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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Note: While I was not present when you talked about just a couple team members running a coaster, I'm guessing that wasn't ideal in the minds of that park's management either. But similarly, thanks to the hard work of the SFSL ride operations department, I believe the Boss was running three trains most of the weekend, which requires a full staff of three-train-operation certified team members. Cheers to them.



I know you work for the park so you're a little bias however you can not ignore the facts of his trip report with his mediocre experience. If you were in his shoes would you be happy? (Serious question, not trying to be a sarcastic a$$)

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I remember everything running two trains when I was there Saturday, but Boss is pretty hard to see from most of the park so it may have been running three, but I'm fairly confident it was running two.


Anyhow I didn't have any trouble with operations (although Mr. Freeze seemed a tad slow).

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^Still faster than one train ops!


SFStL is a small Six Flags. Crowds are not that of major parks, and operations aren't thereof. So you waited for a ride? Ok. There's not that many rides or guests.


I can't say anything about customer service. SFStL is my lifelong homepark so I've aleats been pretty comfortable there and enjoyed myself and workers never bothered me.

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I think SFSTL has a huge employee shortage issue going on.


Every Six Flags park has an employee shortage issue. It's their business model. Get by with the least amount of humans necessary. I've seen coasters with a 2-man crew recently. Disgusting.


It should be any company's business model to staff as few employees as possible, but to still achieve optimal results. I don't think Six Flags is intentionally under-staffing the park. That doesn't make business sense. I do think however that they're probably having a hard time keeping people on staff and reliably coming to work. I've heard of weekends with half of the scheduled employees calling off. That's not the park's intention. Could they staff more? Yes, but from what I can tell, the good guys in HR are hiring constantly. I would recommend the HR Reserve job to anybody who wants to do some seasonal work in the park. I was hired for it and it sounded like a great gig but unfortunately I won't meet a silly facial hair requirement made by corporate.

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I know this is kind of wrong for me to say, but some of the issues, at least at SFSTL, are due to management... incompetence, ignorance, laziness, and lack of care. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is all of SFSTL management, but there are a few, and the few people on here that are also employees know exactly which departments this refers to and possibly even the exact people. Some departments at the park run great with short handed staffs... why you may ask... because those are the departments with the good management

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I'm a massive Cards fan and I absolutely HATE the Cubs and their fans... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I say let them have their name on our coaster, they deserve it, after how atrocious the Cards looked this post season, they deserved to lose.

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I'm a massive Cards fan and I absolutely HATE the Cubs and their fans... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I say let them have their name on our coaster, they deserve it, after how atrocious the Cards looked this post season, they deserved to lose.


Diddo, the Cardinals screwed themselves this postseason.


That aside, this was pretty funny actually.

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After that we headed to The Boss (since we wanted to hit the unique coasters first). I was afraid that it would be too rough and would have to be the last ride of the day, so we waited a little extra for rows closer to the front. The setting of this ride is awesome. You can't really see it from most of the park. The first drop was awesome, since the train really gains some speed in the turnaround. After the first drop, the jackhammering begins. To be totally honest, the roughness added to the ride for me. I'd still prefer it smoother, but there's something characteristic about a rough ride through the woods. The double down off the first drop gives some nice quick ejector airtime, and the ride just seems to never lose speed, even in the high-altitude turnarounds. I really enjoyed all of the curved drops. The only really bad spot for roughness was the spot right before the station flyby, but after that comes one of the most awesome parts of the ride: the helix. I'd heard things about CCI laterals, and I'd gotten a taste of it in the turnarounds and curved drops, but holy crap this helix. I was completely pinned to the left side of the train the whole way through. My main complaints with this ride were the extreme roughness in some spots and the ugly and uncomfortable Gerstlauer trains.

I think that's a pretty spot-on summary of The Boss. I would hate to see anything changed about it apart from maybe swapping the G-Trains for something else. If SFStL ever jumps on to the Six Flags RMC bandwagon, I'd much rather they build one from scratch- or even mess with Evel Knievel if it came to that, despite there being nothing wrong with it- before going for Boss. GCI along the lines of EK can be found all over the place; giant, out of control terrain wood coasters can not.

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Haha. I love it. I'm not a Cardinals fan or a baseball fan. So..... if you guys can believe it, I rooted for the Cubs just to irritate my Cardinals fans friends. trollolol


good times

Due to my family & friends' love of them, they've made me a Cardinals fan by proxy. While I don't mind going to a game every year or two, I'm by no means a very passionate fan. It will definitely be interesting come this Friday though, but I guess it's not like Evel..err..American Thunder hasn't changed names before. Fortunately, this one will only be there through November 8th.


After that we headed to The Boss (since we wanted to hit the unique coasters first). I was afraid that it would be too rough and would have to be the last ride of the day, so we waited a little extra for rows closer to the front. The setting of this ride is awesome. You can't really see it from most of the park. The first drop was awesome, since the train really gains some speed in the turnaround. After the first drop, the jackhammering begins. To be totally honest, the roughness added to the ride for me. I'd still prefer it smoother, but there's something characteristic about a rough ride through the woods. The double down off the first drop gives some nice quick ejector airtime, and the ride just seems to never lose speed, even in the high-altitude turnarounds. I really enjoyed all of the curved drops. The only really bad spot for roughness was the spot right before the station flyby, but after that comes one of the most awesome parts of the ride: the helix. I'd heard things about CCI laterals, and I'd gotten a taste of it in the turnarounds and curved drops, but holy crap this helix. I was completely pinned to the left side of the train the whole way through. My main complaints with this ride were the extreme roughness in some spots and the ugly and uncomfortable Gerstlauer trains.

I think that's a pretty spot-on summary of The Boss. I would hate to see anything changed about it apart from maybe swapping the G-Trains for something else. If SFStL ever jumps on to the Six Flags RMC bandwagon, I'd much rather they build one from scratch- or even mess with Evel Knievel if it came to that, despite there being nothing wrong with it- before going for Boss. GCI along the lines of EK can be found all over the place; giant, out of control terrain wood coasters can not.


I always try to ride the Boss one time per season, but it looks like I might miss it this year...darn.

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