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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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High Speed Thrill Coaster was indeed amazing.




It was, indeed, the King of the Kiddie Coasters.


^And in answer to your question . . .



By the way, they confirmed on Facebook that nothing will be removed and this will be located "roughly across the boulevard from the Twister bridge".

Edited by cfc
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The local newspaper reported that the drop tower will be a $2 ride. They didn't say whether it would be included in the handstamp plans. The Knoebels website says it won't be included in the Bargain Night handstamp, but it doesn't say anything about the regular one.

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I was bored a few weeks ago playing around in Illustrator, and made this variation on the vertical sign that hangs on the station platform of the Phoenix. Pretty decent timing, considering Phoenix's place on the poll this year...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question, I'm sure this has been asked SO many times, but what is the issue with Flying Turns? I seriously don't have a clue. Could someone explain what the problem is? I don't want to start a whole discussion on this because I'm sure everyone is so sick of talking about it, but I'm just curious. Thanks!

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^ Flying Turns is a Wooden Bobsled coaster that has been under construction since 2005. Knoebels is basically trying to revive a old concept from the 1930s and are having trouble to make it meet modern standards.

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No, haha I know what the ride is, and I know they have been working on it since 2005, and I know they are trying to revive an old concept... but why is it taking so long to fix those issues of getting it up to modern standards?! It's kind of sad in a way, it just perplexes me that it has been this long!

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I like making jokes about Flying Turns as much as the next person, but I seriously hope that they can get it open as soon as safely possible. It will certainly be a unique experience.

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^Oh, I'm right with ya! It looks like they are slowly but surely making progress, and I commend them for it. Really, this is unexplored territory. Re-creating that ride experience while simultaneously keeping up with today's safety standards doesn't appear easy.

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When we were there last year, they showed us the train they designed that was able to complete the track the way they wanted. I believe they are now making the rest of the train (like the actual seats) and then will test that over and over again. I know its been said before but one of these days...

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I like making jokes about Flying Turns as much as thenext person, but I seriously hope that they can get it open as soon as safely possible. It will certainly be a unique experience.



I think we all feel that way.

This is silly I know but: Does anyone know if any progress has been made?


New drop tower eh? Hell havn't been to Knoebels since I was 12 years old.

May have to take a day trip, especially if Flying Turns opens (I can dream)

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I also hope that Knoebels gets the Flying Turns up and running. They certainly earn high marks for being persistent, or just plain determined, in achieving this goal. But I think their troubles probably illustrate why no one has built one of these rides since the 1930s (I think--I'm not sure when the last wooden Flying Turns ride was constructed). I am going to keep that faith that if any park can pull off a new Flying Turns, it's Knoebels.

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This is silly I know but: Does anyone know if any progress has been made?

The last time I was there, which was in October for Phoenix Phall Phunfest, they had finished re-designing and re-constructing the transfer area to accommodate three sets of track side by side by side, possibly indicating that they will want to make and run three trains.

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This is silly I know but: Does anyone know if any progress has been made?

The last time I was there, which was in October for Phoenix Phall Phunfest, they had finished re-designing and re-constructing the transfer area to accommodate three sets of track side by side by side, possibly indicating that they will want to make and run three trains.


Forgive my noobness, what exactly is the issue?

I thought they couldn't get the free rolling aspect going safely?

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The issue is developing a chassis/car that can maneuver the course properly.

Posted a page back.


From what I heard two weeks ago, they are in the process of manufacturing the new trains and might have them ready to be tested this spring...

But knowing the history of this coaster, that doesn't really mean much.

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