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TPR's Disneyland's Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters Video!

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Hey everyone!


Elissa got the chance to head down to Disneyland yesterday to ride the new "Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters" and we've got a complete onride video of it!


Check it out here:



So here are their thoughts on the ride:



- Removable guns are much better than the mounted guns on WDW's version.

- It's a really fun ride.



- It's much more 'claustrophobic' than the WDW or Tokyo versions meaning the targets are mostly RIGHT in front of you instead of large open rooms.


Enjoy the video!


Post your comments about the video or the ride here!



Edited by robbalvey
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Nice video. The guns look like it makes the ride a lot more fun since I know in the ride at WDW, there have been a lot of times I have not been able to hit the target I want because of the gun being attached to the car. From the video, it also seemed like it was a lot shorter of a ride than the WDW version.

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I rode it last Friday and it was enjoyable yet it was nothing special. It had some good themeing in the line area and during the ride. I agree with Robb that having the targets close to the cars kinda sucks. But hey, It was built for little kids I like it better than any of the other Dark rides Disneyland has to offer. It will be a good ride to go on if you just want to get out of the sun for a while or something.

Overall : 8.5/10

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Here's a couple of photos to give an idea of the different between the Tokyo and the Disneyland versions. As you can see they are nearly identical, with depth being the only real difference.


Here's the Tokyo Version. It's kind of hard to tell, but there are stars and lights in the background, the targets are a bit farther away, and overall the ride feels more "open"


Here's the Disneyland version. You can see the targets are closer to the cars, there isn't as much depth to the atmosphere and the ride feels a bit more 'claustrophobic'


Other than that, seriously the two rides are almost carbon copies of each other. I watched my complete onride footage of the Tokyo version, and even through the entrance queues the two rides are nearly identical.


Anyway, thought you guys might appreciate a little more information.



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Wow that ride looks weird... Is this actually in the tomorrowland area? Is there actually going to be life there again? I guess I am still really sad because that was my favorite area of Disneyland with the subs and the peoplemovers which are all gone now... Of course I haven't been to DisneyLand for years now so I have no idea about any of it...

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I didn't really get to play since I was filming, but having at least 'ridden through' all 3 Buzz's I can say that I like this one, but I'm still not sure where it ranks...


It has the detachable guns which is a great improvement over Florida's, but at the same time the sets are really, really small! If you've ever done a Sally Dark Ride that's what it's like. There are certain rooms that you come into on Florida or Tokyo's Versions that are just HUGE! You do almost like 300 degrees around a huge circle and the props and targets are everywhere. In Disneyland's it felt much more claustrophobic, there were no big moments of 'Awe' seeing huge rooms with all kinds of targets.


I'm also a bit concerned about the queue...as in, the lack of! There is VERY little indoor queue. Even with a 10 minute line when we rode there were two outside switchbacks and a line out of the entrance!


Hopefully that's what these soft openings are for and they'll figure some stuff out!


Elissa "eh, it's still just Buzz" Alvey

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