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TR: NY, Ghetto Lazer Tag, and the Coolest McDonald's EVER!!!

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Okay, this is my first TR so bear with me...LOL


Look at all the peoples runnin' around!


Hurray, we finally made it to Times Square! The fat and blue one is yours truly...


Inside of the subway, you can just barely get a taste of the high class upholstery they got going on for their seats!


See? I don't lie!


Okay, so we're at the subway on Parson's Blvd. in Queens and we're trying to make our way through the mess of streets we call N.Y.

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Okay, just testing this out to see if the order was alright...moving on!


Wow, look...it's Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Could this be the primary reason we came?


After we reach our destination after a short elevator ride, low and behold...RUPAL!!! OMG!!!


Hokay, so after almost 30 bucks for admission, we ascend the staircase which in itself was brutifulls. Enjoy!


Speaking of skanks...I told this POS how I really feel about her. She just returned the gesture by letting one rip, because she is nasty like that.


Of course, George Clooney thinks he is hot stuff and tried to propose, but errbody knows he skank, so I said he needs to go home.


Of course as I made my way around the floor, I just had to get another picture of the diva in the center fountain! I'm lovin' that dress.


This is my good friend Whoopi...we go way back. Way back!


Hehe...how many homos can you find in this picture. Look really carefully!


Mr. Jimi Hendrix, ladies and gentlemen. Look ma, two manic-depressives within several inches of eachother.


This lady here is the most fabulous, diva-licious ladies in the whole world and I love her!


OMG!!! It's Bahbra! Not THAT Bahbra, I'm not a stereotype, dammit! But yeah, Barbara Walters is my homedawg.


This one I took specifically for Waterviper...Mike, look. I'm mooning the Beatles. Actually, they were so damn low to the ground I had to squat.


Hey gurl!!! I forgot who the hell you are, but I'll sing witch'ya!


Look at the little submissive queen in the corner grovelling at the feet of the Ms. Judy Garland. Friend of Dorothy, you ask? I'll let you figure that one out, geniuses.


My godbrother, Greg, and I escort THE Ms. Ella Fitzgerald to the winter ball.


This is my ex-girlfriend, Murrilyn Monroe. People always say she was a "big girl," but since these are built to scale, I wouldn't say that at ALL! She's so brootifuls!


Check out the foxy and scantily-clad lady in the corner!


This crappy and fake-looking Robin Williams begged me to dance with him, so I followed through.


Ten seconds later...


Yeah, so Lance Armstrong thinks he is sh*t as cycling...until today, that is!


Ms. Maya Angelou...I love you and ALL of your Hallmark cards .


Salvador Dali is my favorite painter of all time and I was totally psyched the had him here. I was also shocked that they allowed him to show off his cock.


Werd, Ghandi!!! This man right here is a saint, no doubt in my mind.


Dr. MLK...no introduction necessary. (I hope)


Rosa Parks!!! Hey gurl!!! She is by far one of my favorite Americans of ALL time.


Well, I was more excited to see her than she was to see me. Too bad she was molded to look to bitchy...


Ummm, yeah, I took this picture to get an idea for the type of material I want to use when I try out for Project Runway. Even as a big ol' queen, I can appreciate a fake yum-yum.


Wow, like, who is THAT? I've never seen her before...


Yeah, it's too bad Sharon wasn't here, because I would probably try to steal that woman from Ozzy. I love her! I love him too, but I can't stand their kids...BLEH!


Here is the notorious lady of the night, Ms. Bette Midler. She isn't as fabulous and PFLAG as she used to be Madonna but I still love her!

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Wait, there's more! Look at the title, silly buns...


This phase of Madonna is the one I'm done with. Oh yeah, I was just testing those tassels on the end of her boobings for quality.


I guess Jabba is such a fat bastard that he is can feel no remorse. Santa was delicious, indeed.


Amidst the screams and cherry flavored carnage, Santa begs for mercy from Jabba the Hutt.


So, this Santa Jelly Pop looks delicious and is totally unaware of its impending demise.


Wow, thanks for recapping that random-ass trip with me. Now stay tuned for more randomness.


Case in point?


Look how skank New York City is. I know it's a sin to talk about one's second home that way, but come on!


A we got ready to head back to Queens, this cartoon was in the station dancing around.


This is me after an hour of lazer tag! Scurry, ain't it? I totally whooped this girl's ass, but she was too proud to admit it. She got all sassy and was like "Whateva! I played this game twice, that don't mean nothin'!"


Lazer Tag!!! We had to wait for an hour to get in...damn NYers. Thank God for DDR or else I would have died.


Yeah, so here's Time Square and what not. And now for some spontaneous...


