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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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35 minutes ago, TrippinBillie said:

Yea,  I'm hopeful they tip the cap to Eagle for its 50th.  It wouldn't cost much, to your point.  New paint job and then as a nod to the olden days, let's throw those running lights back up!  That was SO cool to see at dusk/night.  Especially in the back of the woods as you go through the trees with those lights accompanying.  Those were the days.....

They just need to announce a closure for a complete restoration of Screamin Eagle. It would make for one hell of a 2030 season.

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7 hours ago, TrippinBillie said:

Such a crime that COVID ripped away our lives AND it cost us an RMC conversion on the Boss.  I would pay a LOT of money to see what the proposal and plans looked like.....

Yea,  I'm hopeful they tip the cap to Eagle for its 50th.  It wouldn't cost much, to your point.  New paint job and then as a nod to the olden days, let's throw those running lights back up!  That was SO cool to see at dusk/night.  Especially in the back of the woods as you go through the trees with those lights accompanying.  Those were the days.....

Oooooh, yes! The return of the running lights would be awesome.

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Eagle is far one of my most favorite coasters EVER. I was still working at the park for her 40th. I cant remember if it was that season or a few prior where she got the most love since she was built... new paint, a bunch of new lumber and new chaser lights. Needless to say the lights lasted about half a season and since then, she has been neglected. Now I know with older classic woodies, the attention they need is nonstop, and we all know Six Flags isn't the type of park/ chain to continually keep her topnotch. But it WOULD be amazing to see her get the biggest overhaul since her debut for her 50th. I miss the old que, the massive sign on the mid hill, and the rock logo. All just memories

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I'm working on making a 3D printable model of a Bussink Giant Evolution ride, Would anyone happen to have any good photos of Xcalibur or other info that might be helpful for recreating the ride?

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