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What have you been hit in the head with?


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I got hit in the head with a pole yesterday. I was sitting outside and the wind was calm and everything, but then the wind started blowing really hard and WHAM there came the pole. The wind is mean. It's okay, I laugh when I get hurt anyway.

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When I was about 4 I rammed into a wooden ladder on a swingset. Of course I was exactly tall enough so one of the rungs would hit the skin in between my nostrils and totally split the skin resulting in no separation between the nostrils and stitches. Ouch.

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Where to start...


A few weeks ago, i went to drop down onto a chair in my living room but massively misjudged it, so i smashed my head full-force into the solid wall behind.


Everything kinda went white and it took a few hours to fully wake up!

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I hit my head quite frequently in different modes on transportation. 9 times out of 10 it will be getting a bag out of the overhead compartment on a plane. I also have managed to do that on trains, usually just by standing up and not paying attention. Car doors are not my friend either.

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Used to work for a company delivering Fruit Machines and similar Pub/Bar/Arcade Machines.........whilst unloading an older style Jukebox from the back of the van the 4 foot by 2 foot half inch think pane of glass that covers up the inner workings of the machine decided to tip forwards and smash over my head, I was seeing stars for a few hours.....not fun!!!!

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I've been hit with numerous things. Very frequently too. Today in gym we were playing kickball and someone pegged it and it smacked me straight in the face. Ouch.


Possibly the most painful thing was a metal hornet. The meanie that shot them at me all the time put the rubber band less than a centimeter away from my head, pulled the paper clip back as far as possible, then snapped it up against my head that is the most painful thing in the world. No way did I give him the satisfaction of reacting. I just sat there.

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Just back in April I got hit on the head with a 1.6K fiberglass discus. I was between my turns throwing at a track meet and one of my friends was messing around with it and accidently let go of it. Luckily it mostly hit my ear. My ear was twice the size of the other for two weeks and I still need to get it drained from the cauliflower ear it caused.

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On Saturday afternoon..


Top of my head got hit by the ceiling of a rock-o-plane tub or was it bottom of my head hit the floor of the tub when I flipped over.


Yes I pilot my tub in an aggressive aerobatic fashion! One youngster started counting flips and lost track at 230.


Couple of months ago, light fixture at work in a low clearance area.


Paintball, got that last fall on my one and only time ever playing on a demo field at a fair. Right above the mask, this was immediately followed by ref calling next round 2 vs 1 (me) with no recovery time!


Of course I have had alot of other normal things, acorns falling from trees is coming soon!

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A tin can bonking me on the head, when I was a kid, coming up out of the water in the shoreside (then) swimming area at Horseshoe Bay, in West Vancouver.


Timing was perfect; blood was drawn; but I guess the adults decided it wasn't that bad a BOINK, so nobody was sued, nobody was hauled in front of a judge, and I got cleaned up and a couple of bandaids for my involvement, lol.

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