offer advice on how much we should budget for ride tickets? Planning to spend the whole day at the park (open 11-7), is $40 each likely to be enough?


Absolutely. Knoebels is a great bargain. You'll be able to get on plenty of rides for $40 each.

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Typically, I get the Pay-One-Price stamp for events like Phall Phunfest. But, on a normal day where you aren't taking laps on a single roller coaster for hours on end (ahem), $40 does the trick.


The nice thing about normal tickets is that you can budget them two ways - you can either buy a ticket book (lots of grocery stores in Pennsylvania have discounts on those) and keep the tickets you don't use for a later visit, or you can pay as you go and not waste your money if something goes wrong.


EDIT: Where are you flying in to? I can point you to a Weis grocery store along your route.

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Perfect! There are four Weis Markets locations in the State College/Bellefonte area.




The fourth one (not pictured) is along Interstate 99, Exit #83. It's shiny and new and has a gas station.


Which one you go to all depends on which way you're going to Knoebels. If you're sticking to Interstates 99 and 80, go to the one off of Interstate 99. If you're going to take PA Route 45, go to the one on South Atherton Street (C and D on the linked map).

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There's actually an advantage to tickets-only days, in that they're more motivated to run all the trains on the coasters, leading to shorter wait times. (Knoebels NEVER slacks off on operations, but if you want to ride the front seat, there will still be a line.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be heading to Knoebels with a bunch of buddies on opening day this year! I'm freaking excited right now!


...and terrified of Stratosfear.

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