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The "Official" TPR Returns To Asia Ongoing TR!

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Once again, another great update where the Alveys babysit little Quaker.


Did you get any photos of that one half pipe, or was there not enough time?

Since it wasn't open, we didn't even bother to go check it out. We opted for more time at Disney and a trip to Joypolis instead.



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Great TR guys! I'm glad you had fun at Space World. I went there back in 2003 and quite frankly, I was blown away.


The park wasn't very crowded but it seemed spotless. It was very, very clean. Titan was a nice surprise and was more powerful than I thought it would be. Venus was a little painful but that loop blew me away. Talk about G's!


I don't know if you talked about it in the TR but did you do their log flume? That thing was so impressive. It had a mid-ride helix! It was very fun.


Great site I'm glad to now be posting!

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I'm an American permanently trapped in Japan (except for this second I've visiting home in Atlanta) and found your site while Googling Japanese theme parks.

I totally dug your Nasu Highland pictures, which my friends and I dubbed "Ghettoland" upon out May visit. It's amazing how smoothly the place runs even when no one's there.

Did you guys hit the haunted house dark ride at the park? It was closed when I was there, but it has a good rep and I'd love to see some photos if you have any. And how can you go without posting a shot of "Hell Ship?" I'm sure the "River Adventure" was closed in the snow, but it's pretty lame and does not have an acceptable level of wetness.

Next time you make it out there, you'll have to take a ride on the SLC. It's a little more painful than the other coasters (well, except for maybe "Panic Drive") but it's got good airtime.


All aboard the "Hell Ship!"

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It was a bit cold and the people getting off of it looked somewhat wet!!! We saw it though and it was great looking! Some people would consider it a credit in that part where it roles down a helix!


E, do you still think that Space World was cold after going to Nasu?!?


Did you hear that SW is getting an Intamin?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Yay! I was just about to ask when they would come! Can't wait to see them!


PS- Is the DVD still scheduled for next month?

That is the current plan, but don't be surprised if "next month" ends up being March 31st!


--Robb "We've been quite busy with work and other stuff lately" Alvey

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