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Last night, a freak tidal wave came in engulfing the entire Florida Peninsula. I barely managed to escape in a jet. But with nowhere to land, we had to meander around the U.S. But a freak blizzard with an eye, like a hurricane, came and froze the plane. We crashed into what we assumed would be a bunch of water, but it turned out to be frozen tundra in New York. There, we roamed around, finding some survivors huddled in a library...


Oh, never mind, that was just a dream I had from watching The Day After Tomorrow one time too many. God, I hate that movie.

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Execept for those in Texas, Austrailia and Cali.


Well actually where I live (Dallas), we got a wintery mix storm Wednesday night and we had a SNOW DAY on Thursday, and hit a record low at 16! I heard from one of my friends that we are also expecting snow next Friday. A snow day is nice, but I will regret it in May when the make-up days are on Saturdays. :?

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Early this moring I got 8 inches plus 2 already on the ground from earlier this week so 10 inches altogether. Plus, I got a snow day!


OMG... you got a snow day for 10 inches?????


we have like 3 feet and no snow day sometimes. Ah, Buffalo.

I got a snow day today for something around 1-3 inches...that got washed away by rain before school started.

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Snow. Hmmm.


Describe it to me again?


(We got nuthin' this year, so far. Just c-c-cold and r-r-r-rain.)


Sheesh! Sounds like Vancouver is somewhere near Williamsburg--sums up the weather here, too.

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We've gotten about 24 inches in the past week. There's about 49 inches of snow on my yard, but they do a good job keeping the snow off the streets.


That may sound like alot of snow, but you have to remember... I live at 7,500 feet.


Damn you florida!!

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We got a foot here today in Milford PA. No school, so I got up, ran a workout fast, and then quickly shovled the deck and path to my neighbors house, and cleaned the house so I would have plenty of time to sit around and play RCT2. No snow day would be complete without it .

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We got 14" here today. Some places near Boston reported 3-6" of snow an hour and 70 MPH winds. The storm center formed an eye and strengthened at a speed no storm besides a hurricane could do. Boxford, MA hit the jackpot with 19" of snow. It only lasted about 10 hours. The snowmobiling was great.


Another storm may come up the east coast next Thursday-Friday. My area has recieved 20" of snow so far this year. The annual average is 68" per year, but it's lately been more like 115" per year.

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