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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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38 minutes ago, SteveStL said:

I hope there are plans in the near future to demolish that Go Fresh Restaurant, between the Theater and the Kiddo's Land.  What an eyesore, worse than the Carousel.  Just on my mind, needed to vent it out.

I agree. Outwardly there doesn't appear to be any reason for it to exist anymore - I think there's far more potential in trying to come up with kid-focused family dining experience and reconfiguring the area in the process. Or even just adding more space for another ride or two for kids.

I also firmly believe that Mooseburger should be replaced with something more like the modern eateries that Cedar Fair parks have received (eg: Miami River Brewhouse, The Farmhouse/Grand Pavillion, Lazy Bear Lodge, Firehouse, etc). 

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3 hours ago, Danrarbc said:

I agree. Outwardly there doesn't appear to be any reason for it to exist anymore - I think there's far more potential in trying to come up with kid-focused family dining experience and reconfiguring the area in the process. Or even just adding more space for another ride or two for kids.


Definitely - lots of potential with that footprint.  

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On 12/22/2024 at 8:06 PM, Stlouisguy said:

IMO Zach can be upset about the carousel all he wants and has every right to voice it, but it does seem that every couple of weeks when someone decides to finally chime in this thread, Zach always somehow brings up the Carosuel.



For as long as there is breath in my lungs.

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On 12/22/2024 at 8:06 PM, Stlouisguy said:

IMO Zach can be upset about the carousel all he wants and has every right to voice it, but it does seem that every couple of weeks when someone decides to finally chime in this thread, Zach always somehow brings up the Carosuel. lol. Definitely see how Kim can get upset about it. I can see both sides. 

I’m sorry, but in all due respect, just bringing this up completely disproves your “intent” lol. I mean this in all good fun but saying that and immediately following it up is just funny, in other words it’s like saying “No offense, but you are really ugly.” lol. 

Anyways, some park news for the upcoming season.

I would like to be the first to share opening day is April 5th, as of now Friday evenings in the spring are returning, which haven’t since 2021.  Of course the schedule is being finalized so it could easily be taken off the table, which happened last year.

The entertainment budget has increased this year, which has been pretty much nonexistent since Selim took it away after the 2021 season. The park is currently in the midst of hiring a new entertainment manager.

Also it’s to my knowledge the park is likely receiving an attraction in 2026. Contrary to what corporate released. 


Appreciate any and all park news that you are willing and able to give us!

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On 12/23/2024 at 11:14 AM, Danrarbc said:

The list corporate released wasn't comprehensive - it mostly listed the parks with extremely large and glaring ride removals. There was no reason to believe other parks couldn't receive attractions in 2026.

As for the entertainment budget increasing that isn't a shock - corporate is conducting a NATIONAL talent search for the entire chain.

Good to know. There are so many local sources they could mine for talent. Everything from all the high school drama clubs, to Stages (they have acting classes for kids and adults), to the Muny (not just Muny kids but they use local actors as well in lots of the productions. Of course they have to market it all correctly too.

On 12/23/2024 at 11:35 AM, SteveStL said:

I hope there are plans in the near future to demolish that Go Fresh Restaurant, between the Theater and the Kiddo's Land.  What an eyesore, worse than the Carousel.  Just on my mind, needed to vent it out.

Yeah. That's been a disappointment for sure. I wish they would re-open it because it was the one place you could get light, somewhat healthier fare, like salads and wraps. The quality wasn't bad at all and it was welcome on hot summer days. BUT if it really isn't viable as a restaurant then they need to repurpose or tear down, I agree it is rather sad looking.

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On 12/23/2024 at 11:55 AM, parkjunkie said:


Well I have been on here for going on 9 years so I'm not sure what your criteria for a newbie is but that isn't the only way to have knowledge about the park. Yes, you have been on online forums longer than me, but, I have lived within 15 miles of the park for almost 50 years, been to somewhere around 70 parks around the world at this point and as stated my son worked there for 5 seasons; does any of that count? See, this is a silly game.

I do take some offense at your implication that I, whom I believe you are alluding to, falls for park BS. What utter nonsense. I already stated that I thought the park was making a mistake in not being transparent about what is going on, a while back I posted about how a rides manager at the park was really not properly doing their job which affected my son's job status, and I really don't take everything that is said for gospel. However, I am optimistic and hopeful, sorry that's just my nature and I will continue to point out that as important as this might be to all of us, nothing that happens at the park is of  major real world importance. I care about the park, want to see it successful, have a lot of nostalgia for it for various reasons, feel it's important economically to the region, etc, etc,.........but that is not the same thing as falling for BS.

