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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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^^That's SFMM...


Looking at the post with the recent additions, I agree that I don't see it being random. Though, I find GCI coasters and Boomerangs cater much more to teenagers than families.



Not sure how a GCI caters to teens. It's a small scale wooden coaster, where most teens want something big, fast, and inverted.


Teenagers are very attracted to these GCI wooden coasters and are consistently have a filled up queue with them. Families go to smaller-sized roller coasters.

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I agree it would be nice for our park to be the lucky recipiant of Led Zepp/Time Machine, but I'm also realistic (well, somewhat) and I know that just will not happen. For one, I know Corporate would not let us have a nice Coaster like that, and for two, Six Flags Corp will not buy the B&M Coaster, if any of the rides at all.



*If the SF Corp were to buy Led Zepp/Time Machine, it would more than likely end up next to Scream! at SFMM. (I honestly dont know if I'm being sarcastic or not)

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^ To be fair, there are only two roller coasters in the park that came to us from somewhere else, and there were a couple of decades in between them as well. There is also Excalibur, and Superman, but in all actualality most installments in our park have been brand new.

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^ To be fair, there are only two roller coasters in the park that came to us from somewhere else, and there were a couple of decades in between them as well. There is also Excalibur, and Superman, but in all actualality most installments in our park have been brand new.


Exactly. And Ninja came from an Expo, not another amusement park, and it was operating a total of five months before it was closed and relocated to SFSTL 2 years later.

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It's not as if the park as any rides that were specifically designed for them though. Batman clone, American Thunder is a clone of GCI's Thunderbird over in Finland, Mr. Freeze has a copy at Six Flags over Texas, and there are Pandemonium's at multiple Six Flags parks. If we want to be technical, the only roller coasters designed for the park are Screamin' Eagle, The Boss and The River King Mine Train. All of the other rides are standard Amusement Park rides that can be found at many other parks. There is no ride that is unique or special that makes Six Flags St. Louis standout.

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But does that diminish your enjoyment of the rides? I couldn't care less if there is an exact replica of Thunder in Finland. I will never get to Power Park to ride TBird, so it might as well be a unique installation. Just because I know that our Batman isn't unique doesn't make me think less of the design. It was a BRILLIANT solution to lack of space at SFGrAm, and it fit great in the former JetScream location here.


And to call them "standard amusement park rides" is beyond cynical. If you're bored, okay. But what the hell is "standard" about the coasters at our park except for the 2 stock models - Pandemonium and Boomerang?

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But does that diminish your enjoyment of the rides?


None of this diminishes my enjoyment of the rides at SFStL. I just think the park deserves an attraction that's not a clone or a hand-me-down, but something that was designed for the park and there is nothing else in the world like it.


And to call them "standard amusement park rides" is beyond cynical. If you're bored, okay. But what the hell is "standard" about the coasters at our park except for the 2 stock models - Pandemonium and Boomerang?


I wasn't talking about the coasters when I made that statement. I was talking about the rest of the rides. There is nothing special about them, they're standard rides in my opinion.

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And to call them "standard amusement park rides" is beyond cynical. If you're bored, okay. But what the hell is "standard" about the coasters at our park except for the 2 stock models - Pandemonium and Boomerang?


I wasn't talking about the coasters when I made that statement. I was talking about the rest of the rides. There is nothing special about them, they're standard rides in my opinion.


Um, what are non-standard flat rides? Except for Disney, no other parks have flat rides that aren't off the shelf. Xcalibur is pretty much one of a kind, Enterprise rides are hard to come by these days, and we have one of the largest Ferris wheels. I mean, we need more flat rides, but a lot of the flat rides are unique.

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^ You make a good point. Those rides are unique in a way. It's just when I last visited the park, I couldn't stop thinking how this park lacked a signature attraction that they could call their own. Is it going come from the flat ride variety? Probably not. As you pointed out, this is not Disney. I would just like to see corporate actually pay a roller coaster design firm to design a ride just for Six Flags St Louis. The park deserves one, but that doesn't mean corporate will give them one and I realize that. I guess this is just wishful thinking on my part.

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I would just like to see corporate actually pay a roller coaster design firm to design a ride just for Six Flags St Louis. The park deserves one, but that doesn't mean corporate will give them one and I realize that. I guess this is just wishful thinking on my part.


I agree completely with this sentence.

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I would just like to see corporate actually pay a roller coaster design firm to design a ride just for Six Flags St Louis. The park deserves one, but that doesn't mean corporate will give them one and I realize that. I guess this is just wishful thinking on my part.


I agree completely with this sentence.


I think the Boss was supposed to 'That' coaster but unforunately it failed to deliver. It's not The Beast of '79 nor The Voyage of '06.

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I did not ride The Boss until 2002 but from what I understand it was an exceptional ride its first couple of seasons. It just did not age well. But as I said, I dont know from experience, that is just what I've heard.

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What bothers me is The Boss still has the potential to be that "it" ride through a RMC overhaul. The park doesn't even have to expand to add a signature attraction, the structure is right there and the ride already has a really good layout. It's an opportunity for Corporate to make The Boss the ride it was indented to be and also maybe give them an opportunity to re-theme the ride. The Boss, doesn't go with the themed section. How about The King? That's probably a totally different conversation, but I thought I just throw that out there. Anyways, it probably just makes to much sense for it to happen.

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What bothers me is The Boss still has the potential to be that "it" ride through a RMC overhaul. The park doesn't even have to expand to add a signature attraction, the structure is right there and the ride already has a really good layout. It's an opportunity for Corporate to make The Boss the ride it was indented to be and also maybe give them an opportunity to re-theme the ride. The Boss, doesn't go with the themed section. How about The King? That's probably a totally different conversation, but I thought I just throw that out there. Anyways, it probably just makes to much sense for it to happen.


I agree. I think Iron Horse would make the Boss a true signature attraction.

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It's an opportunity for Corporate to make The Boss the ride it was indented to be and also maybe give them an opportunity to re-theme the ride. The Boss, doesn't go with the themed section. How about The King?



First post after having followed this discussion for quite some time.


I always thought SFStl should rename The Boss "Trebuchet" or after some other imposing medieval weapon. The fact that it's wooden just adds to that kind of "medieval machine of war" feel.

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Being in the Britania section of the park, the medieval theme should have hit someone's creative side and suggested a name like "The Siege", "Robin Hood", or "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" . A better name to make it a Missouri-ish joke would have been "Sir Boss", a reference to Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court." Right now, the best name for the ride would be "The Plague", referring to how one's body feels battered after the typical ride on the thing.

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I dont know if I'm weird, or just more tough than everyone else, but I've never had a bad experience on The Boss. I do not think it is "too rough", it does not hurt me. In fact, I love it! Now I would not be opposed to RMC doing a make over but that is simply because, well, its RMC. But even if they dont come, The Boss still does not bother me as is. Same goes for The Voyage at HW. Numerous complaints about how "OMG its just too rough! It beats the crap out of you!", but I dont experience that at all.

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I wouldn't call The Boss bone jaring rough, but it shakes a lot more than a woodie is supposed to. It gives me a headache more than anything. I do think that the G-Trains are half of The Boss's problem. I honestly think PTC's would improve the ride. To bad The Boss will never get new trains, because SFStL seems to have every set of G-Trains from every SF park that is now closed. They'll probably get the ones that ran on Medusa at SFM. They should have plenty of parts to fix anything wrong with the current trains!

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