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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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The reason why the Looper took all season to build is because the ride arrived before the season started, and required a major overhaul. It took them all season to find/build the parts to get the ride in working order. That's why it didn't open until towards the end of the season.


As for the Wipeout, it's a portable model. I saw someone posted a picture of the ride set up, next to Fandango. It wasn't ready to open at that time, but I'm sure it will open either this weekend or Memorial Day weekend. I will be in the area over Memorial Day weekend, and I'll get a HD video of it.

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I would not count on it being open.

They are still having problems with the trains. They dont track properly or ride in the trough as they want it to. They only have one train, until they work out the problems they will not build any other trains. The problem as I understood it was that one of the wheels is not riding on the track in parts of the turns due to several issues with the current train design. Last I heard they were working on the trains to try and get them to track properly which no time frame has been given on how long this will take.


Every time I ask when the ride will open or be done, I get the standard answer and that is it will be done when it gets done.


One thing to consider is the crew building it also have to maintain all the other rides at the park so the Flying turns is not there first priority...

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One thing to consider is the crew building it also have to maintain all the other rides at the park so the Flying turns is not there first priority...


Yeah, but they've had millions in capital (their most expensive investment?) tied up in this non-functional ride for quite a while now. It doesn't take an MBA to know that having a large investment in something that is generating $0 is bad. Perhaps bad enough to divert attention from fixing some of the less important rides for a bit. Although if the problem is purely related to the trains, there's not much they can do other than wait and hope their vendor fixes the problem.

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I was at the park all day today and I didn't see any testing going on at all. They were putting up two more bents for the storage track, but as far as I could tell no other work had been done on it since opening weekend.


Speaking of the storage track, the first transfer switch is very close to the Flyers, and that's when it's in the running position. I haven't seen it in the transfer position, but I bet when it is it'll be more than a little unnerving to Flyer pilots -- at least those who like to aim for the trees.


As for the Wipeout, it wasn't running yet. There was a sign saying that we should expect it by May 24th. They had all the lights lit today and I saw them running it very slowly once, but later there was a bunch of guys crawling around underneath it.


If it's a portable ride, they've done a very nice job of making it look like a permanent setup with some landscape bricks built up underneath the entire perimiter of the platform. And I don't know if it's new or second-hand, but if it's second-hand they've got it cleaned up and shining like new.

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  • 1 month later...

I hate vague news as much as the next person, but at this point I figure that vague news is better than no news, so... things may finally be looking up for the Flying Turns.


First, a few weeks ago someone left a comment on one of my YouTube videos saying that they worked in the park and they had heard that it ought to be open in July, maybe even for the 4th. But they were skeptical because there hadn't been any activity around the ride in quite a while. Well, that got me thinking. If there was a problem to solve, as everyone has said, why wouldn't they still be testing? Could it be that they had found a solution and were just waiting for the final design to be fabricated?


Then today, someone on another board said that they had been at the park yesterday and heard that they had assembled a new car. Then, they actually saw employees riding it.


So take that for what it's worth, but I for one am glad that there is finally some progress going on!

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I'm still skeptical! This ride sounds like no real progress is going on. Weren't the trains or brakes not working right, so it was delayed even more? I'd like to see actual pictures or video of people testing it instead of just some vague news.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was at knoebels this past weekend! We had a blast and good news-_Flying Turns was testing! I saw it running. I spoke to an older employee (he's worked there for 30 years). he explained to me that the issues with the train are no longer safety, but comfort. The train does not run as smooth as they would like it too. He also said that they are making progress with it.


Am I the only one who didn't know this thing has 3 lift hills? I always thought it had 2. There are 2 lifts after leaving the station. When the ride enters the break run, it enters another lift to return to the station.

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There was an article in the Danville newspaper today (http://www.pressenterpriseonline.com/ but you'll have to register) saying that they weren't sure it was going to open this season, although they wouldn't rule it out either. They didn't say specifically what the issue with the train was, but they did say that they're concerned about it being too wild of a ride. They want it to appeal to everybody, not just coaster enthusiasts. I hope they don't slow it down too much. For $3 (yes, it's up to $3 now, even though the website says $2.50) I expect it to be a wild ride!

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Well the problem isn't the track, it's the cars. They think they thrash back and forth too much (I think it's supposed to do that, but...) so they videotape a run, then try to figure out how to modify the cars. You're lucky you saw it run once.

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What's strange is when I was up there on the seventh, there were employees riding it.

Maybe they were only riding certain parts, put there were people on it!

So perhaps were close, but so far away!

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It's obvious the ride is "complete". We also know that Dick Knoebel likes his toys to run the way he likes! I believe that he is a perfectionist when it comes to building his coasters, and I think the results speak for themselves! (Phoenix and Twister anyone?)

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