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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Everyone's pipe dream for Boss is the RMC Iron Horse treatment. But with how Cedar Fair loves Gravity Group's pre-cut track, I don't think anyone would complain too much if they came in and redid 90% of the thing. It would get me down to the park for my first visit.

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1 hour ago, CaptainUnknown said:

Everyone's pipe dream for Boss is the RMC Iron Horse treatment. But with how Cedar Fair loves Gravity Group's pre-cut track, I don't think anyone would complain too much if they came in and redid 90% of the thing. It would get me down to the park for my first visit.

Yeah I’d expect a Gravity Group Precut reprofile now more than an RMC conversion. 

Unfortunately thus far none of the Cedar Flags Gravity Group reprofiled rides have received new trains. 

Eagle would also see Precut, with Cedar Flags appearing to add it to several old PTC coasters already. 

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I think a Gravity Group retrack would make The Boss the premier coaster in the park. That's the kind of top-down improvement I can appreciate. Instead, I suspect we'll see more updates about new trash cans and painted shitter stalls.

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On 1/9/2025 at 7:20 PM, prozach626 said:

I think a Gravity Group retrack would make The Boss the premier coaster in the park.

Unironically, It's already the premier coaster in the park.  The Boss is a goddamned monster of a ride and I love it to death.  Top three woodie, no notes, perfect ride.  Back seat only, harder daddy.

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I always hated the Mid-Course Brake on the Boss... happens way too soon in the circuit.   First and Third Drop are great fun, otherwise it is sorta Meh.  The Double Helix removal also disappointing.  I rather ride SE or Americal Thunder.

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A Gravity Group reprofile might well delete the MCBR - and dramatically reshape that vertical element. Now that they're sticking to two train ops the MCBR is no longer needed for block zone needs.

Actually they could shorten most or all three of those hills to some degree to improve the pacing. I could see them adding an outerbank on one of them too* - they've added an odd-banking element on at least one other reprofiling project (Tonnerre 2 Zeus).

To compensate for the increased speed a trim would be added to the station flyby - with good programming to ensure it never hits more than it needs to (without it that final turn and airtime pop would likely be painful - and would still be needed if the helix was restored).


* I'd put it on either the entry or exit of this turnaround.

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