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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Time to finish up this epic night!


The "zombie house" this year was Dead Exposure. A prequel to a zombie house of the same name from years ago.


Hey Mr. Zombie... don't eat my brains!


The "comedy house" this year was Slaughter Cinema. An homage to B movies that were never made.


I love the fake movie posters they made up for the transitions between each scene!


Demon Baby stole my heart... AND OUR SOUL!


Seeds of Extinction is in a brand new building WAY in the back of the tent house area. This is all about killer plants that take over the earth and it is incredibly detailed and while I didn't find it that scary, many are rating it as their scariest house!


It is filled with these guys and really cool puppets.. VERY hard to see where the scares are coming from.


Trick 'r Treat brings this popular Halloween movie to life, just like the scare zone last year!


NO SAM! Don't stab me with your lollypop!


Halloween Horror Nights sets itself apart from its competition by these amazing movie quality costumes, sets and lighting.


Time to finish another epic Halloween Horror Nights media event! Can't wait to come back many many times this year!

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That lady complaining on Twitter is mind boggling. Me and my fiancé did 7 out of 10 houses with a 100min wait for stranger things (worth it) plus academy of villains. We also left 15mins early or we could of queued for Carnival but we have frequent fear so we decided to get it on Sunday. She easily should of done all the houses last night with express. Stranger things was the only house I saw with an Express line wait

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Demon Baby stole my heart... AND OUR SOUL!]


Demon Baby! Oh no! Could it be?? Say it ain't so. It looks like: MAN-CHILD! Now THAT's scary!


(GREAT report and photos. Lots of works of art in those characters and costumes! So much to see!)



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It is absolutely incredible to me just how different Orlando and Hollywood's HHNs are. Orlando always seems to be at the top of their game, throwing a ton of money into the event and really getting into it. Hollywood just seems like a pure cash grab with a ton of empty space in the haunts. Such a shame.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So we went to HHN and USO/IOA last weekend, and it was a great time!

HHN was alot of fun, the fast pass was absolutely worth it, did all the houses and had time for rides and a show, still made it back to the hotel at a reasonable hour to boot.

We did make a mistake of doing the parks during day, then HHN at night. We were destroyed the last couple of hours, and the last few houses were not as enjoyable. Lessons learned for next year.


That said, was a fun time. HHN was good and the parks are still fun. Great detail on the houses, good selection of themes/movies and the scare zones are always a blast.


As for the parks I recall last year thinking the Mummy was surprising, and it did have some legit airtime. Last year the Hulk beat my head to a pulp. This time, did 2 rides on 2 diff days and it was perfectly fine. So who knows. Glad it was smooth, because that could be a top 15 ride, what an intense experience!!! The Harry Potter worlds are still mindblowing even having seen it a few times already, and I really love those rides, esp the Forbidden Journey.

So, nothing new really, just was glad the Hulk is either back to smooth (or maybe I just had a bad day last year) and we tackled HHN in a much better manner.

Oh, got my coaster hating gf to ride Hulk once, and shockingly she didnt hate it. Didnt care for it, but "I didnt regret it"


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First teaser poster has appeared. Numerous sites posted this yesterday with short articles talking about the announcement being in early 2019 and still leaning towards the theming being of Hagrid's motorcycle and the Forbidden Forest.


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First teaser poster has appeared. Numerous sites posted this yesterday with short articles talking about the announcement being in early 2019 and still leaning towards the theming being of Hagrid's motorcycle and the Forbidden Forest.


My sister and I visited USO/IOA on Sunday and we could see track for the new coaster. Looks like Intamin or Mack track. My guess is that Universal will try to beat Disney by opening this a few months before Galaxy's Edge is supposed to open.


Also, I found Hulk to be enjoyable. I was actually able to ride it twice back-to-back (the same can't be said for Rockit next door, which isn't easily rerideable). Is the refurbished Hulk a new credit compared to the old one?

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Does anyone else find this poster to be "thematically" a little odd?



Hear me out...


Putting aside that the whole point of this image was to send the message of "we are building a ROLLER COASTER in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter... yes a ROLLER COASTER is what our next attraction will be..."


Put that aside for a moment....


Does this poster seem a little odd "thematically?"


As far as I am aware, there weren't any roller coasters in the Harry Potter universe so seeing an image of roller coaster track with nothing else taking center of attention in this image is really strange to me. The roller coaster track represents the "technology" and the ride system in which the new attraction will be built on, not the actual theme of the ride vehicle itself.


