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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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I heard that American Thunder wasn't even supposed to go to SFSTL either. Corporate was forced to move it there because of construction restrictions at SFNE. Don't know if that's true or not, it's just what I heard.



Maybe it was planned for SFFT and they moved it to SFStL cause of Goliath?

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Goliath at SFOG that opened in 2006, was purchased by Premier several years earlier when they were on their major roller coaster purchasing binge, it was intended to be built at SFSL sometime around 2002 or 2003, it was put on hold and never built until Premier decided to put in a bigger park when they were trying to save themeselves as a management team.


American Thunder was in no way a replacement for the intended hypercoaster, Shapiro's management team was the one that purchased AT and from what I understand was not intended to be built at SFSL, which is why construction didn't start until around October, why the ride didn't open until June and why the Moon cars have the track layout it does. While it would make sense if there was a ride trade done late by SF corporate with SFSL and SFNE in 2008, which could be why SFNE never had the proper permits for The Dark Knight coaster and why the ride was never built there, I don't know if it's true or not that they were the park originally intended to get American Thunder.

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Besides SFOT, SFSTL is only original SF owned park. You think they take a little bit more pride and making sure one of their original parks was one of the best. It seems that SFOT got the great rides and SFSTL got the great management.


Corporate is going to put the rides where the money is going to be made, so something tells me this isn't a flip of a coin, but it has something to do with the lack of profit SFSTL produces. I don't know what type of numbers the park has in attendance/profit, so this is just pure speculation on my part.

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I heard we were going to get the Dark Knight coaster, but American Thunder didn't get approved at SFNE so it was sent here and Dark Knight went there (and eventually got sent to SFM). I guess for once the park had a bit of good luck.

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So they AREN'T tearing down those western facades?


There is no way the western facades are not coming down, if that was the case the Hannibarrels could have been removed years ago, maybe the park is going to carefully remove them to use them elsewhere? Since the facades are left over Time Warner theming it's actually quality themeing that likely wasn't cheap to put up back in the mid 90's.

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The Hannibarrels were demolished today, a couple of pictures are up on the parks facebook page https://www.facebook.com/sixflagsstlouis, the Airbrush location that was next to ride is also gone.


Nice to see some work going on the in park. Although it's not going to be a huge addition/upgrade like the RMC Iron Horse treatment or a new (or slightly used ) steel coaster..........it's nice to see that they are still improving the park year after year. Hopefully they'll spend some of the off season sprucing up the other areas of the park that might need it.

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I'm really excited to see what this area of the park is going to look like next season! Definitely a step in the right direction with FINALLY taking out the long closed Hannibarrels!




Wow, don't think I ever heard that American Thunder was intended for SFNE. I'm really glad it ended up here instead, but now I kind of wish they'd also put in a clone of it at SFNE.

Or... Put a SFNE Bizarro clone at SFSt.L



Now that is one hand me down I would be completely fine with lol!

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I heard we were going to get the Dark Knight coaster, but American Thunder didn't get approved at SFNE so it was sent here and Dark Knight went there (and eventually got sent to SFM). I guess for once the park had a bit of good luck.



The Dark Knight? Hasn't SFStL suffered enough? I'd take the Boomerang over the Dark Knight.

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