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Question about first Cedar Point Trip

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8 hours ago, coasterbill said:

I'm confused by what's going on here... so you already have plane tickets to Florida?

What on earth?

No. I have plane tickets that will expire by May 2025. I don’t know  if I can get them extended. 

I was answering the guy who asked if I had made a decision and then I got lots of good feedback when I explained I may go somewhere else this summer :) 

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For what it is worth, I am planning a trip to cedar point a few weeks from now. I am planning to stop by waldameer on my way over and get to CP sunday afternoon/ evening, spending all day monday there before heading to KI.

I am hoping it won't be too busy, though may get a flash pass if i need to and almost hoping dragster doesn't reopen and draw crowds of people.

There are so many coasters i love that it is worth it even if the big one trick pony (is it 2 or 3 tricks now) isn't up and running.

The late summer breeze off the lake should be nice this time of year.

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On 8/2/2024 at 5:00 PM, Doppel Looping said:

For what it is worth, I am planning a trip to cedar point a few weeks from now. I am planning to stop by waldameer on my way over and get to CP sunday afternoon/ evening, spending all day monday there before heading to KI.

I am hoping it won't be too busy, though may get a flash pass if i need to and almost hoping dragster doesn't reopen and draw crowds of people.

There are so many coasters i love that it is worth it even if the big one trick pony (is it 2 or 3 tricks now) isn't up and running.

The late summer breeze off the lake should be nice this time of year.

Tell me how it goes! What’s your top three rides in the park? I was able to get my plane tickets extended so hallelujah! I will be using the advice I got here for my 2025 trip for sure. 

I may still go to BGT this year as I’m kind of pumped to go somewhere. But I’m not sure if I will or not. I’ll make a separate thread if i do.


Thanks for everything guys ❤️

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On 8/7/2024 at 11:39 PM, prozach626 said:

Damn bruh. Just pull the trigger. You'll have fun, regardless.

I think you misunderstood me, or I misunderstand you lol. I feel I have pulled the trigger because I have my tickets extended through 2025. I feel a lot better about just giving up on going this year and giving them time to work on TT2. I’m thinking first week of June that has 9-10pm as the hours. Unfortunately breakers wouldn’t let me schedule that far. 

Buch gardens is kind of a separate thing. I’m kinda waiting to see about the Hurricane and Kumba is having its maintenance from the 12th to 25th. I love how open they are about that on their website!

Super helpful just like you guys!  Ride on

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