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Out of park coaster photos

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I took a walk through the woods behind SFSTL this afternoon. It was a beautiful day. I got some great shots of the Boss and Screamin' Eagle.


Third drop on Screamin' Eagle with break run in background.


Just before the beginning of the double -down


Upper portion of the double-down first drop on the Boss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^LOL that's pretty funny! We both got screwed out of a credit!



On another note... here is a credit that I DO have!


I decided to take a 15-minute walk from my house to Martin's Fantasy Island, since it's about 50 degrees out.


A little farther away, you get a good idea of SC's layout.


There's the water slide of doom, which has been there as far back as I can remember.


The entrance to the driveway. Free parking!


I can't wait to ride this again!


Walking around to the front of the park... the gate to the service barn is open, but I don't feel like trespassing.


This used to be a space shuttle themed ice cream stand in the park back in the '80s


The KOA campground has a pretty nice view as well.


...it satisfies my Lift Hill fetish.


I trespass on the Moose Lodge property because...


Oh, that would be Silver Comet, an excellent little CCI woodie with lots of fun laterals.


Walking through a yucky field.... What's that I see in the distance???

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Yeah... when I was younger, the water park was actually better. They had some cool kiddy pools, and a walk though car wash thing which was really neat. They also had bumper boats.


Hmm.... I can't even remember if the lazy river is still there!!! I haven't been in the water park since I was in high school.

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