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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Not that I'm aware of. I think it's a first.


Here's some stuff from the original press release..


* Features six near-miss moments and first-ever thrills including a record-breaking loop.


Vital Stats


- 167 feet tall.

- 3800 feet of track.

- Reaches top speeds of 65 mph and towers 17 stories over Universal Studios Florida.

- Will be largest, tallest, fastest X track installation in the world.

- 1st coaster to ever include onboard guest selectable audio and 1 person video capture.

- New X Car designed by Universal Creative to include audio, video, and color changing Daylight LED.


- 3 new maneuvers:

+ Doubletake - Non-inverting loop.

+ Treble Clef - Ascending high-G helix into a Hi-Hat stall and vertical dive.

+ Jump Cut - Spiraling negative-G camelback.


- Other maneuvers:

+ Crowd Surfer - Overbanked curve crowd fly-by.

+ Drop Tuning - Sideways drop into chasm.

+ Plot Twist - Sideways loop.

+ Chorus - High speed ground maneuvers.

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Does anyone have any idea as to how the "people mover loading and unloading" to be installed on HRRR will work? I am assuming that there is a moving sidewalk or the cars are continuously moving. Does anyone know more?

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^I'm assuming it's some gimmick with moving floor space. The cars will stop for loading, I'm sure - I don't want to think about what it would be like to manage that mess.


If there is a moving floor, that does imply that the dispatches will have to keep a regular pace, so no slacking when you're being seated! I can just see some large fellow putting a dent on the whole show when it takes 10 mins to convince him that he's too large to ride.

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^The vehicles on Mulholland Madness at DCA are constantly moving through the station...and theres no moving floor there.


It can work rather easily. It's very easy to stop and resume vehicle motion. And Rock It vehicles will be easier to get into than an Xcar Im sure.

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I've heard Crush's Coaster was modified for Disney to have perpetually moving cars. I dunno about the floor, but looking at the RCDB pics it almost looks like there's a small strip of floor next to the track. Maybe the strip moves with the cars? Maybe someone who's been there can confirm one way or the other.


I don't like the looks of the ride in the sense of aesthetics. As a ride, though, it looks MUCH better that I was anticipating.

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Yes, there will be a moving floor. Universal has contracted Magic Carpet to do the loading system. They're the same company doing the load system for the Harry Potter attraction. It'll work just like any other attraction with continuously loading vehicles. Cars and floor moving at the same speed.

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That may be one way Universal is satisfying J.K. Rowling's wishes that everyone has a wizarding world experience like in the books. She wanted some very unrealistic terms, as described in this Jim Hill Media article.


That sounds like a way to satisfy her wishes while also vastly improving guest flow issues.


Nice picture too. That looks like a castle spire, and I've not seen any pictures of that yet. Do you have anymore, because it's rather hard to tell where that is.

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It does look like a castle spire.. or maybe the roof of Hagrid's Hut?! Since the retheme of the Flying Unicorn is being themed to Hagrid and that part of the Hogwarts "campus"..


I'm wondering if the queue of the attraction will wind its way through the different area's of Hogwarts (which would be awesome).. or if there will also be a whole separate area in the castle that will be open to all guests.


Can you imagine if they have a character dining/show that takes place throughout Hogwarts and ends with dinner in the Great Hall??! That would make the long waiting list at Cinderella's Castle seem like NOTHING and would be a must do for a ton of guests and people would pay!


They could even hold it after park hours (in the offseason) and have guests take a boat from the Port of Entry to Hogwarts.. in the dusk/darkness.. it'd be HUGE!


Anyways.. I do hope they can capture the creepy/scary atmosphere of some parts of the book in the ride instead of making it too kiddy!

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I've not been around for a while, but just got back from spending NEw Year in Orlando, and I have to say while I'm really looking forward to HP land, IOA really screwed up with the queueing system for Duelling Dragons while they have areas closed off.

It was really busy when we were there (as was WDW, so much for the global credit crunch!) and when we reached the end of the queue (at the JP entrance/exit, people were complaining as the staff seemed pretty clueless on the waiting time from there. We walked around to see how far it was backed up and where the express pass entrance was and ended up not going on till the very end of the day.


Oh, and the Bluto ride was closed.

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Today I've got some photos of the remaining track in the vacant lot where Rip, Ride, Rockit's storage has been for quite some time. It seems there isn't too much left to go, though I haven't been back inside of the park to see the physical construction (that should come soon).


Not too long until this is all gone...


A full view of the remaining track (save a few pieces behind the piles of dirt)...






The number of remaining track pieces is dwindling.


And progress greets me every morning that I pass...


Every day of the school week I am welcomed by this view...

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Just found this on the Universal Orlando website, as I was checking it out to see if they had their Superbowl Ad up yet.


The first 100,000 people to enter at http://www.universalheroes.com/ after the Superbowl Ad will win a free 7-day ticket!


Just thought I would give the heads up to everyone, have your computers ready while you watch the Superbowl!


Go Steelers!


Good Luck Everyone! Hope everyone wins some free tickets.

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They're giving away free tickets all day, basically. The Superbowl ad first aired around 12pm, and will continue to air in intervals throughout the rest of the day. There are 100,000 free tickets available in the 'entry window' between each airing of the commercial.


If you are one of the first one hundred thousand (100,000) individuals to register for the Giveaway following each live broadcast of the Universal Heroes Free Ticket Giveaway television commercial and before a subsequent live broadcast of the Universal Heroes Free Ticket Giveaway television commercial, you automatically will receive one (1) Universal Orlando 2-Park Seven Day Unlimited Ticket ("Ticket"), subject to verification of non-duplicate registrations.
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