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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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So is that closed schedule only for January + February?


Nobody knows. If you're planning a trip to ANY Six Flags year-round park then you just have to know going in that something you want to ride may be closed. They will not post their maintenance schedule or tell you that a ride will be closed until they actually close it. I wish they would follow the Busch Tampa / Disney method of posting it way in advance but they don't. I wouldn't be shocked if next weekend Batman is open and Texas Giant is closed. They really just make it up as they go.

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I would expect the closed rides to vary between now and spring break. From my experience working at the park, very few rides were rehabbed for the entire 8 weeks of the off season. Some were done in a matter of a couple of weeks. Of course I don't know exactly how extensive the current rehab is, but it's entirely possible that those 3 rides are back in operation in a couple of weeks and a different set of rides is down. I did hear that the Oil Derrick was open all weekend and it is normally fairly seasonal.


They've had pretty bad weather luck thus far into year round operation with chilly low temperatures and highs staying in the 50s keeping the crowds low. This coming weekend should be interesting since it is supposed to be sunny and in the 60s with a south wind.

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  • 3 weeks later...
^They still have to build the queue line and loading station, as well as completing all theming aspects of the ride itself. Also, the splash pool and all other water aspects of the ride will take time to complete.


Oh yeah, I totally get that. I was just making fun of Six Flags since I wasn't expecting vertical construction until at least March or April. I meant two months ahead of the "Six Flags schedule."

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Regardless, this ride will be a great addition to the park. I visited in December, so I can't speak from experience, but I imagine it gets scorching hot in the summer. This ride will pull a huge line during those days I imagine.


I'm really hoping we get one of these at SFMM next year. With all these shoot-the-chute rides leaving, I'd love to see modern water coasters like this gain popularity - especially in the warmer states.

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If I had to guess, 4 min per cycle x 20 per car = 300 people per hr. This line will be death in the summer. Pulsar says 950 per hr but this is Six Flags and without the turntable. Even if 2 min cycles are possible which I doubt they are.....still only 600 per hr. We will see. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Six Flags, please replace all of your aging, decrepit splash boats with these. Thanks.

That is a movement i could get behind


Just seeing these photos, it makes the scale of this thing a whole lot more noticeable! I knew it was a big ride, but seeing how it is physically fitting in the park now makes it seem even more massive. I am wondering, will this ride have a water filtration / cleaning system or are they just gonna let the water turn into liquid death like they did with the old aquaman?

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Six Flags, please replace all of your aging, decrepit splash boats with these. Thanks.

That is a movement i could get behind


Just seeing these photos, it makes the scale of this thing a whole lot more noticeable! I knew it was a big ride, but seeing how it is physically fitting in the park now makes it seem even more massive. I am wondering, will this ride have a water filtration / cleaning system or are they just gonna let the water turn into liquid death like they did with the old aquaman?



What you don't like pink eye?

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