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The trim breaks are extremely important to this ride. With out them, the G-Forces would be way to high, and the fact the train is pretty much destroying its structure from it, same with Mean Streak. However, there are a few times that the trims could be off.


The trim brakes on Mantis have nothing to do with the structure. If it was intense enough to damage steel supports then the ride wouldn't run period. The trims are more to keep the intensity down somewhat, but mostly to help the ops make interval. Slows the train down a bit so that they have a bit more time to load.


The trims weren't even added until after it's first season.


I've had good and bad rides on it, overall it's a decent ride. However I don't think it's worth waiting more then 20 minutes for.


Magnum on the other hand, if you get off with bruises that means it's running great. Bring the pain!!

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I didn't find it to be that rough, but I don't really make a point of riding it every time I'm at CP. I'm a girl and it still hurt my crotchal region, so I can only imagine how much worse it would be for a guy. After the first time I rode it, I have always made sure to leave a good deal of room between the seat and certain areas since the forces of the ride will push your body down. There was some headbanging in the second half of the ride..it actually caused my cartilage ring to start bleeding once, but it was my fault for wearing it. I still find it to be a good ride, much better than the standup at my home park, so if I were you I'd give it a try and see how you like it.

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The two things that work for me are......

-keeping knees slightly bent. I learned from marching band that if your knees are straight (locked) you will pass out because the blood doesnt flow as well. If they are bent, you are using your muscles more which will keep the blood flowing better.


- and like said before, keep room between your balls and the bike seat thing

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I like Mantis a lot actually. It's probably one of the top five most intense B&M's if you catch it with the trim off, but it can still be fun in normal operation too. I've never bought into the whole thing about standups being painful to guys. Any idiot can position himself comfortably. As for the headbanging, I've just learned to deal with it. Mantis is not Arrow/Vekoma rough, but you are going to come off the ride with sore ears. Just try to enjoy all the unique forces and elements you normally don't see on beemers and you forget about the roughness.

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ok, first let me say this, i've never been on Mantis.


But, I've been on Riddler's Revenge!


I've never new why people said they were so painful... not until my last ride....


So i'm on Riddler's and I hear a voice that i thought said "seats locked" but i was thinking to myself "that's odd, it didn't feel like they locked" so i push of the ground just a tad then "CLICK!"... I rode the ride with my feet semi-dangling...


Here's what i've learned...


Ride with your legs slightly bent...

Press you feet onto the ground (if you have a floor)...

If you have no floor, cross your ankles and apply pressure...

Keep your head BACK

And if on a standup you can also try sitting by putting your feet on the raised bit front of your car, with your resting on the seat.

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ok, first let me say this, i've never been on Mantis.


But, I've been on Riddler's Revenge!


I've never new why people said they were so painful... not until my last ride....


So i'm on Riddler's and I hear a voice that i thought said "seats locked" but i was thinking to myself "that's odd, it didn't feel like they locked" so i push of the ground just a tad then "CLICK!"... I rode the ride with my feet semi-dangling...


Here's what i've learned...


Ride with your legs slightly bent...

Press you feet onto the ground (if you have a floor)...

If you have no floor, cross your ankles and apply pressure...

Keep your head BACK

And if on a standup you can also try sitting by putting your feet on the raised bit front of your car, with your resting on the seat.



The exact same thing happened to me the last time I rode. They had to unlock our row because my friend couldn't push down the seat (it's hard when you're small), and I pushed up a little right as they locked it. So I stood on the outside of the car the entire time, as well as the ledge before the seats.

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If your legs are bent that requires you to use more effort yourself.


Ideally you want to just stand straight up with legs locked. With the joints locked the forces will be better taken through your legs and you wont feel much.



Ive never had issues with my legs or crotchel region. I just knew right away - its not made to sit on, dont sit on it. But my head...oh my poor ears and head...



I think Ive lost brain cells to that ride. If so, I want them back! Ive ridden Arrows that were more comfortable, even though they jabbed harder my head didnt thwack and vibrate against those obnoxiously huge restraints.

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When I rode Mantis back in like 2004 or 2003, it wasn't the smoothest stand-up i've ridden...but it was still really fun.

AND he likes Son of Beast! What is this world coming to???


What can I say? It was the first ride of the day and I rode in the front row! Later on though, I rode in the middle and it sucked...but it was still fun.

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from what I hear, there are a lot of retarded people in Ohio who don't know quite how to ride a stand up, although we get people like that here at SFMM, too. Which is why I think that the stand up designs have never really caught on because generally people are to stupid to ride them.

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from what I hear, there are a lot of retarded people in Ohio who don't know quite how to ride a stand up, although we get people like that here at SFMM, too. Which is why I think that the stand up designs have never really caught on because generally people are to stupid to ride them.
That's what it is. Because people don't know how to get in the seats, it kills capacity. Stand-ups just can't reach a decent capacity because people can't figure out the seats.


I don't think Mantis is rough. There's one part of the ride after the block brake where you may bash your head. I just keep my head back, and I'm fine. I think Mantis is horribly boring. The inclined loop is the best part of the ride, but it's not that great.

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I've never had a problem with roughness or the crotch area on Mantis. I've been on it in '03, '04, and '05, but I have to say, it was best in 03 and worst in 04, and ok in 05. Just stand straight up, and keep your head against the head rest, and you should be fine. I've never had a problem with too high forces on the legs, but I am in to all kinds of sports. I actually use that coaster to keep my legs in "shape" when I visit CP. Nothing like supporting 4 times your body weight.


As for wait times, I've had between 0 wait and 45 minutes. The best times are right when the park opens, and late at night. I perfer late at night, more fun, seems a bit smoother to me at least.


If you want to ride, don't let other people's opinions stray you away from a coaster.

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Mantis has been my favorite Steel coaster for quite some time now, it's very smooth, the only part that was a bit shaky was the the corkscrew, but not enough to make you wanna pass the ride up on your next visit. Very awesome ride in every aspect. ...anyone having problems while riding Mantis as far as comfortability goes, then there aren't in the right position.

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