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Millennium Thing, which pleased many coaster enthusiasts with such elements as...

...lots of airtime hills with strong ejector air, and lots of forceful twists and turns, which quickly made Millennium Thing the favorite roller coaster for many coaster nerds, but one day...

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...there was an accident on Millennium Thing, and all of the riders got ejected out of the train. Because of this, the ride got new trains with individual seat belts, a 5 point harness, a lap bar, a shoulder harness, and an interlocking belt connecting the lap bar and the shoulder harness. Because of these really complicated restrains, the capacity was horrific, so the park replaced all the good airtime hills with block brakes so they could run 10 trains. Because of this...

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a Monty Python's Flying Circus marathon! It cut right to Pantomime Princess Margaret in a life or death struggle with her breakfast. The unsuspecting breakfast strolled by, she fired her harpoon, and it hit right in the toast! But the joy of a fake princess stomping on her breakfast didn't last long. A terrible commercial came on for...

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Valleyfair 2, featuring The Three Stooges rapping. It was so bad, everybody's faces melted after cringing so hard. Every time somebody in the commercial got slapped, they played a synth trumpet. It turned out this was actually an ad for the new Boardwalk area, another attempt by Cedar Fair to be edgy and cool. Once this heinous spectacle was over, there were few survivors. One of them was...

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...Dick Kinzel, who became the new CEO of Cedar Fair 2. He gave CP2, KI2, and VF2 lots of concrete paths and trash cans, and he built the remaining sequels to the original Cedar Fair parks, except for...

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Gilroy Gardens, which displeased nature fans. A little up north, at California's Great America, Maverick Striker had opened. This was GCI's first beyond vertical, inverting launch coaster. However, PETA was displeased by the name, as they thought it promoted the beating of animals. So they went to Dick Kinzel and...

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...he told them to rename Maverick Striker to a non-animal related name to get PETA off their backs, so they did just that, but PETA was still angry at them, so a group of them went to CGA 2 and destroyed the entire park. After that happened...

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...a full-blown resort called The Darien Lake Resort, which would include tripling the size of the park in both land and attractions, building multiple on-site hotels, and total refurbishment of everything already in the park, but the plans for the resort fell through at the last minute because...

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