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Lotte World opening new attraction: 'PUBG Battlegrounds World Agent', with Triotech

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Lotte World in Seoul, South Korea will be opening new attracton: 'PUBG Battlegrounds World Agent' this year. 

It is the work done combined with Lotte World and Triotech. 

As you know Triotech is famous for several attractions, including 'XD Dark Ride', which Lotte World already has one. 

Recently, Lotte World's XD Dark Ride changed its ride film to 'Robot Riot'. 


Breaking News! Armies of alien robots have descended upon the earth and are wreaking havoc in a bid to take control of the Earth.

Famous cities around the world is under attack, with the civilians panicking. 

Use your gun to take these alien robots down and save the world! Good Luck! 

Bonus Points (+500): Canister with green light 

Don't Shoot (-500): Fleeing civilians 


Now, Here's a main story for today: 

Triotech officially announced at IAAPA, they're building a new attraction themed as 'PUBG Battlegrounds', world famous PVP game. 

It will be opening in Lotte World this year, with construction already reaching final steps. 

It can get 16 people at once. 

 Theme Story: 

Guests, thinking about having a great time as PVP player of PUBG Battlegrounds, board on C-130 transport plane set to travel to the battleground on the island of Erangel.

However, debris from an explosion near an abandoned nuclear facility hits the plane and forces it to crash land at the Sosnovka Military Base.


Guests survive the crash, but unknown enemies ambush them. 

Guests have to fight the enemies with their guns, and must escape back to Lotte World at any cost. 


According to images from famous Korean blogger, this experience will have 2 shooting areas. 

Shooting area 1: Street Fight 

Shooting area 2: Gunfight on the moving truck 

I just realized this experience might be similar to experience of 'Fear The Walking Dead: Survival' in Trans Studio Bali. 

Located in Indonesia, this indoor amusement park in shopping mall is extremely famous, and currently, this ride is still open, but with some ride name change. 


Guests are a group of survivors who seek refuge after zombies attacked Bali, Indonesia. 

However, a leader of shelter sends a bad news that he can't accept guests into the community, due to lack of supplies and survivors. 

With a new deal, guests are sent into the building basement where they shoot down the zombies while survivors try to collect supplies before leaving to new safe zone in airport. 

With supplies retrieved, now guests are sent into the truck that sends them into hospital overtaken by zombies and the streets of Bali, where zombies have taken over. 

Guests must defend themselves using a gun until they successfully arrive into a safe zone in airport. 


1. Elevator: Guests ride a elevator down to shelter, only to hear a bad news from a leader of shelter that he can't accept guests into the community, due to lack of supplies and survivors. 

With a new deal, guests are sent into the building basement where they will shoot down zombies while survivors try to collect supplies. 

2. Basement (1st shooting area): Guests take down zombies with their guns to help survivors collect supplies. Later, alarm gets triggered, sending guests into a truck, ready to transport them to new safe zone in the airport. 

3. Truck (2nd shooting area): Guests ride on the truck that goes through fallen hospital and streets of Bali. They have to shoot down zombies while truck is taking them to new safe zone in the airport. 

4. Safe Zone (End Results): Once truck arrives in the safe zone, guests can see their scores by their pictures taken in the middle of the ride. 


'PUBG Battlegrounds World Agent 'expected order: 

1. C-130 transport plane: C-130 transport plane takes off after guests board in. However, debris from an explosion near an abandoned nuclear facility hits the plane and forces it to crash land at the Sosnovka Military Base.

2. Street Fight (1st shooting area): Guests hide on the building debris and engage themselves in a gunfight, taking down unknown enemies who ambushes them. 

3. Truck (2nd shooting area): Guests ride on the truck, and engage themselves in a gunfight, taking down enemies while truck tries to transport them into escape area. 

4. Escape (End Results): Once truck arrives safely back to Lotte World, guests can see their scores by their pictures taken in the middle of the ride.   

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's official departure schedule of C-130 transport plane to the island of Erangel. 

1. May 2: Exclusive Private VIPs, selected from the event.

From April 18 to April 25, Lotte world got Google form from interested people. Anyone who are interested in the experiencing this event early, have to submit Google Form. Lotte World officially announced special VIPs who will be taken on private exclusive early tour of the attraction on April 26, to total of 50 people. These 50 lucky VIPs will take early flight to island of Erangel on May 2. 

2. May 5 (Children's Day in South Korea): C-130 transport plane will officially start to take general public to the island of Erangel. Be warned, to travel to island of Erangel, you have to be taller than 120cm. 


Got some recent photos, thanks to local media. 

1. C-130 transport plane: C-130 transport plane takes off after guests board in. However, debris from an explosion near an abandoned nuclear facility hits the plane and forces it to crash land at the Sosnovka Military Base.


2. Street Fight (1st shooting area)



3. Truck (2nd shooting area)


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