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New Hashpipe coming!

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Searching around RCDB the other day and I searced Halfpipe. Usually there are only 2 listings, the SFEG one, and the one in Finland. But now there is another listing!




So it will be in Roppongi, Minato Tokyo Japan. Looks like 1 more stop on the 2007 TPR Trip!


The park (if you remember) was known for fires which killed 3 employees.


Halfpipe is suppose to be located on top of a building, chances are it is some building like this: http://www.tdctrade.com/imn/img/retail091a.jpg

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^It would be cool if they had one, but they would have to re-do the entire roof.


This will be a great coaster if it opens. If they want to make the neighbors happy, they would just have to close it at a time like 8. It is a small coaster, and does not deserve all this attention. They could even add noise screens by the station.

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Yeah the first season the HalfPipe seemed a lot louder somehow... It was also running pretty rough towards the end of the season... This year it was quiet and it seemed to run smoother...


Maybe I am remembering things wrong or maybe Intamin has worked out some stuff on the ride...

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Oh yeah. I heard about this on the news a while back. It seems as if the owners of the businesses below aren't too happy about the noise. Who could really blame them; I wonder if if any law suits will happen.


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^Dude, I thought you were going to be out of town!


We'd love to meet up!


Do you and Robb talk at all? I'll be in town on the 10th, my family flies in on the 11th, I get married on the 17th, honeymoon from the 18th to the 21st. I have no idea if that works with your schedule, but I'd love to meet up with you!


Chris B

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Ya the hashpipe would be great on stratosphere except add a bit of excitement to the thrill of being 900 feet up...TILT IT!! Tilt it or lean the track a bit sidways so it hangs out over the edge!!

Just modify the train so when its time to load the train it flattens out from tilt mode to flat mode and then back to tilt mode to ride!!!

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