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Ferrari World Discussion Thread

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Everyone's focusing on B&M and RMC because they're in the U.S. and in the spotlight, when Intamin is secretly knocking it out of the park oversees. I feel that their return to the U.S. is an eventuality. I think it's not if, but when it happens.


By the way I'm not saying that either B&M or RMC isn't doing amazing, because they are. I'm just saying the latest Intamin coasters are ones that nobody even saw coming at first

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It is really unfair that Intamin has been blacklisted because of their little problems. Are Intamins the most reliable rides ever? No, but the problems are very overblown. Plus they are one of the only companies that is willing to push the envelope. B&M is an amazing company as well, but they have always been years behind Intamin in nearly every aspect.


Skyrush was their last coaster installation in the US. Besides the complaints about restraints, it has been a very reliable ride and shows how far Intamin is willing to push limits of coasters.

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It is really unfair that Intamin has been blacklisted because of their little problems. Are Intamins the most reliable rides ever? No, but the problems are very overblown. Plus they are one of the only companies that is willing to push the envelope. B&M is an amazing company as well, but they have always been years behind Intamin in nearly every aspect.


Skyrush was their last coaster installation in the US. Besides the complaints about restraints, it has been a very reliable ride and shows how far Intamin is willing to push limits of coasters.


First of all, it's not necessarily true that they've been blacklisted. Many of the US parks are simply focused on other things right now that other manufacturers specialize in.


Also, there really isn't anything "unfair" about it if they had been blacklisted. If parks would rather invest in a product that's more reliable, even if it pushes less boundaries, then they lost that battle fair and square.

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Personally I like that Intamin is off doing its thing right now overseas. They are coming up with creative and amazing designs that can show US markets what they have to offer, without it being new. I can't wait for the day an Intamin 10+ looper makes it way to the states

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It is really unfair that Intamin has been blacklisted because of their little problems. Are Intamins the most reliable rides ever? No, but the problems are very overblown. Plus they are one of the only companies that is willing to push the envelope. B&M is an amazing company as well, but they have always been years behind Intamin in nearly every aspect.


Skyrush was their last coaster installation in the US. Besides the complaints about restraints, it has been a very reliable ride and shows how far Intamin is willing to push limits of coasters.


It sucks Intamin hasn't been doing, well anything in the US. But it's understandable that parks are going to choose more reliable rides. B&M seems to play it safer then Intamin with their coasters. I do believe B&M is making a comeback though, especially with Fury325 being in a lot of peoples Top 5 .

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People tend to forget Gringott's just saying...


They only did part of it (the track was their primary function IIRC) and supposedly they screwed that up too and a bunch of stuff had to be redone at the last second.


There's enough production model 8 and 10 inversion Intamins in the world that simply aren't that good and age poorly that I don't feel the need or care to see one built in America. Megalite, sure I guess - I'll just as happily take more Lightning Runs too.

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Personally, I'm more excited for the day the U.S gets a megalite, but that'y just me

This. When I win the megamillions this is the first thing I'm buying. Then some land to plop it down on. We'll have an east coast bash when its up and running.

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Any new progress on the rise?
I was out there today and the lift hill and first drop is about two thirds complete. I made the mistake again of not getting pictures after my wife told me a 2nd time...I was at Cedar Point July 18 and saw the first trucks arrive with track and supports. I just assumed other people would have seen it so I didn't get any pictures. If I return to Ikea this weekend I will get some pictures and post them...My bad...
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I may have missed this, but is the height of that loop released? Will it be the tallest, or will that Mack in China still hold the record?



Here is the official press release:


... and the world’s tallest loop of 52m (170ft)...

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