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Six Flags Magic Mountain's Tatsu - B&M Flying Coaster!

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Real boreing. I set up at 6 this morning and have done nothing since 9.


Just your standard Rear screen projection with some multi plane projection to give it a 3Dimensional feel.


Kids stuff. I can't believe they pay me for this s***. However, I love the fact that they do.


Guy "This is what a College Degree can do for you." Koepp


And now... back to Tatsu.

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We were out running errands today and got some new pics:




Wow! They seem like they are really moving. Also check out all the changes going on around the front of the park. Whatever this retail complex is going to be, it looks like it's going to be huge!



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  • 2 months later...

I was there today. Did anyone notice that Jet Stream is getting a complete rehab. Not just a new sign. It is in the process of getting painted green in leiu of that lovely s*** brown that it used to be.


Hey Jahan, We stopped by Tidal wave today. They didn't know where you were. You didn't get fired already did you?


In response to the question of B&Ms being built in order. They usualy are. I talked to a supervisor up on the hill today about that. He said in TATSU's case, they are concentrating on heavy traffic areas. If they complete them during the week when the park is closed, they don't have to shut down whole areas during the time when the park is open. Now that they are finished working over public areas. The ride construction will progress at an "in order" pace.


Guy "Had fun at the Mountain today. Except for January craping her pants." Koepp

T A T S U !

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Just so you all know, if you take a real close look up at the Sky Tower, it has a shade of navy blue just under the deck. I Confirmed it with my supervisors and they did indeed decide to try a new color just under the deck. Its real hard to spot but yea, you get the point.

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Riddler running 3 trains is EXTREMELY rare, I've only personally seen it once and that was a few months after it had opened.

How many trains was X running today, or was X closed? It's been closed a lot lately.



Dude, you were like 7 when RR opened! You really remember how many trains they were running?

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