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Six Flags [FUN] Corporate Discussion Thread

p. 91: Six Flags and Cedar Fair to enter "merger of equals" agreement, company will still be called "Six Flags"

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My question to that is as of 1/6/25, do you need the passport to get into legacy Six Flags parks if your legacy membership already gets you into all parks? I'm kind of confused about that. I mean I'll probably buy it anyway for the Cedar Fair end of things but it seems a bit vague on if legacy memberships will be valid at all legacy Six Flags parks next year like they have been.

My 4x use of the word legacy makes this a very pertigiois post. Very premium. (I had rewrite that 3 times to get my phone to not autocorrect it to prestigious lol)

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It is interesting that Fiesta Texas has a Prestige Pass for a lot cheaper than Cedar Point but it doesn't appear to come with the two free bring a friend tickets per year per the ad.  Plus they can't spell "Prestige" in the ad.  What is a "Pertige Pass"?


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yup . . about to update that in the Fiesta Texas thread. . .it was shown during the FT92 event that also announced some new Houses for FrightFest.


those prices are special introductory prices for initial offering in about a week (Jeffrey said they will go on sale mid-August for a limited time)

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21 hours ago, Zand said:

My question to that is as of 1/6/25, do you need the passport to get into legacy Six Flags parks if your legacy membership already gets you into all parks? I'm kind of confused about that. I mean I'll probably buy it anyway for the Cedar Fair end of things but it seems a bit vague on if legacy memberships will be valid at all legacy Six Flags parks next year like they have been.

My 4x use of the word legacy makes this a very pertigiois post. Very premium. (I had rewrite that 3 times to get my phone to not autocorrect it to prestigious lol)

at least at Fiesta Tx, was clearly stated that Legacy Memberships are not going away.

you keep what you are currently at.

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15 hours ago, SoCalJasonland said:

It is interesting that Fiesta Texas has a Prestige Pass for a lot cheaper than Cedar Point but it doesn't appear to come with the two free bring a friend tickets per year per the ad.  Plus they can't spell "Prestige" in the ad.  What is a "Pertige Pass"?


yeah. . it's from the presentation at FT92, I'm assuming this is from pics of that event, and not an official press release.  (as you can see, the fixed it in the "double-pass" slide)

as the moment the slide came up?  Jefferey caught it and spent a few moments making fun of the typo in the slide :)


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Yeah, still a lot of unanswered questions about how the legacy memberships will work at CF parks if the add-on is purchase.  Currently, I have the Diamond Elite VIP.  That gets me preferred parking, drink refills, 50% most mech and food, and 4 Flashpasses per visit.  Will that also carry over to CF parks?  If not, is it possible to upchage to do so?

Because prior to this, we got the CF Prestige Pass, and that also includes preferred parking, access to VIP lounge, and 1 Fastlane per visit.  Am I still going to have to get a separate Prestige Pass for CF if I want those benefits?  And how will that mesh with the SF Membership?  If I can't combine these benefits, then it appears I'll still have to get two separate passes?

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I was considering getting a Dorney Pass plus passport before but if the legacy SF memberships are staying the same then I'm absolutely keeping it just for the meal plan alone. Probably would be a LOT more than $16 per month if I cancelled it 😆

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1 hour ago, Zand said:

I was considering getting a Dorney Pass plus passport before but if the legacy SF memberships are staying the same then I'm absolutely keeping it just for the meal plan alone. Probably would be a LOT more than $16 per month if I cancelled it 😆

Since the stock ticker symbol is "FUN" and not "SIX", this is Cedar Fair with Six Flags name tags.  The old contracts are probably worth the goodwill that the new Six Flags wishes to extend or its willingness to not piss off existing customers.  Once they make enough profit, the terms tend to chnage in their favor.  I wonder when Sig Flags will visit Vegas and learn to charge a $39 per day resort fee?  You know: fountains, drinking fountains, bathrooms, perhaps a pool in the water park  are enough for a fee  Someday it will be $20 for a picture with Buggs but $10 for Daffy!

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Wow. I am quite surprised the memberships survive and that it's fairly cheap to add on the all park passport. So if I am reading all this correctly that means that for an extra $8.25 a month I retain my DEVIP perks at all original SF parks and also get parking/entry to all original CF parks but no other perks at said CF parks. Does that sound correct?

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^ that's how I understood it. . but they didn't really go into detail.

probably not until in 2025 when the parks fully "merge". . then I'm sure they'll talk about it (and raise the price) :p


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4 hours ago, tndank said:

2025 passes now on sale.  ~$350 for All Parks add on to a Prestige pass seems a bit over priced and crazy in my opinion.

Just looked to make sure you weren't joking and holy christ, this is insane.  I checked St Louis, which is $99 for Prestige and then $375 for the all-parks pass.  Ridiculous.

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I'm good with it. Keep the parks less crowded, as long as the service and pReMiUm eXpeRiEnCE improves. Lower prices won't feel so out of place compared to the cost of living increases and gas to get there. I hope they make sure to jack food prices up 30-40%, too.

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1 hour ago, Zand said:

When till the membership add on go on sale? I want to purchase before they change their mind about how cheap that add on is lol.


LOL.. . well that certainly explains why when I asked how much non Legacy Membership cost for the add one would be?  I got a "not sure"




certainly seems high, but if includes parking, and you visit multiple parks in a year?   really not too bad.

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14 hours ago, tndank said:

2025 passes now on sale.  ~$350 for All Parks add on to a Prestige pass seems a bit over priced and crazy in my opinion.



But $125 to add to the Gold Pass isn't bad.

$155 for all SF dining seems high when home park is only $80.
But then the CF version is also $155 vs $95 for home park.

Still seems high to add dining for other parks. So I visit home park 50 times and eat 100 meals.
or travel and have 10 of those visits to other parks instead. Still the same number of visits and meals.

The whole all park situation seems to discourage visiting other parks rather than encourage it.


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^ again. . just looking at my Fiesta page. . .

I see the Dining add on for 99.

and then the note says that if I buy the $350 all park add on, those benefits extend to all parks.

so saving a little $$


but as it's only August, and my current Diamond pass is good until Jan?  I'll wait for the Black Friday sales and see what the offer might be, I suspect some sort of discount (I would hope)

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At this point, the prestige just seems like such a waste unless you really want to park a little closer and one skip the line each visit.  Another reason is if you have a park like Fiesta that might have exclusive events.  Other parks most likely aren't going to.  

These two separate addons, etc are just making me purchase a couple all park gold passes from Canada Wonderland and calling it at day for next year. That's parking and admission and all I really need.

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