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Photo TR: Token Yankees Christmas

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I'm following Soren and I also did a photo TR of my christmas.


Our family tradition has always been, we go to the evening church service on Christmas Eve (December 24th), which usually gets out after midnight. On Christmas morning we all wake up and sit in our usual areas in our living room and open presents one by one in a clockwise direction. Here are some pics


Xandra goes to town on the candy cane


Pets in our family always get a little something from Santa


My present from my grandparents and uncle. A note!


My Pop-Pop got some thermal underwear from my Nana


My Uncle George got socks! Typical christmas present for him. heh


My mother got a shaw from my grandmother (Dad's mom)


Also in my present from my parents was a Stop & Shop sweater that I can wear to work during the winter. I pretty much laughed when I saw my works logo on the side.


I got a computer bag for my laptop


My sister got a Ski Team Coat for christmas


Xandra says hello


My sister Erica opening up one of her presents


Our dog Xandra, always joins us for opening presents. Same thing was done with our former dog Luke.


This is our Christmas Tree. And there's me wearing my cool santa hat

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Why why why do people ask for socks and underwear for Christmas??? And why do other people buy it for them??? I've never understood that! We have finally convinced my family to stop giving my dad socks and underwear as gifts when he asks for them.

Seems like my uncle is just as bad in that all he ever gets for Christmas is pants! My grandma gives us each $100 to spend on ourselves, then she will wrap up what we buy and we unwrap it on Christmas Eve. And you can rest assured that every year he will get about $90 worth of pants, and maybe a t-shirt, maybe a belt, maybe a tie. Everyone makes fun of him every year, yet every year, all his gifts are pants! This year, he opened one box and pulled out a t-shirt and goes "Ha! Fooled ya! It's a t-shirt! No pants!" then he looked under some more tissue paper in the same box and goes "Oops, I didn't see those pajama pants." As a result, I will never buy pants with Grandma's Christmas money! hahaha



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