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Universal Studios Florida next attraction?

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Well you can see for yourself it's time for another great attraction in the works at Universal Studios Florida in Orlando,FL. The Mummy was brilliant but where could they put their next attraction? I think they should bring back KONG but I think it's a little too weird for that to happen,since it's just been demolished in 04'. My prediction is that they put like a Chronicles of Riddick ride in or something from THE BOURNE IDENTITY Series like a car chase type of ride,which would be real sweet!!!! I know we won't see this for awhile but maybe think about it like in 08'-09'.

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Seems like Kong would have had a place at Universal after all. Although I like the Mummy, I liked Kongfrontation as well. Too bad there wasn't room for both.

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Ugh, Universal has got enough simulators... we have 3 of those things!


I would like a small Simpsons themed area, such as a WELL-themed spinning family coaster (no crappy PW-esque "theming"). A few flats and such and would round out USO.


(dreams of "Springfield" themed section)

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Well, first thing first, I dont think they are going to make another Kong. That would kinda be a 'wtf?' moment. The Mummy hasnt even been there for a year. The Kong movie was great, but they are not going to bring back something they recently demolished. They could put King Kong movie props in the Horror Make-up show, if they like.


A Simpsons-themed area would be nice, but where would it go? They could take down Woody Woodpeckers Kidzone, but I highly doubt that they will do that. And I dont think that Universal has the rights to the Simpsons.


What I would like the to do is to bring back that Jet Ski stunt show they use to have, or the Ghostbusters driving around USF again.

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What I would like the to do is to bring back that Jet Ski stunt show they use to have, or the Ghostbusters driving around USF again.


yeah, but maybe without all the homoerotic antics as the last incarnation... Cowboy Hats and Pelvic Thrusts... yeah, that was just.... ummmm...

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Well, first thing first, I dont think they are going to make another Kong. That would kinda be a 'wtf?' moment. The Mummy hasnt even been there for a year. The Kong movie was great, but they are not going to bring back something they recently demolished. They could put King Kong movie props in the Horror Make-up show, if they like.


A Simpsons-themed area would be nice, but where would it go? They could take down Woody Woodpeckers Kidzone, but I highly doubt that they will do that. And I dont think that Universal has the rights to the Simpsons.


What I would like the to do is to bring back that Jet Ski stunt show they use to have, or the Ghostbusters driving around USF again.


W.O.W...here I am thinking the mummy has been there for atleast a year and a half. Ya learn something new everyday...


But I think bring back a past attraction would get a WTF? Paramount did it was days of thunder simulator and disney basically just replaced space mountian with the same thing.

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I don't know what's coming next, but when I was there last, I know Elissa and I were talking about how Beetlejuice has been there since like opening, and yet I've never seen it. If they need room for anything, they'll probably use that area. Although, I'd rather they take out Twister, PLEASE!!! But if they do, they better make sure they leave Bill Paxton in whatever Preshow there is for the next ride. There sure are a lot of unused areas of the park though, like the lake and the old Hard Rock building, still sitting there rotting away...

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I doubt Kong is gonna happen. The new movie's popularity was far less than expected with audiences. It was 3rd in the box office this weekend (behind a $4 million dollar HORROR movie no less), so I think that's dead in the water.


Universal hasn't made any big dents at the movie box office this year & they definitely need one. A solid hit actiony/sci-fi movie could make a solid ride.

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