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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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Not everyone is willing to spend an additional $40 for the Flash Pass. I can understand how they're glad it's not going to be possible for other people to essentially "cut in front of them" to make the normal line wait even longer.

Someone who is not willing to spend the additional $40 doesn't have to. They can just wait in line based on the choice they made not to buy the FlashPass.


Sounds like some people are just more butt hurt that they can't afford or don't want to pay the up-charge who want to spite the people who CAN by being happy the service isn't being offered, because seriously, how much do FlashPass users REALLY impact the normal line?


Very, very little.



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^How does SFOT run their FlashPass system? Is it similar to the QBots, i.e. SFMM? Because if so, I'm all for them, and I don't see why Texas Giant won't be on it if it isn't just because it's not ready or something.


If they're like SFA though, it's a hot mess. They reserve one of Superman's two trains for FlashPass users only, it's crazy. But that's just how they roll in Largo, I guess.

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SFoT's Flash Pass is the evolved Q-bot, yes. You still virtually wait the same amount of time the people riding the ride do (well, as good as the ride ops can estimate at least). I've never seen them reserve more than the number of people from Flash Pass currently waiting, never entire trains/cars. And most of the rides just have the Flash Pass people enter the queue right before the station anyway. I thought it was a fair system, until they introduced the more-controversial and costlier "Gold" and "Platinum versions."


Gold lets you wait a reduced amount of time, Platinum lets you wait even less and lets you "wait once, ride twice." At least with the normal one you can rationalize everyone is waiting the same amount of time, one is just paying for the privilege to not wait in a line. The Gold and Platinum basically straight out say "people who can afford $84 more for the first person can wait in a much shorter line and ride twice for their efforts."


Getting a little philosophical, Six Flags was the first park to do the pay-one-price model which, when compared to parks where everything is an upcharge, just seemed kind of fair and equal to everyone. The Gold/Platinum Flash Passes seem to go against that somewhat. But I'm likely thinking too much into it...

Edited by BrandonR
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I've seen very well-run Flash Pass systems, and very poorly run Flash Pass systems (SFA isn't the only one that sometimes has issues). I can see why some people would be happy to not have Texas Giant on Flash Pass, but overall SFOT seemed to do a good job with the system on my visit, and I don't think it will affect the normal wait very much.


And if the Flash Pass people didn't have Flash Passes, they would just be in the normal line, making the line longer. Either way, you're waiting about the same amount of time. I can see why Gold and Platinum Flash Passes upset people, but they are so expensive. How many people really pay $90+ for a Platinum Pass?

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Its completely off-topic relative to the NTG, and I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that the basic flashpass actually takes off 25% of the estimated wait time, at SFOT anyway...with gold and platinum being 50% and 90% respectively.

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I see both sides in flash passes, i do buy them, if i want to get through a park quickly for some reason, or if the lines are just hellacious that day, but the majority of times i do not. It can get very annoying when you see a heavy stream of people flooding in in front of you, and theres nothing you can do about it.


In the end though, why let it get to you? i go to parks to have fun, and honestly, if im waiting in line its time to talk to the people i came with and have a good time, not to get worked up that someone is paying to cut in front of me.

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and it says that NTG will NOT be available with a Flash Pass.


I'm all for that! Maybe after it's been open a couple of years they can add it to Flash Pass, but those lines are going to be looooooooooong this year and the last thing I'd want to see is a bunch of folks doing a "legit cutting in line" to make it even longer.

Why would you be "all for that?" Why would you be "all for waiting in line", when you don't have to?


Disappointed to hear that Texas Giant may not be on Flash pass. I do hope that is not actually the case, and they simply just haven't added it to the system because the ride isn't open yet.




Doesn't it seem that usually "new" rides aren't on the passes for their first couple of months anyway? I've got just the Orlando parks to base off of, but... Harry Potter, Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rocket and even Manta all started out without a quick queue option, adding them a few months into their operation.

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Sounds like some people are butthurt that they have to wait in the normal line like everyone else.

Gee, with TWO posts now doing nothing but slamming my comments. Sounds like your only agenda is to troll my posts and be a dick. Sorry, you're banned!



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Sounds like some people are butthurt that they have to wait in the normal line like everyone else.

Gee, with TWO posts now doing nothing but slamming my comments. Sounds like your only agenda is to troll my posts and be a dick. Sorry, you're banned!



Yup, just figured out this person is just someone who was once banned from TPR for being a douchebag, and they are only back to troll my posts. Seriously people, you MUST have better things to do in your life. With an internet full of free porn, and loads of nutritional information to read at your local supermarket, why are you trolling a roller coaster website???

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Some people have no lives ... it's sad.


Back to the subject of the FlashPass ...


I honestly don't see why anybody who is travelling to visit a park they never have visited, or very rarely visit WOULDN'T get the FlashPass.


I wouldn't get the FlashPass for SFMM unless I had some out of town friends that were visiting on an extremely busy day. As it is I visit the park 12-15 times per year so it's not worth it for me.


But if I was going to SFOT this year (and we may indeed be) I will certainly be getting the FlashPass.

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^I won't go to a theme park in the ON-season if I couldn't afford the flash pass in the first place. The price of it is just kind of part of the price of admission to me now. Robb has explained before, if you compare it to going to the movies, its around $10 for tickets and another $10-15 on food. So ONE PERSON is now paying $25 for an hour and a half of entertainment. At a theme park, you get an entire DAY of entertainment, so it is only fair that it should cost more than the movies.