Unless of course the theme of this ride is going in the direction of "Harry Potter built a roller coaster in his backyard," seeing an image of what is obviously roller coaster track seems to completely break the theming that Universal and JK Rowling have been so strict about.


For example, when Disney released concept images for Flight of Passage, they showed this:



They didn't show the ride vehicle or the screen or anything "behind the scenes" of what the attraction or ride system is because that would break the theming of the world it is set in.


So why do we have a picture of roller coaster track for this new Harry Potter attraction? Unless it literally is a roller coaster themed to a roller coaster in the Harry Potter land!


Do you see why I think this is. "thematically" a little strange?

Edited by robbalvey
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Hmm--that's an interesting point. A coaster track in the middle of Hogsmeade/Hogwarts does look a bit odd. Why not use an image of what the ride vehicle is supposed to look like flying through the air, or along a path?

Edited by cfc
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I totally get what you're saying. JK is so strict about the way the IP is presented and seen I'm surprised this is the first thing we're given for the new attraction. Didn't she even outlaw Coke, pizza, and other "non canon" Harry Potter universe items to be in that part of the park? I don't remember a canon coaster

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Maybe it's just simply a reassurance that it's an actual coaster and not a screen ride.

Next time you post here try actually READING THE POST YOU ARE RESPONDING TO before you respond as it will make you sound less stupid to those who are reading your posts.


Putting aside that the whole point of this image was to send the message of "we are building a ROLLER COASTER in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter... yes a ROLLER COASTER is what our next attraction will be..."


And that being said, if you knew nothing about this attraction, you wouldn't look at this poster here and think "screen ride"



Or what about this piece of concept art...



So to your comment, just showing a piece of "roller coaster track" doesn't always mean it WILL be a roller coaster!

Edited by robbalvey
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Yeah definitely think it's a bit odd with knowing how strict she is about everything Potter. I'm a casual Harry Potter fan, I've seen the movies and I enjoy the areas in the parks but I really don't remember those blue pixies in any of the forest scenes in the movies but I definitely could be wrong.


If this is going to be themed after Hagrid and his cycle or the blue floating car I am surpised they didn't show those in the poster instead.

Edited by Satans Hockey
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If this is going to be themed after Hagrid and his cycle or the blue floating car I am surpised they didn't show those in the poster instead.


Yes, that was my thought exactly. The coaster side of me is totally "okay" with that poster and I'm happy they are confirming it, but the "theme park" person in me just found it really, really odd that they would use the "ride system" and not the "ride theme" to be the very first official image they release for the new attraction.


I'm not complaining about it.. I just thought it was an odd choice given the property.

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Agreed, I really have no doubts that this ride should be a ton of fun. Those pixies cause some chaos and there's so many cool things they can take from the forbidden forest to incorporate with this ride.


It's crazy how many awesome new attractions Florida keeps getting. We haven't been able to get down there this year but between this, and everything Disney and the Busch parks have been doing we absolutely have to get a trip in next year.

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Fair enough, I'm not the brightest bulb and I tend to browse while working so I don't always pay enough attention.


I hope they spritz you in the face with water at the end of the ride. You know, to be consistent with the rest of the park.

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I hope they spritz you in the face with water at the end of the ride. You know, to be consistent with the rest of the park.

Oh, of course they will!


I almost feel like that's a representation of what Comcast does every time people go to these parks

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That's very odd to me as well, and it sort of takes away from the "mystique" of the theme. I can see if they didn't want to add Hagrid's motorcycle or the flying car just yet so they don't give away too much about the experience, but they could of easily just posted an ominous trackless picture of the forest or something and conveyed the same message.

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They could have put a trail of smoke there,

which could be either Hagrid's motorbike's, or the car's eco-friendly exhaust.

Or something else, of course.


Wonder how Ms. Rowling reacted when she saw the poster?

Obviously, she agreed to it, since they've posted it. But still.

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They could have put a trail of smoke there,

which could be either Hagrid's motorbike's, or the car's eco-friendly exhaust.

Or something else, of course.


Wonder how Ms. Rowling reacted when she saw the poster?

Obviously, she agreed to it, since they've posted it. But still.


She has markedly loosened up on her infamous control issues the last few years.

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