Beside who says things haven't gotten better? Which is a very subjective term by the way. New rides have been put in, just perhaps not the ones you want. I mean the vomitron means nothing to me but you cannot deny its popularity. The park highlighted structural improvements over the winter, boring sure, doesn't mean it isn't an improvement. EV chargers mean nothing to some people but the ones that do use them consider it an improvement. Some people could care less if they have entertainment, but still an improvement if the amount and quality goes up.  My point being things getting better is an extremely vague statement.

What specific lack of maintenance are you talking about. Rides? Infrastructure? Landscaping? Food? Entertainment? 

I'm happy to have a discussion with you but at this point you and Zach just sound like old men yelling at clouds. 


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It's been a while since I've been on here. 


But as someone who thought corporate took a negative view to our park and wouldn't put the needed funds to improve it.


I can tell you the park has 100% gotten better over the past couple years. New decking, fresh paint on storefronts and restaurant, path work, decent flowers (even if the skunks and deer rip them up immediately lol), a couple of new rides including a much needed family coaster.


Sure, the park still lacks in some areas. I would like to see the Go-fresh store or whatever it was repurposed or reopened. If like the area where tidel wave used to be developed, and let's get something better than moose burger in. I'm biased and would love to see a new giga, hyper or even another water park expansion, but I don't think those things will happen yet.


But overall the past two years alone corporate has dumped a ton of money into the park and I think it's heading in the right direction finally.

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3 minutes ago, liltrekkie said:

(even if the skunks and deer rip them up immediately lol)

I can believe that. Years ago I remember two women mouthing off to the bar tender that he needed to do something about a skunk nearby... I didn't attempt to hide my smirk. I guess he was supposed to scare it away until it sprayed.

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On 12/26/2024 at 12:59 PM, prozach626 said:

Says the old lady yelling at old men yelling at clouds.

Sure...............except me responding to you is a reaction to something you said, while you are responding to no one, just airing your grievance over and over and over again for no discernible purpose. Hence the common saying that I used. Do we need to have a lesson on metaphors and hyperbole? Or are you just trying to get me riled up by calling me old, lol? 

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On 12/26/2024 at 1:02 PM, liltrekkie said:

It's been a while since I've been on here. 


But as someone who thought corporate took a negative view to our park and wouldn't put the needed funds to improve it.


I can tell you the park has 100% gotten better over the past couple years. New decking, fresh paint on storefronts and restaurant, path work, decent flowers (even if the skunks and deer rip them up immediately lol), a couple of new rides including a much needed family coaster.


Sure, the park still lacks in some areas. I would like to see the Go-fresh store or whatever it was repurposed or reopened. If like the area where tidel wave used to be developed, and let's get something better than moose burger in. I'm biased and would love to see a new giga, hyper or even another water park expansion, but I don't think those things will happen yet.


But overall the past two years alone corporate has dumped a ton of money into the park and I think it's heading in the right direction finally.

I agree with the exception that I think it was more corporate looked upon us as an afterthought than necessarily took a negative view. I think because the park was lower attendance than the big parks but still made a profit just didn't make us a priority a lot of the time. Also, not having our own park President to advocate isn't helpful. It will be interesting to see if the new corporation shuffles priorities and/or changes the methodology for choosing where new rides go. They seem to be on a minor rampage with getting rid of older, problematic, lower popularity rides at the moment.

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On 12/26/2024 at 11:34 AM, teacherkim said:

Well I have been on here for going on 9 years so I'm not sure what your criteria for a newbie is but that isn't the only way to have knowledge about the park. Yes, you have been on online forums longer than me, but, I have lived within 15 miles of the park for almost 50 years, been to somewhere around 70 parks around the world at this point and as stated my son worked there for 5 seasons; does any of that count? See, this is a silly game.



You made it a silly game by reading too much into it and not for what was said. I guess its just too hard to comprehend what I was saying, even after explaining it. Again, those that have been on here MUCH longer than 8 or 9 years have seen and heard the lies an empty promises over and over. All I was saying is the less time youve had on here may make it seem like its not as bad. Thats all I was trying to say....

And yet you want to blame someone for playing a silly game which it wasnt and turned it into one, typical mindset in todays world. What does living by the park have to do with any of this? I live less than 15 as well and have been going for 47 years, so whats your point.