Who IS that hippo in the back stuffin his face? WHO?


Okay, so I'm the cow on the very left, to my immediate right is Greg, whom you saw earlier, and that is my godsister, Helen and her boyfriend, Ares.


Holy crap! I'm eating nuggets too! Man, I probably gained like a thousand more pounds on this trip (yeah Dane Cook, a THOUSAND).


Yeah, that burger took me a while. I talk a lot apparently.


If you stare at the image long enough, you can see me getting fatter.


Mmmmm, this was the best McD's food EVER!!!


Look at all the decorations they got up on the third floor!


I know the pic is crappy, but I just wanted to show you what a McD's that takes your order while you wait in line looks like. Jealous? I know you are.



Okay, so we got hungry and my godsister's boyfriend recommend McD's since we forked out mucho dinero for the museum. Check this place out!


Here are Rupaul's man hands on the wall before we leave the musuem. I really felt butch and manly when hers were bigger than mine.


Ugh, leave me alone Rupal!


The Rock was a lot "smaller" than I thought he would be. Totally flat in fact.


Julia rules! I mean look at that beautiful set of...teeth.


Didn't you all know that I was the REAL replacement for Ginger? I mean come on, look how well I can blend in!


Feel free to create your own caption here.

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Nice report! I didn't know Susan Sarandon was one of the Spice Girls! (was that supposed to be Posh?)


I went to that McD's this past summer (it looks like the same one) while trying to waste time until the lottery drawing for cheap Avenue Q (the only show I'd have any interest in seeing) tickets. I didn't get them of course.


My favorite thing about that McD's were that the stools against the counter had their own TV screens where you could watch McD's propaganda.

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A we got ready to head back to Queens, this cartoon was in the station dancing around.


Omg those korean dancing hat things... COOLEST. HATS. EVER.


they're basically those gymanastic ribbony things attackhed to a metel rod thats attached to your hat (you can stt ther metal thing in the pic) and they like swing their heads around.. you can do some crazy looking stuff with those things...


that guy doesnt look like he knows what hes doing though... hes holding a drum.. wtf?





about, that museum... some of those things looked a little TOO realistic...



paris hilton? well i dont hate her.. dont especially like her.. but i saw that vid where her boyfried hit and ran... atleast shes sane enough to go crazy at him... and telling him to go back... :?

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Most excellent first TR, Teddy.


It looks like you covered everything including every f-ing figure in the museum, LOLOL! They let you get "that close" to the figures, huh? Interesting. You can never have too much RuPaul, r-r-r-right?



And Elissa should be happy, that the "McDonald's Eating Traditon" is being continued, heh heh.


Looking forward to many more TRs from you, mmm'k?


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The wax museum looks like an awesome place. I've never been in one because I never wanted to waste my money. Some of them look alittle too real. and I love how you can pose with them and they aren't in glass boxes.


Nice TR! I especially enjoyed Santa's demise.

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Nice TR!


That McDonald's looks awesome, but there's one in Chicago, near Rainforest Cafe and Hard Rock Cafe that is really awesome too. It used to be really crappy a year ago, but they demolished it, and made it a million times better. They first floor, which is themed (yes, themed!) to the history of Chicago is nice. But, you go up the escalator (yes, escalator) to the second floor, and it's simply amazing. Half of the area feels nothing like a McDonald's- leather seats, armchairs, couches, real swanky. It feels more like a five star hotel than a McDonalds. Then you move on to the other side of the second floor, and there are several little areas themed to the decades, starting with the fifties, ending with the new millenium. There is appropriate furnature for each (think the hand chairs, chairs that hang from the ceiling, the egg-shaped chairs,) a time line goes around the entire area. The opening of both Disney parks is acknowledged on the time line. A time capsule is in each area.

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Good TR! I have not been to NY in a while. Teddy you wouldn't happen to be Greek would you? I know most of my american friends don't know what a godbrother or godsister is haha!


Hehe...yes I would happen to be Greek. Cypriot rather, but as you noted, most Americans don't know what the hell that is, so I try to keep it elementary.

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Loving your work Teddy honey! I never would've thought they'd let you get that close to the figures, that's great! Some of them are amazing, but others... Apart from McCartney, I couldn't even figure out which Beatle was which! You look like you had fun, you can meet me in NYC next summer and take me out to dinner at that Maccy D's!

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Apart from McCartney, I couldn't even figure out which Beatle was which!
Yeah, I noticed the same thing. Paul is the only one you can even remotely distinguish. I didn't really look closely, as there is so much that caught my attention. I can hardly pay attention typing on here, imagine me in a wax museum!
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