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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Are those Arrow trains? Were they on SFOT's Flashback?

Those are Vekoma trains.


Boomerang IS Flashback. It got relocated here. The trains came with the ride.


Train is actually Arrow. Lots of the older Boomerangs have Arrow like the trains on Ninja, and Viper at SFMM, etc. SFFT's Boomerang was one of the first in the late 90's to have an actual Vekoma train which is rounded up front. There were a few built before with the new Vekoma train as well. They started showing up around 1997.

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However I am posting about The Boss. I remember in 2000 when they built that ride that it seemed much faster and much much more intense. Is it just me have they trimmed the hell out of that ride? What has happened? It was just flat-out boring. Airtime was non-existent it seems to crawl through the layout. I just don't remember the ride sucking that hard core. Maybe it just seemed more intense to me back then. Am I the only one who thinks it's not like it once was?


I thought it was slower than I remembered too. But that could have been because the weekend before we rode Voyage at night, which makes you feel like you are moving at light speed! And I never remember having any airtime on it. But I thought that it did ride smoother compared to when I rode it last October.

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I'm an employee at the park, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any rumors to relocate the bumper cars to another area in the park. They're currently sitting on pallets in our lot with some other equipment from the ride. It seems like if they planned on relocating them, they wouldn't have them out in the elements, but if they aren't going to, why still have them around.


I actually didn't really notice them until I had a rough encounter with one. I promise they're not as fun to bump with an actual car.


I hope they rebuild the Bumper Cars. An Amusement Park without Bumper Cars is like a Fast Food joint that doesn't serve French Fries.

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I'm an employee at the park, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any rumors to relocate the bumper cars to another area in the park. They're currently sitting on pallets in our lot with some other equipment from the ride. It seems like if they planned on relocating them, they wouldn't have them out in the elements, but if they aren't going to, why still have them around.


I actually didn't really notice them until I had a rough encounter with one. I promise they're not as fun to bump with an actual car.


I hope they rebuild the Bumper Cars. An Amusement Park without Bumper Cars is like a Fast Food joint that doesn't serve French Fries.

I just can't see them doing that. Just because they have them sitting around doesn't mean they will ever be used again. Those bumper cars were filthy. Them sitting out in the sun for a whole summer won't make them any more attractive. The most we would ever see is a complete new set of them. And SFSTL wouldn't buy them if they weren't marketable.

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However I am posting about The Boss. I remember in 2000 when they built that ride that it seemed much faster and much much more intense. Is it just me have they trimmed the hell out of that ride? What has happened? It was just flat-out boring. Airtime was non-existent it seems to crawl through the layout. I just don't remember the ride sucking that hard core. Maybe it just seemed more intense to me back then. Am I the only one who thinks it's not like it once was?


I thought it was slower than I remembered too. But that could have been because the weekend before we rode Voyage at night, which makes you feel like you are moving at light speed! And I never remember having any airtime on it. But I thought that it did ride smoother compared to when I rode it last October.



I can't wait to hit Outlaw run up at night during Old Time Christmas.

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^^It all depends on the feedback they get from people coming to the park. Unless people really make a big deal about the bumper cars being absent we probably have seen the last of them.


I actually disagree. Yes, they do go off feedback, but I dont feel it really weighs thier decisions. I.E. Boomerang/no Hyper, just for one example.

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^ But a hyper will also costs tens of millions of dollars, while relocating a Boomerang or adding bumper cars will not. Look at Great Adventure, their bumper cars closed a few years ago and then they got a new set for 2012. That being said, I don't see their being the outcry about the lack of bumper cars that Great Adventure had about their lack of flat rides.

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Those are Intamin Drunken Barrels that operated from 1971-1996. From 1971-1995 they operated under the name of Hannibarrels. In 1996 the name was changed to Powder Keg.



And have been sitting dormant and overgrown ever since. Its time to take them out and add something to the area. Its been time for a long time.

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The bumper cars won't ever be put back into the park, but are likely being kept for parts for other Six Flags parks (I'm pretty sure at least SFOG, SFMM and possibly more) have the exact same Soli 1970's model bumper cars, if the park ever got new bumper cars they would have to get new cars.


As for The Hannibarrels, it's the most glaring example of nobody really caring about this park, is there any other ride that has sat in the middle of a theme park for 17 years SBNO (maybe, but I don't know of any). The ride has actually been SBNO through 4 different Six Flags corporate management teams, you would think that whenever somebody from corporate tours the park they would question why the ride is still there (I'm surprised that the platform hasn't collapsed yet). There really is no excuse that in 17 years that Six Flags couldn't either just remove the ride and put up a fence to block the back of the buildings around the ride or buy a new flat ride or move a flat ride from another park to replace it. The middle of the park (area in front of Palace, Hannibarrels/Sound Stage area and the middle hill by Miss Kitty's) is just dead all of the time, there are no rides in that area at all except for the train station and Colossus, yet Six Flags would rather put most of this parks new rides over the last several years around the edges of the park and ignore the middle of the park.

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I think the area between Palace Theater and the St. Louis station is supposed to be reminiscent of a pleasure garden from olden days. It has always been an open area, and the park recommends groups separated rendezvous there.


I agree with ^your statement about the bumper cars. When I mentioned public outcry being a factor in bringing them back, I was assuming a new set of cars as well as a new building.


It would be nice if, before the next coaster comes, they do something about the Hannibarrels spot. The excuse I've heard since 2000 for why they don't do anything is the raised platform of the ride and surrounding buildings and façade put up in front of the old Hannibarrel entrance allows a storage spot (and extra boneyard basically) underneath the ride.

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It would be nice if they could refurbish the Hannibarrels and give them a grand re-opening, but I know that will never happen.

I remember reading a report from a worker at SFSTL (it was posted on the deleted sfstl.net). Apparently the ride is still able to run and this worker had ridden it along with other operators after the park closed.


Of course, there is no way to tell if this guy was lying, but it really doesn't make a difference. Either way, SF is not going to put time and money to restore the ride. Even if the ride can be run, plenty of stuff needs to be done to really make sure it looks nice and is safe. At that point, they might as well buy a whole new set of teacups.

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When I was there in late May, it had weeds and trees growing up through it, and some of the electrical was rusted. Its a shame. It is a prime location for something new though. Its just a matter of getting it done. We can complain all we want, its not going to happen for a long time. Just frustrating.

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It would be nice if they could refurbish the Hannibarrels and give them a grand re-opening, but I know that will never happen.

I remember reading a report from a worker at SFSTL (it was posted on the deleted sfstl.net). Apparently the ride is still able to run and this worker had ridden it along with other operators after the park closed.


Of course, there is no way to tell if this guy was lying, but it really doesn't make a difference. Either way, SF is not going to put time and money to restore the ride. Even if the ride can be run, plenty of stuff needs to be done to really make sure it looks nice and is safe. At that point, they might as well buy a whole new set of teacups.

That is strange because I remever hearing that they removed all of the mechanisms from the ride when it closed, so that means that it could never operate again. I wonder what the real story is. Anyway here is a picture if the Hannibarrels when they were in operation.

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^^And the area where the photo was taken is where the slingshot was. The theater there was home to Cinema180, a precursor to the Imax experience. It was sponsored by Chevrolet, and they had cars out front showing their current models each year. Ah, memories of my childhood.

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