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PortAventura Discussion Thread

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Holy moly that's quite expensive.
That's really expensive for a Beemer/Hyper, is there anything special about it?


It's expensive, but includes the coaster and theming .... and they say there will be a restaurant and a shop.


They said that there will be,


- Name: Shambhala, expedition in the Himalayas "Official name for the time scheduled"

-The first downhill speed 135 km / h. ..

-You will go through dark tunnels (a tunnel) and mountain lakes (splash).

- 5 camel backs. The smallest, a height of 7 storeys.

- 78m in height. in the fall. Maximum height 76m, 2m below ground.

- 3 European records: 1-Speed ​​fall. 2 - the highest in Europe with 78m.

- Cost of 25M euros ..

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Roller Coaster: ?

Amusement Park: PortAventura Park (Salou, Tarragona, Spain)

Classification: Roller Coaster

Type: Steel - Sit Down

Status: Under Construction opening 2012

Make / Model: Bolliger & Mabillard / All Models / Mega Coaster

Cost: 25.000.000 euros

Capacity: ?


Length: ? m

Height: 76 m

Drop: 78 m

Inversions: 0

Speed: 134 km/h

Duration: ?

Max Vertical Angle: ?

G-Force: ?

Elements: 76 m tall Lift Hill with a 78 m drop

At least 5 camelbacks.

At least 1 tunnel.


Notes: It will be themed in the Himalaya mountains.

Location: Located in the China section of the park.

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Important: There is no public name confirmation yet from the park. Name and logo seems to be found registered (and found by some fan-website), and some fan-websites seems to be removing that info.



Info from previous posts


- It's official! B&M Hyper

-The first downhill speed 135 km / h. ..

-You will go through dark tunnels (a tunnel) and mountain lakes (splash).

- 5 camel backs. The smallest, a height of 7 storeys.

- 78m in height. in the fall. Maximum height 76m, 2m below ground.

- 3 European records: 1-Speed ​​fall. 2 - the highest in Europe with 78m.

- Cost of 25M euros ..


Amusement Park: PortAventura Park (Salou, Tarragona, Spain)

Classification: Roller Coaster

Type: Steel - Sit Down

Status: Under Construction opening 2012

Make / Model: Bolliger & Mabillard / All Models / Mega Coaster

Cost: 25M euros (34.5M dollars

Height: 76 m (249 ft.)

Drop: 78 m (256 ft.)

Speed: 134 km/h (83 mph)

At least 5 camelbacks.

At least 1 tunnel.


Notes: It will be themed in the Himalaya mountains.

Location: Located in the China section of the park.




New info:


More info can be found at http://www.pafans.com/actualidad/news/0377/primera-piedra-de-la-nueva-montana-rusa-2012/



Photo: Artur Mas (President of Generalitat de Catalunya), mayors of Salou and Vila Seca, government delegate of Tarragona, PortAventura's president Antoni Massanell, and Investindustrial CEO, Carlo Bonomi.


Today, Friday October 21, 2011, has performed the act of laying the first stone of the new roller coaster of PortAventura. The event was attended by Artur Mas, president of the Generalitat de Catalonia, together with the mayors of Salou and Vila-Seca, the government delegate in Tarragona, Port Aventura and represented the president received PortAvenutra, Antoni Massanell and Investindustrial CEO, Carlo Bonomi. In Mediterrania, the committee has been received by a welcome sight. And strolling through the park, have reached the construction site of the new roller coaster Dragon Khan behind, where it has become the official act of laying the first stone. The data from the new roller coaster at the event has introduced the new roller coaster to the media, and have announced some of its features. The new roller coaster will involve an investment of 25 million Euros, and beat three European records: · The tallest roller coaster in Europe, with 76 meters. · The biggest drop of 78 meters. · The roller coaster acceleration, faster in Europe, with 134 km / h.
Edited by Dj-Javixxxxx
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New info found at lavanguardia.com



PortAventura invierte 25 millones para erigir la montaña rusa más alta de Europa

Está previsto que la nueva atracción, cuyo nombre estará relacionado con el Himalaya, esté operativa la próxima primavera


Barcelona. (Redacción).- El parque de atracciones PortAventura invertirá 25 millones de euros en una nueva atracción, que empezará a funcionar la próxima primavera. Se trata de la montaña rusa más alta de Europa cuyo diseño corre a cargo del propio parque de atracciones y de la empresa Bollinger&Mabillard, que también diseñó el Dragon Khan.


PortAventura mantiene el secreto y el misterio sobre el nombre de la nueva atracción que, según fuentes del parque, estará relacionada con el montañismo y la cordillera del Himalaya.


El presidente de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, ha presidido este mediodía la colocación de la primera piedra y ha aprovechado para asegurar que los inversores ven en Catalunya "un país abierto a la actividad y atractivo para grandes proyectos".


La futura nueva atracción batirá tres récords europeos: será la más alta de Europa (76 metros); tendrá la caída más larga de Europa (78 metres) y el hypercoaster europeo más rápido ya que alcanzará los 134 kilómetros por hora en la primera bajada.


