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Fave Holiday Movies


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Since this is a more 'themed' topic, rather than that all-purpose sticky up there....


I enjoy the following holiday-themed movies, and have them (and a few others) to enjoy again and again and.... yeah, one mo'time:


Nightmare Before Christmas


The perfect interchangeable two-holiday Tim Burton creation. Mmmm, Scary Teddy, Oogie Boogie, and a few great numbers all together. Still a magical, twisted bit of celluloid, again and again.


National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation


The Griswolds. The cat. Cousin Eddie. 25,000 lights. Who could ask for a better family who's more f-ed up than your own, hmmm?




There are so many 'variations on a theme', but this one with Bill Murray has got to be high on a few peeps' list of faves. The only one I think he's better in, deals with 'another holiday' but we won't mention that, here, mmm'k?


And Carol Kane kicks pretty good butt, too.


~ ~ ~ ~


I will only list three here, since ya got ta list yours, too. Thought of putting up a poll, but c'mon. I'd probably miss one you know I wouldn't want to miss, right?


Share and enjoy the warm fuzzies.

Happy Solstice All!

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It's A Wonderful Life (classic)


Love Actually (you either love or hate it, I love it)


Scrooged (LOVE LOVE LOVE Bill Murray)


Home Alone (the original, or MAYBE the 2nd one, NOT the other crappy sequels)


Miracle on 34th Street (makes me cry buckets)


I absolutely despise Christmas, but I love Christmas music and movies. I guess it's because Christmas in the films is so idealised, if it was like that in reality I'd probably love it!

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I so don't celebrate Xmas. But I do remember loving to see "Rudolf" and Mr. Ives (remember "Silver and Gold"???) as a snow man making snail trails in the snow...


I also liked "Frosty". When they show his fire place it is full of upside down icicles; although that may have been the "jack frost" xmas special... it has been so long.

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I don't like Christmas because frankly, i've never had a reason to. But Christmas music is all about snow and presents and family and that kinda stuff, and I suppose in my head that's what I think Christmas SHOULD be like, and so I like to listen to the music cos it makes me think those kind of thoughts. Escapism I suppose is the word!


I only like certain Christmas songs though, the ones my local mall in Florida used to play were a nightmare! Ever hear the Smurfs sing carols?!?! :shock:

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^^ My husband's personal favorite Christmas album!!


National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I quote this one in July, I like it that much.


"Are you still dating Clark?"

"Clark, Audrey's frozen from the waist down."

"Been singin for the Yak lady."

"Can't see the line, can ya Russ?"


You forgot "Jesus, Bethany, did the room clear out?" or something to that effect....that was my late niece's favorite line. We loved that movie!!


My favorites are:

Christmas Vacation

White Christmas (RoseMary Clooney and Bing! They were the best!!)

Christmas Story

The Christmas Shoes (tv movie, Rob Lowe/Kimberly Williams Paisley.... great song made into a movie that had a storyline that hits home with me, so I just sob buckets)

Miracle on 34th Street

It's a Wonderful Life

One Magic Christmas When Mary Steenburgen realizes that she's holding her childhood Santa letter, I just lose it!


Shari "I love Christmas" Shoufler

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A Christmas Story! That's my favorite definately.


I also like Rudolph, Charlie Brown, the Year Without a Santa Claus, and the 'Santa Clause' movies (1&2).


I like Christmas Vacation and Christmas with the Kranks too (I think I'm in the minority there).


EDIT: I forgot the Grinch (the cartoon)! That's a classic.

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Such a good question. I guess my top three would be something like this:


National Lampoon's Chrismas Vacation- This movie will NEVER get old


A Christmas Story- Neither will this one. I love TBS' 24 hour marathon on Christmas day


Muppet's Christmas Carol- It's the Muppets, what's not to love

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I don't celebrate the "Christ" in Christmas, but I celebrate the "Giving-gifts-to-the-people-you-love-to-show-you-care-mas" part in Christmas. I'm going to watch the Polar Express this Giving-gifts-to-the-people-you-love-to-show-you-care-mas. I feel that The Passion of the Christ is too religious for my Atheist tastebuds and too bloody for Christmas.

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.Polar Express-its a classic

.The Grinch (original, just wouldn't be Christmas without it!)

.Jingle all the Way-great movie

.Home Alone 1 and 2-always puts me in the Christmas spirit

.Claymation movies (or whatever that stuff is)-thos movies rock!


EDIT: How could I forget Christmas Story. Its my favorite of them all!

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I really can't stand Christmas, all the money I blow on people who either don't deserve what I give them or don't understand what I give them, the awful music heard for a good 30 days straight, and a good portion of the movies that are just way too sappy. The ones I do like though are:


National Lampoons Christmas Vacation- just because

The Year Without a Santa Claus- Four words; heat miser, snow miser!

Mickey's Christmas Carol- its Disney

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