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The "Sören´s Way To Disney" Thread

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congrats Soren!


I too am a College Program alumni (spring adv 2003) and all I can say is you are in for quite an experience! You will get to meet people from all over the world! Plus you can't beat living in the commons...hey it has free laundry afterall!


Some advice...see and do as much as you can...not just on property but the surrounding area too. Some of my best memories came from adventures around central Florida!

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Hey guys,

first of all thanks for the nice words, again! I am sure I´ll finde my way, with or without my parents help!


Very cool Soren. My wife and I will be down there in October so, when the time comes closer, I'll have to check in with you.


That would be nice! I hope to meet as much people from the boards as I can!



Will you be staying in those treehouse things? When we wree there a couple of weeks ago, we took the boat by them and they said the International Program people stay there.


I´ll stay at the Commons. That is the Disney-owned housing complexe. Here is a picture of the area:


The Commons



Some advice...see and do as much as you can...not just on property but the surrounding area too. Some of my best memories came from adventures around central Florida!


I have heard a few storys from an Ex-IP! I really want to go on a few trips in the US. I have planed a few things, but I let you all know before I go on a trip!



Aaaaaah! I want my disney package....


I am sure you get your package, soon!



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Hey Soren, really sorry to hear you dont have your parents support but you cant please everyone all the time, just follow your heart, which I know is exactly what you will be doing


I can't believe you have your package, I have been told to expect mine sometime in the new year which I know isn't far away but I'm just so inpatient! However I did get my criminal background disclosure form back today which was great as it says I am a cast member and that my employer is Walt Disney World woo hoo!


Anyway for everybody who is reading this and will be visiting the most magical place on earth between March 2006 and March 2007 come and find me in either the Rose and Crown or fish and chip shop in the UK pavillion in World Showcase, I look forward to meeting u all there

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I´ve gotten my new E-Pass (electronic passport)! I had to pay for that new passport € 60,-! That really sucks! It is so expensive for that bit of paper and a picture! The old German passport only has cost appr. € 30,-! However, i need the new one for my year at Disney! I needed some new pictures for this new one! They have a new norm for the new E-Pass! I think I am looking like a ganster! Anyway, I have made some picture of the passport! Here you can take a look at it!


EDIT: No longer some pictures from my passport! Sorry!



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  • 4 weeks later...

OMG, the problems are starting!


Hey everyone,

In one week I have to go to the US Embassy for my visa! I have that date for the meeting since 3 weeks and told this the International Services (Disney Recruiting Company for Europe). They said it is no problem, they will send me the I797 document for the visa! Okay!

Last week I wrote them an e-mail and asked them for the document, because I have gotten nothing till now! They told me it will be no problem, I will get it just in time!

However, today they called me and told me, it looks like I will not get the document to that date! OMG, that really sucks! Because I bought a train ticket for that date and can not change it for another date! I paid € 160.- for the train ticket!

I feel so bad. I hope to find a good way for this problem!



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I'm suprised that the US hasn't stooped to the "E-Passport" level. We still have the good ol' booklets that look awesome (from the outside, at least).


Sorry to hear about all of the problems! Preparations for going to foreign countries can be a hassle, but, in the end, it is all worth it.

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The US Embassy are a pain to work with, mostly becuase they are so slow in getting back to you. You can understand why though with terrorist security and whatnot. Still, it's a pain in the butt expecially when you make plans and then have to reschedule....wasting time and money. I also found them to be very rude and not very helpfull.


Luckily, my dad used to work for the British Consulate so things were processed a lot quicker...but still slow.


Hang in there, it'll all work out eventually!



EDIT - Sorry, I forgot to mention that when I graduated High School I was invited to study at Disney Studios and Skywalker Ranch, but unfortunately couldn't afford either one of them. I did get to tour around Disneys property though for their CM's, and it really is amazing and a fun envoronment. I made a few friends there in the few days I visited, so you'll have a blast! Follow your heart and you'll do ok!

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First of all, thanks for the nice words, guys!


I called the US Embassy and the gave me a new date for the visa interview! I also went to the German train company and thanks god I´ve gotten a new ticket! I only had to pay € 30,- for changing the ticket! Anyway, now I have to go to the US Embassy on Feb. the 23rd. I hope till then I will have all my documents!



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I can't believe that I have only just found this thread...


After reading all 15 pages, I feel both happy and sad for you Soren and here is why.


Happy that you are able to follow your dreams where ever they might take you, and that you are taking the chance for a new experience...


Sad because you are going to be working in the German area at the same time as Octoberfest and there will be one Rabid Disney in your area around this time, just look in the nearest gutter to find him.


Mate, I wish you the best and hope that the next year will bring you nothing but joy and happyness while in the USA....have fun....

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Thanks for the nice words, guys!


Only 4 weeks for me, before I have to fly to Orlando and it looks like everything is working fine so far! Last week I had a problem with a document for the visa, but now it is here! Next week I have to go to the US Embassy for my visa, then I´ll post a new update!



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Update: 02/22 - Wish me luck!


Hey guys,

tomorrow is my Visa meeting at the US Embassy in Berlin! They told me no cell phones and no cameras! However, maybe I can make a few nice pictures from Berlin! I´ll post the pictures tomorrow! For the visa meeting I have to get up at 03:00am to catch the train from Bremen to Berlin at 04:10am! I hope everything will work fine and I get my visa stamp soon! Have I said that I am a bit afraid? Anyway, I´ll let you know tomorrow how it was!



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