Mas ha reivindicado como factores clave para la reactivación económica que Catalunya sea un país business friendly y abierto a la actividad. "Son dos cosas muy importantes si queremos ser atractivos tanto por los inversores de dentro como por los de fuera, para que se ilusionen y lleven a acbo grandes proyectos aquí", ha asegurado.


Barcelona. (Editorial) .- The PortAventura theme park will invest 25 million euros in a new attraction, which will start next spring. It is the tallest roller coaster in Europe whose design is provided by the park itself and the company Bollinger & Mabillard ( ), who also designed the Dragon Khan.


PortAventura maintains secrecy and mystery about the name of the new attraction, according to the park, will be related to mountaineering and the Himalaya.


The president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, has chaired this afternoon the laying of the foundation stone has been used to ensure that investors see in Catalonia "a country open for business and attractive for large projects."


The future new attraction will beat three European records: is the highest in Europe (76 meters) will fall longest in Europe (78 meters) and the European hypercoaster faster and it will reach 134 kilometers per hour on the first run.


But has claimed as key factors for economic reactivation that Catalunya is a business-friendly country and opened for business. "They are two very important things if we want to be attractive for both investors inside and those outside, to be carried acbo illusions and big projects here," he assured.

Edited by Dj-Javixxxxx
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Official public press release notes from PortAventura


La nueva montaña rusa: una espectacular expedición a las alturas


Vila-seca -Salou, 21 de octubre de 2011.- El President de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Artur Mas , ha participado esta mañana en el acto de colocación de la primera piedra de la nueva montaña rusa de PortAventura, que una vez finalizada se convertirá en la más alta de Europa. Con esta nueva atracción PortAventura quiere presentar un nuevo reto de aventura para toda la familia, que podrá experimentar la pasión de los grandes escaladores. No en vano, esta nueva estructura modificará el skyline del parque creando una nueva “cordillera” que será visible a muchos kilómetros a la redonda.


Además del President de la Generalitat, han asistido al acto Josep Poblet, alcalde de Vila-seca y presidente de la Diputación de Tarragona; Pere Granados, alcalde de Salou; Joaquim Nin, delegado de la Generalitat de Catalunya en Tarragona; y Ramón Inglés, subdelegado del Gobierno en Tarragona. En representación de PortAventura han participado Antoni Massanell, presidente del Consejo de Administración, Carlo Umberto Bonomi, consejero delegado de Investindustrial y miembro del Consejo de Administración y Sergio Feder, presidente del Comité Ejecutivo.

Una aventura única y espectacular


Con esta atracción PortAventura quiere plantear un reto que permita emular las expediciones más inolvidables de la historia. Tendrá todos los ingredientes de una memorable y fantástica aventura: ascensiones a las cotas más altas, caídas abismales propias del rappel, pasos por oscuros túneles, lagos de montaña, y todo en una atracción que recuerda a la silueta de una cordillera.


A los grandes escaladores a menudo se les pregunta el porqué sienten pasión por el montañismo y generalmente no pueden aportar una respuesta lógica. Así será la experiencia de esta nueva atracción. Cada uno debe asumirla como un reto personal, un lance que deberá afrontar a su manera. Según los grandes escaladores, conquistar una cima es lo más cercano al éxtasis mental y físico, en resumen: una experiencia casi mística. Esta suma de ingredientes resume perfectamente la experiencia que sentirán los aventureros que la prueben.


No dejará indiferente a nadie, pues a diferencia de otras atracciones de velocidad que podemos encontrar en el parque, la nueva montaña rusa ofrecerá al visitante un auténtico catálogo de sensaciones además de unas vistas espectaculares de todo el entorno.


Esta nueva atracción está llamada a convertirse en el nuevo icono de PortAventura, pues su esbelta y majestuosa figura modificará completamente el skyline del parque, caracterizado hasta ahora por el Dragon Khan, símbolo de PortAventura desde su apertura. De hecho, la nueva “cordillera” de PortAventura será visible desde muchos kilómetros de distancia.

Datos técnicos


* Montaña rusa del grupo de los “hypercoaster”, que se caracterizan por tener un gran tamaño y altura, así como un largo recorrido sin loopings, y por alcanzar una velocidad impresionante.

* La atracción batirá tres records europeos:

1. Montaña rusa más alta de Europa (76 metros)

2. Montaña rusa con la caída más larga de Europa (78 metros)

3. Hypercoaster europeo más rápido, pues alcanzará 134 km/h en la primera bajada. La velocidad variará en el resto del recorrido pues –como el Dragon Khan- el trayecto completo se realiza con la inercia de la primera caída.

* Contará con 5 camelbacks(elevaciones durante el recorrido), el más bajo de los cuales tiene una altura equivalente a un edificio de 7 pisos. En cada uno de estos camelbacks, el viajero experimentará el efecto conocido como air time, perdiendo el contacto con el asiento como en el cambio de rasante de una carretera pero mucho más intenso.