Most enthusiasts never pay full price to get into a park, if they are even paying at all because they have season passes. Is it not worth it to pay an extra $50ish per person to be entertained ALL DAY and NOT wait in line doing so? Seems like a STEAL to me!

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^ Agreed. But most people don't grasp this concept...or...just want to complain about it, which I think is actually the case.


Like Gregg said, most people who are visiting their local park will go several times during the year, and most of those times will probably be during off-peak periods where you wouldn't need the Flash Pass anyway. I mean, why would you purposely visit a park that you live close to when you KNOW it's going to be slam packed busy? And if it is, you're a local. Just come back another time. Easy.


Honestly, if you live local to a park to go several times during the year, and you CHOOSE to go during a time where lines are 2+ hours long, and you also CHOOSE not to get the Flash Pass, then the only person you have to blame is yourself.




A. Plan better

B. Spend the money

C. Don't bitch


IMO, those are the only options in this argument.



Edited by robbalvey
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With an internet full of free porn, and loads of nutritional information to read at your local supermarket, why are you trolling a roller coaster website???


I lol'd at this. I get the flash pass everytime. I'm not waiting 2+ hours to ride when I'm only at the park for a day.


Now back to the topic of Texas Giant, has there been an announced date for when the ride will open? I didn't see anything on the first page, and I'm not digging through 227 pages to find it, so I apologize if this seems like a noob question.

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I also see both arguments in this Flash Pass battle. I personally have never used a Flash Pass or any similar system at any of the theme parks that I have visited because I am patient enough to deal with long lines. If I only have a limited time at a park I could see spending the extra money to experience all that the park has to offer, but when I go to parks I plan to spend at least an entire day so I am not bothered by long lines(unless I have already been to that park).


I have seen people that reserve their spots and then sit outside of the line for the 2+ hours and then get their ride and I laughed

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I really don't like this mid-May rumor. Now I'm even more anxious for the announcement. I had been wondering if "late spring" was meant to be taken literally, or if it was just a vague way of saying "not early spring".


I also don't like the "no q-bots" rumor...if lines are long, I would definitely want to use Gold or Plat to save me!


I read this just a minute ago while I was browsing the SFOT fan page on Facebook, I'm not sure if it's true but we'll find out in less then 4 hours! Anyway, here's the quote. The rejiggered Giant is set to reopen later this month with steel rails replacing the old, rough wooden ones, but with the wood-frame design intact. It will, Lipincky said, “be a game-changer.”

Found on: http://www.dallasnews.com/news/community-news/arlington/headlines/20110305-six-flags-over-texas-opens-50th-anniversary-season-with-cold-winds-warm-memories.ece?ssimg=137489#ssStory137355

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I also see both arguments in this Flash Pass battle. I personally have never used a Flash Pass or any similar system at any of the theme parks that I have visited because I am patient enough to deal with long lines. If I only have a limited time at a park I could see spending the extra money to experience all that the park has to offer, but when I go to parks I plan to spend at least an entire day so I am not bothered by long lines(unless I have already been to that park).

While I do understand that, and totally appreciate your patience, keep in mind that, even though you don't mind the long lines, think about how much more you could get out of your day with the Flash Pass.


For example, I used to get crap from some people when we'd go to Universal Orlando, and the lines would only be 20-30 minutes, and we'd still get the Express Passes. People would say "I'm not spending $40 for an Express Pass when the line is only 20 minutes."


But my response is "It may only be 20 minutes, but would you rather wait 0 minutes, or 20 minutes?"


And think about it this way, if we used the Express Passes on 10 rides where the lines may have only been 20 minutes, we just saved ourselves over THREE HOURS in the park! And that means that we could have...


- A less rushed day, because we don't need to worry about getting in everything quickly

- We might have more time for smaller rides that we may not have normally had time for

- Could go back and re-ride something that we really liked

- Have more time to get a nice sit down meal and relax instead of a rushed quick service meal

- Head out of the park three hours earlier and just have a nice relaxing night at the hotel and a good night of sleep!


You can see a common thread in my reasoning to use them, and I think that is virtual queue devices often allow a much more relaxed, less hassle day at a theme park. But again, it's all how you prioritize things. If none of the above are high on your priority list, but saving $40 is, then by all means, avoid getting the Flash Passes....but at the same time, don't wish evil thoughts on those that do.


That's all I'm saying.



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^ Totally agreed Robb.


I remember when we went to SFOG we debated getting the Flash Pass. Just got the regular one in the morning, rode some stuff and then actually ended up going back later in the day to get the Gold. Sure, we could have waited in the lines, but we wouldn't have gotten multiple rides on Superman, GASM, Cyclone, Scorcher, etc.


Same thing with SFGAdv, we only had a limited amount of time in the park (4 hours I think) and we managed to do everything in the park including Kingda Ka (and this was the year it opened).


I've used FlashPass at SFOG, SFGAdv, SFOT and SFDK and every time it's been money WELL spent.


I personally have no patience for lines and have become quite spoiled with the FlashPass/FastPass.

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I can see both sides of the argument, and personally I don't have a problem with the lines. Whenever I go, I generally plan on going on the less-busy, middle-of-the-week days so the lines aren't crazy. But I understand that waiting in lines are a part of going to parks. And given that the parks in my area don't have a virtual queue system, it's kind of a moot point. But if I were to go to a park for a day that had the virtual queue option, I might consider it, although whether or not I can actually afford it would be the biggest decider.

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Epic fail on that countdown ticker they had, apparently they were about 12 hours off. How did they NOT notice that...too funny. I for one stayed up late to see if it would reveal as did several others that I know, it just went neagitve time instead

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