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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Six Flags St. Louis is now the 5th Six Flags park to announce that they will be announcing something o August 30!


It’s almost time…on August 30th we will be announcing what’s new in 2013! Watch our cover photo for clues starting next week!
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You guys are getting the boomerang and you're gonna like it!




No! And you can't make me!



LOL Yes it'll be a Boomerang with a new Vekoma train. Just my thoughts.


I don't think it is going to get new Vekoma trains because Six Flags doesnt like doing bussiness with them after the GIB fiasco. If it does get new trains (it most likely will) Six Flags will get them from Premier or KumbaK.

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^ That's what I mean by getting another company to make the parts. The problem with that is that there isn't as big of a demand for them so Vekoma or S&S dosent keep spare parts lying around the factory.

If the parts that are needed are from the trains, I would find this hard to believe since they still use similar trains. Why not scrap a Boomerang instead for the parts.


If it is track, why not just have it retracked where it is needed? So long as the inversions were not what needed the retracking, this is what Kennywood did.


Hang and Bang, The Chiller would admittedly be expensive due to the extensive problems, but time will tell if it was in fact redeemable at it's new home.


Concerning the "having to do an elaborate intrepretive dance to keep from banging my noggin into oblivion," I can assure you that some of these rides that some complain about such as the Vortex, it took little more than tightening my grip around the restraints towards the top corner of the handle and pressing inward, having my feet planted pressing me against the back of the train, wrapping the lower half of my arms around the bottom of the OTSR. This gives leverage to avoid the head banging. It isn't just Arrows that I have had to learn a method to. I actually have more problem with SFSTL's Batman with head banging on the zero G rolls. We will have to agree to disagree on the GIB being a good filler, I think that is what the American Thunder is. Overall, I think we agree on our philosophy for the park.


David, with all due respect, I have yet to see a line of any sort for any variation of the Boomerang. At every park I have visit that had these lame rides, they are literally walk on every time. If these rides were popular outside of the enthusiast forums as you claim, why then was it not enough combined with Rampage to keep Alabama Adventure from closing it's non-water park division or how about Jazzland before Six Flags got involved or failed parks that they got these from used, or the Boomerang that Kentucky Kingdom got used, etc. These rides are not crowd drawers. They are often associated with failed theme parks. When this is what they are talking about adding one to your home park, that is the equivalent to having vultures circling you. It will waste the budget on what could be spent on what is needed. They are not impressive looking at all, before I even knew that theme parks purchased coasters instead of building them themselves, I thought it looked lame and after one ride, it was hate from then on. There are countless coaster options between the worst (Boomerangs) and the hypers, gigas, and stratas. It was in adding coasters that were benchmarkers that got them on the map and by having competitive coasters with the current era that helped the park reach 2 million visitors in the 90s. There is no reason why they shouldn't at least try something in between. The problem with adding an outdated painful ride like Boomerang is it could cause attendance to drop as it makes many loyal fans of SFSTL become disillusioned and decide to spend their money at other parks whom ARE investing money into them, like SDC for instance. Then considering the money spent on this, it will drain the budget and SF Corporate could treat us like they treated SFKK after Greezed Lightnin' failed. Having higher count doesn't guaranty anything if it is a bad addition.

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Boomerangs are associated with failed theme parks???? Really

So SFoT is a failure? SFFT is a failure? Carowinds is a failure? SFDK is failure? Knott's Berry Farm is a failure???


Maybe you just havent been going to the right parks? And I've been to SFFT several times and Boomerang had a decent line going. I guess it was because they were only doing *insert sarcasm* one train operations on those days.


As far Six Flags getting a new Vekoma train for it.....not a totally bad idea. SFFT Boomerang has a Vekoma train and it was way better than the ones I had ridden with Arrow trains. From what I understand the Boomerang at Carowinds had a new Vekoma train installed when it was moved to Carowinds from GL and it apparently made the ride much more enjoyable.


As far as SFStL getting a Boomerang and their loyal fans becoming "disillusioned"?? Give me a break. SFFT and Sea World have mirror image of the same B&M inverted coaster and the General Public can't even tell the damn difference and that's because they're only about 10 miles apart from eachother.

Edited by ArizonaGuy
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I wish it the best of luck in Brazil. It does seem fitting that that's where it would end up for some reason lol. That said, I stand by my story that the last thing SF wanted to do was waste even more $$$ on the thing. They most certainly wanted it out of the chain so suggesting it be sent to another SF park still doesn't make a lick of sense. I don't know much about Beto Carrero World, but I see they have a Wacky Worm, and the rest of their coasters are Vekoma's. Their website indicates a tie-in with Dreamworks, and from the pics the park looks decently themed, so maybe they have the money to pump into Chiller to get it working.