PortAventura invierte 25 millones de euros en esta nueva atracción, cuya finalización está prevista para la primavera del 2012. El diseño y el desarrollo de este ambicioso proyecto se ha trabajado conjuntamente entre PortAventura y la empresa Bolliger & Mabillard, que también diseño el Dragon Khan, la atracción emblema de PortAventura y una de las preferidas de los visitantes desde su inauguración en 1995.


The new roller coaster, a spectacular expedition to the heights


Vilaseca-Salou, October 21, 2011 .- The President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Artur Mas, has participated this morning in the act of laying the first stone of the new roller coaster of PortAventura, that once will become the highest in Europe. With this new attraction PortAventura wants to present a new challenge of adventure for the whole family, you can experience the passion of the great climbers. Not surprisingly, this new structure will change the skyline of the park creating a new "ridge" that will be visible for miles around.


In addition to the President of the Generalitat, attended the event Josep Poblet, mayor of Vila-seca and president of the Provincial de Tarragona, Pere Granados, mayor of Salou, Joaquin Nin, delegate of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Tarragona, and Ramon English, Government Sub Tarragona. Representing Antoni participated Massanell PortAventura, president of the Board, Carlo Umberto Bonomi, CEO of Investindustrial and member of the Board and Sergio Feder, president of the Executive Committee.

A unique and spectacular adventure


With this attraction PortAventura want to raise a challenge to emulate the most memorable expeditions in history. Have all the ingredients for a memorable and fantastic adventure, climbing to new heights, falls rappel own abysmal, dark steps through tunnels, mountain lakes, all in an attraction that resembles the silhouette of a mountain range.


A large scale often asked why a passion for mountaineering and generally can not provide a logical answer. So will the experience of this new attraction. Each one must assume it as a personal challenge, a haul that will face their own way. According to the great climbers to conquer a peak is closest to the mental and physical ecstasy, in short, an almost mystical experience. This amount of ingredients perfectly sums up the experience I feel the adventurous to try out.


Do not leave anyone indifferent, because unlike the other attractions of speed that can be found in the park, the new roller coaster will offer visitors a veritable catalog of sensations plus spectacular views of the entire environment.


This new attraction is set to become the new icon of PortAventura, as his majestic figure slender and completely change the skyline of the park, characterized so far by the Dragon Khan, PortAventura symbol since its opening. In fact, the new "ridge" of Aventura will be visible from miles away.

Technical Data


* Rollercoaster style "hypercoaster" which are characterized by large size and height, and a long journey without loops, and to achieve an impressive rate.

* The attraction will beat three European records:

1. Rollercoaster highest in Europe (76 meters)

2. Roller coaster with the longest drop in Europe (78 meters)

3. Europe's faster hypercoaster (non-launched), it will reach 134 km / h on the first drip. The speed will vary as the rest of the way, as the Dragon Khan performed the entire journey with the inertia of the first fall.

* 5 camelbacks (elevations along the route), the lowest of which has a height equivalent to a 7-story building. In each of these camelbacks, travelers will experience the effect known as air time, losing contact with the seat as in a mound of dirt road, but much more intense.


PortAventura invests 25 million euros in this new attraction, which is scheduled for spring 2012. The design and development of this ambitious project has been jointly worked PortAventura and Bolliger & Mabillard company, which also designed the Dragon Khan, PortAventura emblem attraction and a favorite of visitors since its opening in 1995.


(Sorry if translation is not as good as it should )



Edited by Dj-Javixxxxx
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If it is official but not final .... if you search the patent and trademark web of Spain shows the logo, name and registration ... in patent and trademark web of Spain: http://www.oepm.es/es/signos_distintivos/index.html


If you seek you will find the ... the moment is one of the names ... Shambhala: Expedition of Himalaya ... provisional but both the name and logo may vary ...


But PortAventura is registered by both the name and the logo ....

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I have yet to ride a true Hyper besides Magnum myself (I don't really count SFMM Goliath) but this looks like it could be a great ride!


Wait, why not Goliath? It qualifies as a hyper-coaster (I ask as someone who LOVES Goliath... )


But, yeah, this is one more reason among many I'm looking forward to visiting this park some day. Walt and C-dog are KILLING it next year!

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What does Shambhala mean?

Wiki knows all.


From that linked wikipedia

In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Shambhala (also spelled Shambala or Shamballa; Tibetan: བདེ་འབྱུང་; Wylie: bde 'byung, pron. De-jung) is a mythical kingdom hidden somewhere in Inner Asia. It is mentioned in various ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra[2] and the ancient texts of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. The Bön[3] scriptures speak of a closely related land called Olmolungring.


Whatever its historical basis, Shambhala gradually came to be seen as a Buddhist Pure Land, a fabulous kingdom whose reality is visionary or spiritual as much as physical or geographic. It was in this form that the Shambhala myth reached the West, where it influenced non-Buddhist as well as Buddhist spiritual seekers — and, to some extent, popular culture in general.

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