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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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^ So you're idea would be to spend money tearing down Boss to put a completely new wooden roller coaster in its place?


I'm curious how this would be better than going Iron Horse.

Dude, I said I'D prefer to see it torn down, I never said it'd be cheaper. I said "But that's even less likely to happen", which shows that I know SFSTL would never do it.

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^ Or Iron Horse The Boss, and build a Brand new custom RMC Woodie behind the Boss doing Corckscrews and Immelmanns in the woods! lol! Even less likely of an option, but a bad ass option none the less lol!

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^ Me too! And I also think RMC coming to our park is way more likely than a lot of people choose to believe. I would not be surprised if there will be an RMC in every park in the chain the way SF is going. So yes, we will most likely have an RMC renovation of The Boss very soon.

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^ If I were to guess, the only park in the chain that would not recieve RMC would be Great Escape, and thats only because of the nature of the park. I would not be surprised if SFStL and SFMM are the RMC parks for 2015.

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If I were to chime in here, I would say that the parks to NOT get an RMC would be:


SFA: Roar, as a GCI likely won't get any makeover. Wild One is a classic as is. Park won't spend enough money for a new RMC woodie.


SFDK: Roar, again, won't get it. And I can't see this park getting a new woodie. Maybe it's space constraints, but it feels just wrong for the park, IMO.


SFGAdv: This one's iffy, but in my view, El Toro functions just fine as an extreme woodie. I can definitely see corporate investing in a new RMC for this park, but I feel it's unnecessary and money can be spent better elsewhere.


La Ronde and Great Escape: As the unbranded 6F parks, I don't think these are super-high priority. Great Escape isn't high for new coaster investments and the classic Comet won't be touched. La Ronde's Monstre is more likely, but still I doubt it. I suppose La Ronde could realistically see a new RMC, though.


SFOG I would say would only be in the market for an entirely new RMC, as Cyclone and GASM don't seem like I-Box material.

SFStL's best option is to redo the Boss, even though I love it as is. (Wasn't painful all the years I went on it). No park needs four woodies.

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Just throwing my two cents in...I honestly think SFStl could benefit more from a brand new steel coaster instead of the boss getting the Iron Horse treatment. A new B&M or Intamin would do great things for this park, IMO. However, I wouldn't be mad if the Boss does get the Iron Horse though.

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^ I agree with you, but I'm still torn. I would love to have brand new steel in our park, and I would also love to have an RMC makeover for The Boss, but I know we will not get both, at least no where close together. I dont know what I want to see more.

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I think the ideal thing for this park is still a hyper coaster. B&M, Intamin, Morgan, whatever. Just something big to put the park really on the map.


Also, I for some reason feel a floorless coaster would be cool. Maybe as a possible replacement for Ninja sometime down the road.

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Also, I for some reason feel a floorless coaster would be cool. Maybe as a possible replacement for Ninja sometime down the road.

Something closer to Daemonen at Tivoli or that fancy new Nitro in India in terms of a medium-small scale floorless would be top notch. I agree with this fully.


SFGAdv: This one's iffy, but in my view, El Toro functions just fine as an extreme woodie. I can definitely see corporate investing in a new RMC for this park, but I feel it's unnecessary and money can be spent better elsewhere.

Am I still aloud to dream for RMC retracking one half of Rolling Thunder and getting an Iron Horse for the other half?

Same thing for Colossus (SFMM).

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I'll say this, if corporate decides to make a major investment in the park, the attraction better be a show-stopper. It needs to be something that will make people wanna drive 3+ hours to come to the park. The competition that surrounds SFSTL is too great for it not to be that kind of an attraction. I don't think a standard B&M hyper is going to cut it. It has to be something close to Outlaw Run or Goliath, but it doesn't have to be a wooden roller coaster. It just needs to be something that'll makes your jaw drop every time you look at it.

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I'll say this, if corporate decides to make a major investment in the park, the attraction better be a show-stopper. It needs to be something that will make people wanna drive 3+ hours to come to the park. The competition that surrounds SFSTL is too great for it not to be that kind of an attraction. I don't think a standard B&M hyper is going to cut it. .... It just needs to be something that'll makes your jaw drop every time you look at it.


I know it wouldn't do much for us coaster enthusiasts, but the truth is, a standard B&M hyper would be a show stopper for the GP. I remember when I lived in Wisconsin, hours from SFGAm, and many friends of mine raved about Raging Bull when we got on the subject of roller coasters. Friends that had been elsewhere with hypers of different kinds also talked highly about those rides, too. To some GP, looking up at a 200ft+ ride does make their jaw drop. I guess if it does come down to a major investment, corporate for SFStl would still probably choose RMC due to wooden coasters being relatively cheaper. If SFStl had the 20+ million though, they'd more likely choose a hyper with some Missouri-based record. It'd also probably end up being a B&M if we go off the the last few hypers Six Flags has built (Goliath La Ronde & SFOG, Nitro), though those rides were built a while ago.

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Six Flags St. Louis almost got a hyper coaster. However corporate give it to another park and SFSTL got American Thunder.

While American Thunder is a great wooden coaster, the coaster we would've gotten (Goliath at SFOG) looks like a great hyper coaster.

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Six Flags St. Louis almost got a hyper coaster. However corporate give it to another park and SFSTL got American Thunder.

While American Thunder is a great wooden coaster, the coaster we would've gotten (Goliath at SFOG) looks like a great hyper coaster.



It still ticks me off we were jipped out of Goliath lol! Dont get me wrong, American Thunder is a great Coaster, but I would have rather had Goliath, and been able to drive underneath it while paying to park...

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