I worked there from 95-97, and again from 2003-2014, and left permanently after 2014 along with the mass exodus of others that worked there even longer. Many of us saw the writing on the wall and where it was going then and didnt want to have any part of the crumbling future. That mass exodus included quite a few full time employees, maintenance, and tons of other staff that had been there 10-30 years.

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15 hours ago, parkjunkie said:

You made it a silly game by reading too much into it and not for what was said. I guess its just too hard to comprehend what I was saying, even after explaining it. Again, those that have been on here MUCH longer than 8 or 9 years have seen and heard the lies an empty promises over and over. All I was saying is the less time youve had on here may make it seem like its not as bad. Thats all I was trying to say....

And yet you want to blame someone for playing a silly game which it wasnt and turned it into one, typical mindset in todays world. What does living by the park have to do with any of this? I live less than 15 as well and have been going for 47 years, so whats your point.

I worked there from 95-97, and again from 2003-2014, and left permanently after 2014 along with the mass exodus of others that worked there even longer. Many of us saw the writing on the wall and where it was going then and didnt want to have any part of the crumbling future. That mass exodus included quite a few full time employees, maintenance, and tons of other staff that had been there 10-30 years.

I get all that. I understood you. I wasn't blaming you so much as trying to figure out the point of listing credentials. I'm just not sure why you went there when this all started with me responding specifically to Zach about the carousel issue. My point was exactly what you just said, it doesn't matter who's been on here for how long or whatever; differing opinions are allowed and valid but pointless complaining about one issue is exhausting. I 100% get that there have been management issues, I witnessed them somewhat through my son's employment but unless you are able and willing to specifically address them or give examples for us all to discuss civilly then why just throw blanket statements about being lied to or promised things that didn't come true? Explain what you are referring to or don't bring it up.

For example, the park has given more than one date for the carousel to open. Those dates were not achieved. I agreed that the park should explain why. Did they lie? Did something out of their control happen? No one on here knows for sure, or if they do they aren't saying, so we speculate and argue about it. My opinion was that it's annoying but I would rather it take as long as necessary to really do the job properly and in the end a long refurb for a carousel is not that big a deal or worth getting upset over. Zach's main opinion is that it is a ridiculous amount of time and there is no excuse and that it is detrimental to the enjoyment of the park. We disagree but both are valid opinions, by the very nature of being opinions. 

In the end I feel like you read too much into our ongoing argument about the carousel, perhaps an online forum is just not the place to have this type of disagreement. In the end I'm guessing the vast majority of people on here are tired of us rehashing it, so we should probably move on. I will, if you will.

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In a nutshell... I think most of us believe SFSTL can be an excellent park with just handful of additions.   Granted, they are not cheap additions... but just a few choice rides could elevate our park to a new pedigree.  The potential is there, and we want it to happen so bad.  At summer's end we get hopeful for that Big Announcement but alas end up with disappointment.  Then we have to vent it out somehow, thanks to forums like this one.  


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13 hours ago, Nrthwnd said:

Well, since it's near the end of the year....

How's our little Scream Machine doing this season?



Where it was located, at our 1986 World's Fair. Beside a giant hockey stick.

To be honest I haven't ridden it in about 8 years and I'm not motivated to ever do so again. While I can handle roughness, because of how short I am the restraints hit literally right on my ears, which is just particularly painful. Every time I've walked by it's almost always just a walk on or station wait. I have no idea what maintenance is like for it but with the rate that the new corp is cutting older, unpopular coasters I wonder if this will be on the chopping block soon. I for one would be fine with that if it got us something new.

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9 hours ago, teacherkim said:

To be honest I haven't ridden it in about 8 years and I'm not motivated to ever do so again. While I can handle roughness, because of how short I am the restraints hit literally right on my ears, which is just particularly painful. Every time I've walked by it's almost always just a walk on or station wait. I have no idea what maintenance is like for it but with the rate that the new corp is cutting older, unpopular coasters I wonder if this will be on the chopping block soon. I for one would be fine with that if it got us something new.

The Ninja's shelf-life ran out 20 years ago in my opinion.   Probably considered an excellent coaster in the 80s, now just a relic of a first generation looper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Behind the Scenes posts have resumed.


The The Boss photo wasn't captioned but that chain looks really shiny - looks like a new chain. The Rookie Racer and American Thunder train maintenance is pretty obvious - Mr Freeze train in the 4th photo. And then it looks like a full retrack of Scream's Eagle's lift is in progress.

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I'd plan a visit specifically to experience it again. That said, it probably won't appeal to the masses enough to make a significant impact on attendance, so it may not be worth it.

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