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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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^If Superman: Ultimate Flight is one of the worst coasters ever made, then Vekoma pretty much shouldn't exist. Also, we have to remember that coasters are subjective.

Good call out. We're speaking here in opinions, and it is my ardent opinion that it is much preferable to have Boss.


As for Vekoma, it depends. SFStL's two Vekomas are their two worst coasters (opinion!). However, SFGAm's Vekoma, Spacely's Sprocket Rockets, is actually pretty good. I'd rather ride it than Superman.

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^If Superman: Ultimate Flight is one of the worst coasters ever made, then Vekoma pretty much shouldn't exist. Also, we have to remember that coasters are subjective.

Good call out. We're speaking here in opinions, and it is my ardent opinion that it is much preferable to have Boss.


As for Vekoma, it depends. SFStL's two Vekomas are their two worst coasters (opinion!). However, SFGAm's Vekoma, Spacely's Sprocket Rockets, is actually pretty good. I'd rather ride it than Superman.

I wasn't really trying to "call you out" or anything. I just wanted to point out that calling Superman: Ultimate Flight "one of the worst coasters ever made" and phrasing it as a fact was rather ridiculous, and in terms of your comment regarding Wikipedia, it was a joke.

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What if SFSTL IS getting a hyper, but saving it until the 50th season of SFSTL (2021)

Ugh! stop... if they haven't gotten a new, even used, steel coaster (hyper, floorless, etc) by 2021 then SFSTL should just close shop.

Edited by SteveStL
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To address the post a couple posts up, even if the park sells all of the rides, I still need a job.


Ok. Now that was mentioned, The Boss is the last original ride SFSTL ever got. For once, I would like to see a custom ride that is NOT a clone or relocated. A B&M hyper would be nice, but I don't see it happening. I live near the park.

While I agree with the overall sentiment, I don't consider American Thunder to be a clone in the same way that rides like Batman, the S&S 4D Coasters, or even Mr. Freeze are considered clones. Even though AT isn't an original ride layout, it fits perfectly into its location and is a really fun ride. I think it would have been a waste of money to design a new GCI for that same spot when there was an existing model that was already known to be a hit with Guests. Plus, almost no AT riders will have ridden the coaster in Europe.


Also, this may be an unpopular opinion (scratch that....this WILL be an unpopular opinion), but I would rather have both AT and PandaHawk than a hyper. I also have decided to start calling Pandamonium "PandaHawk" instead because a PandaHawk just seems like a badass name for an animal hybrid that science needs to make already.


Finally, I can't finish this post without including some wish for the park that will probably never happen...so: I still would love to see Ninja replaced by a B&M mini-Dive Machine for the park's 50th. It'd be cheaper than a hyper or full size five machine, but its uniqueness could easily make it the "destination coaster" the park needs. Imagine a dive into a tunnel under the train tracks into an Immelmann before crossing back across. It'd also be the perfect time to build a second entrance to HH where The Joker/Axis Arcade is.

Edited by HWFan
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^If Superman: Ultimate Flight is one of the worst coasters ever made, then Vekoma pretty much shouldn't exist. Also, we have to remember that coasters are subjective.

Good call out. We're speaking here in opinions, and it is my ardent opinion that it is much preferable to have Boss.


As for Vekoma, it depends. SFStL's two Vekomas are their two worst coasters (opinion!). However, SFGAm's Vekoma, Spacely's Sprocket Rockets, is actually pretty good. I'd rather ride it than Superman.

I wasn't really trying to "call you out" or anything. I just wanted to point out that calling Superman: Ultimate Flight "one of the worst coasters ever made" and phrasing it as a fact was rather ridiculous, and in terms of your comment regarding Wikipedia, it was a joke.

Sorry for the "business-speak." "Call out" in this sense is a salient point made at an appropriate time. It was meant as a compliment.


As for Wikipedia, I'm aware that there are people who feel it's comical to make edits with clearly false or misleading information, to see if they can "get away with it." Challenging authority is something you eventually grow out of, especially when that authority is minor, such as the authority of a webmaster to control the content of their website. The editors of Wikipedia have a right to run their site however they wish, and making stupid edits like that just makes work for them to undo what you've done. It's the Internet version of graffiti. I don't find it humourous, but maybe I'm just getting old.

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I was looking at the park on my maps when I noticed that there was a lake by the parking lot. I know that it wouldn't happen, but it would be nice if SFSTL adds a out and back hyper (or something) with a big turnaround surrounding the lake. (I know it's far, but would be nice)


The lake that Six Flags owns

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If you wanted an out and back hyper coaster to stretch out to a scenic pond area beyond the font gate it could run by the pond near the parking entrance and maybe even do a nice attractive looking fun helix. You wouldn't need 8,000 feet, you'd only need around 4,480. Oh wait...

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If you wanted an out and back hyper coaster to stretch out to a scenic pond area beyond the font gate it could run by the pond near the parking entrance and maybe even do a nice attractive looking fun helix. You wouldn't need 8,000 feet, you'd only need around 4,480. Oh wait...


Maybe a helix around the pond like the one on Mamba at WOF

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If you wanted an out and back hyper coaster to stretch out to a scenic pond area beyond the font gate it could run by the pond near the parking entrance and maybe even do a nice attractive looking fun helix. You wouldn't need 8,000 feet, you'd only need around 4,480. Oh wait...


Maybe a helix around the pond like the one on Mamba at WOF

You didn't get it...

He's talking about Goliath at Six Flags over Georgia, which was rumored to be meant for Six Flags St Louis.



You know the Rams left St. Louis because we don't have a Hyper.


No. The Rams left because the owner got greedy and moved them to California so he can get more money.

This was also a joke. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

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I wouldn't mind if SFSTL took out Xcalibur, Ninja, or Tidal Wave for a new ride. In fact, I don't care what happens to Xcalibur, one note on that ride is that SFSTL REALLY needs to give it a new coat of paint. There are light-blue spots all over the ride from when it was Evolution at SFGADV.


EDIT: for the recent post by Password121: I keep forgetting that I'm on TPR.

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So I know we've talked about the the Hyper that we were "SUPPOSED" to get but instead went to SFoG and it has now been brought up again. From what I can remember, its been 10 years since I saw a rough layout of the general look of the layout, that this was the route it was to follow... or something pretty damn close to this.


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