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I have a suggestion: Being as this is the Six Flags St. Louis Discussion Thread, let's keep the conversation focused on that park and not a ride that used to sit at a Six Flags park in New Jersey.


Thank you.

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Boomerangs are associated with failed theme parks???? Really

So SFoT is a failure? SFFT is a failure? Carowinds is a failure? SFDK is failure? Knott's Berry Farm is a failure???


Maybe you just havent been going to the right parks? And I've been to SFFT several times and Boomerang had a decent line going. I guess it was because they were only doing *insert sarcasm* one train operations on those days.


As far Six Flags getting a new Vekoma train for it.....not a totally bad idea. SFFT Boomerang has a Vekoma train and it was way better than the ones I had ridden with Arrow trains. From what I understand the Boomerang at Carowinds had a new Vekoma train installed when it was moved to Carowinds from GL and it apparently made the ride much more enjoyable.


As far as SFStL getting a Boomerang and their loyal fans becoming "disillusioned"?? Give me a break. SFFT and Sea World have mirror image of the same B&M inverted coaster and the General Public can't even tell the damn difference and that's because they're only about 10 miles apart from eachother.


Don't forget Hersheypark.

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If SFSTL does get a used Vekoma Boomerang, I cannot say I would be surprised. This park was my first job many moons ago, and we always seemed to get the short end of the stick while the other parks got all of the really cool stuff. For once, I would love to see this park get the shiny new B&M hyper or Wing Coaster or something else new and fresh rather than smaller coasters, rehashes of old coasters they already have, or things from the boneyards of other parks in the chain.

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Im not sure if this has been mentioned, but could the used coaster in question be a Vekoma giant INVERTED boomerang? SFStL could benefit from one of those, considering that the are relatively new and provide a great thrill on a small footprint. Only thing is there is only, I believe, three in the USA and one just got transferred from SFMM...

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^^ It can't be a GIB because Six Flags sold 3 of the 4 they owned (Deja vu SFOG to Brazil, Deja vu SFGA to Silverwood, and Stunt Fall at Parque Warner Madrid was sold with the park) and Deja vu SFMM as you mentioned already got moved and I don't think they are going to remove that anytime soon.

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Boomerangs are associated with failed theme parks???? Really

So SFoT is a failure? SFFT is a failure? Carowinds is a failure? SFDK is failure? Knott's Berry Farm is a failure???


Maybe you just havent been going to the right parks? And I've been to SFFT several times and Boomerang had a decent line going. I guess it was because they were only doing *insert sarcasm* one train operations on those days.


As far Six Flags getting a new Vekoma train for it.....not a totally bad idea. SFFT Boomerang has a Vekoma train and it was way better than the ones I had ridden with Arrow trains. From what I understand the Boomerang at Carowinds had a new Vekoma train installed when it was moved to Carowinds from GL and it apparently made the ride much more enjoyable.


As far as SFStL getting a Boomerang and their loyal fans becoming "disillusioned"?? Give me a break. SFFT and Sea World have mirror image of the same B&M inverted coaster and the General Public can't even tell the damn difference and that's because they're only about 10 miles apart from eachother.

You misunderstand the point. Are all parks which have boomerangs failures. No. Do parks that rely on Boomerangs to be attendance drawers fail. Some have.


No, the Vekoma trains do NOT fix the problem at all. The one at WOF that uses a Vekoma train and it is terrible. The ride caused back pains going through the cobra roll. Beyond this even if they were to use the new Vekoma train it is not going to fix the problem with the ride not having any speed or air time. This cannot be fixed with the ride designed as it is.


I did go to SFFT and SFOT and neither had a line.


Again, the difference between a B&M Invert and a Boomerang is that the B&M Invert has force, has decent level of speed, when properly maintained are reasonably smooth, and have an impressive appearance. Many fans like these better than some of B&Ms new models. Boomerangs are slow, painful, boring, and cheap looking.

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Again - I'll agree...boomerangs basically suck. The new trains on Carolina Cobra made for a MUCH better ride, but they are still boomerangs. I am still of the opinion that a larger coaster is not currently in their budget. On a park - by - park basis, with each having its own separate budget for new rides, I feel this is a good move for the park. It brings in another ride ro the park to market as new. It brings in this new ride without spending a TON of money that can then be used to budget for the larger B&M or Intamin that we are all hoping for for them in future years. They are due for a big coaster and this could very well be a step in that direction for them.


I liked SFStL when I visited. The park was clean, the people were nice and I had a great time there. EK or whatever it is called now was a really fun ride and I LOVED Mr. Freeze. I'll agree - they could use more and newer coasters to improve their lineup and I'd love to see it happen. I think, if they are indeed getting the boomerang from SFoT, that it is part of a longer term plan to invest capital in the park.


Remember - I do not now, nor have I ever run a theme park. This is just my opinion.

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