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Eagle Rider

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It was a great show! They are overseas right now but if they come back and tour again i am def gonna see them again! Here are some pics from that night... Sorry for them being so small!


The Starting Line... I have never really listened to them that much... but after this concert I got into them.


Motion City Soundtrack... great band live!


Pat singing and rockin out!


Joe singing along with the crowd!


Fall out Boy! Peter saying that little intro to XO.

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This year really blew me away with the rise of Fall Out Boy. To this day, of all the shows I've been to, their performance I saw a few years ago is still the worst live act I've ever seen in my life. I was flipping through the channels one day this summer and saw them on TRL. I pretty much had to pick my jaw up off the ground. They sounded good on album but sucked something awful live. From what I hear though, this has changed and they are actually quite a bit better. For a few months though, I had lost all hope in humanity.


Anyway, I'm really not trying to bash them. Like I said, I've heard they are a lot better now and they do put out some pretty good songs. Just thought the whole deal was sort of comical.


And I agree SuperGreek, Motion City puts on a great show.

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This year really blew me away with the rise of Fall Out Boy. To this day, of all the shows I've been to, their performance I saw a few years ago is still the worst live act I've ever seen in my life. I was flipping through the channels one day this summer and saw them on TRL. I pretty much had to pick my jaw up off the ground. They sounded good on album but sucked something awful live. From what I hear though, this has changed and they are actually quite a bit better. For a few months though, I had lost all hope in humanity.


Anyway, I'm really not trying to bash them. Like I said, I've heard they are a lot better now and they do put out some pretty good songs. Just thought the whole deal was sort of comical.


And I agree SuperGreek, Motion City puts on a great show.


The same thing with me! I saw them at Warped Tour this year for the first time. They were good but I dunno they just didn't sound that good. The lead singer was all about putting the show on and didn't really care about singing. So I was a little skeptical going into this concert. but they did awesome! Sung great and really worked with the crowd. Peter (the bassist) actually stage dived off while playing and they just worked the stage really good!


roeterich that must of been an awesome show! I love all those bands!

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Mmm I saw Andrew Bird last month, and while he isn't the most "fast-paced" of musical acts, (and not enough people care about beautiful music these days) it was the most incredible experience of my life. He just had one backup person looping synths and a drumkit and little percussion things and organs etc, while Andrew just looped himself over and over and over again on the xylophone, violin and guitar, while whistling and singing, and sounded like an orchestra backing up an electronic rock band with tons of pre-recorded effects, but nope - it was ALL done right before my eyes and was simply STUNNING.


CHECK HIM OUT if he's coming to your area!!!

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